
OP Parazyte Arc Begin


Surprised, Elijah jumped back immediately after his sword was broken.

He had intended to attack when the target was still in liquid form, but it had already hardened the moment he struck it.

Elijah wasn’t slow at all. His average speed was about 55 m/s and his sword reached his opponent in 0.18 seconds from the moment he reacted.

Unfortunately, his sword paid the price for the preemptive attack.

An eye grew out from the center of the black figure’s forehead. It looked at Elijah for a while before the eye sank back.

A vast network of a nervous system surfaced from the black structure, then a layer of muscle grew over it, fat and then skin layers.

The face was initially a blank white canvas until eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, ears, and hair grew out.

It was Hikaru’s face.

He smiled and said, “I believe we haven’t been formally introduced. My name is Hikaru and your name is Elijah, isn’t that right?”

What the…