Silence except for the rhythmic beeps of the stereo device, the low noise reverberating throughout the entire room. The group of three soldiers and one civilian is situated in a dark, dingy military shelter on the outskirts of District 37, hundreds of miles away from the Paramus Sea. They’d stayed here for the past three days and they look rather comfortable, too, donned in layers upon layers of cotton shirts, wool sweatshirts and hoodies.
The First Unit doesn’t give an aura of mercenaries when dressed so casually. Rather, they look to be retired folk, slouched down and with their feet propped up on the dining table. Yoo Seok is the epitome of lazed and uncaring, his one elbow propped up on the seat rest, his other hand holding a lightweight brown book. Some kind of old novel with the pages wrinkled and all. How he dug that up is a mystery.
“Why!” Jae repeats himself more insistently, throwing his hands up in restlessness. “Why is the Colonel not responding?!”