
“It offered me the life of the girl you *murdered*. Aimi Harue, do you remember her?”

“Hmph, you even know her name.”


Teeth and blood came out of Hikaru’s mouth when his face was smacked to his right side. Elijah had held him by the shoulder, so he didn’t fly away.

He also held back on that punch, but it was still at peak human strength. That said, the damage was worse because it wasn’t distributed much through the body and the surroundings, as opposed to Hikaru being pushed away.

Elijah had surpassed peak human strength, he could completely lift a car if he wanted to but could only throw it within ten meters.

If Elijah didn’t hold back, the force of his punch would have been a charging elephant and Hikaru’s head would explode rather than catapult away.

Hikaru coughed and spat out some blood. Elijah gave him a jolt and said, “Do you remember her?” in a threatening voice.

Hikaru looked at him emotionlessly before answering.
