Chapter 1

    I have friends. I do. They just don't have superpowers and they don't go to my school. 

Other than Damon. But we won't tell him that.

Yep. I do. I am not lonely and that's it. I really need to go touch some grass. 

I mean instead of laying around in my bed rewatching the fictional characters that I claim to be in love with. I call that a productive day. 

We are gonna get married to all 30 of them so I would call that productive.

I'm starting to wonder if I'm really sane.

That's a conversation for another day.

Today was Saturday and I decided that instead of crying over men who sadly don't exist I should socialize.

 I called my friends Damon, Oliver Samuel and Ginny Sato. 

I feel like I'm going to regret this.

I've known them for so long but honestly what's the worst that could happen.

Ginny's birth name is Gianna but she said if she heard that come out of my mouth she would murder me and no one would even suspect it. 

A lesson some people had to find out the hard way.

If anything I did not see or think about that.

Wait I'm the mind reader here. I tend to forget that sometimes.

The three all grew up together. Neighbors and all. Our parents also work together at the government. 

Not two sure what they do specifically, they said it was classified information. 

Sometimes I wonder if the only training that they go through is to withhold information.

 They are lucky that I even have 3 friends.

Whenever I ask someone if I'm weird they say "not weird just different".

Honestly, what's that supposed to mean.

Not two long after the three arrived at my house. 

Since my parents were not home so they just all walked through my door like they owned the place as if they have lived there longer than I have but I am kinda used to it. 

It wasn't a weird thing they always did this.

The only way they cross the line is if they take my leftovers.

We got to my room. It was big, I am going to lie.

 My parents always told me to be honest and even teachers told me " Honesty is the best policy" little did they know that I would grow up to be an extremely blunt person. 

That's gonna backfire one day.

I feel like I need to keep my mouth shut. My bluntness will not always come in handy.

" Devyn your room is a complete mess. You are acting as if you live in a jungle. 

Have you even finished your homework? You need to start preparing for college. Ha-" Oliver said before being cut off by Damon.

" What are you, her mom. Chile, please. Sit your butt down before you get wrinkles'' Damon said.

" You know she doesn't like to clean her room. Like other people her age". Damon continued.

"Damon we are all the same age. You're acting like you're decades younger". Oliver said.

In my ears, their conversation began to fade as I started to pay attention to Ginny.

I chuckled at him coming back while Ginny on the other hand was on Devyn's bed scrolling through her phone. 

Not even noticing the argument that was about to bloom.

She was probably on Pinterest or Spotify.

This girl will create a playlist 24/7. She's more consistent with that than everything else.

I was still looking at Ginny. Not starting just observing.

She didn't really mind when I did that, none of my friends did.

I guess that they were all used to it.

I was cut off from my thoughts when I heard Oliver's voice but he was yelling.

This boy never yells. He's the type to rant but never raises his voice. It always stayed soft.

" I am NOT HER MOM,"  Oliver said, beginning to get frustrated.

 " I am just looking out for her, I mean not to be cocky but without me, the girl would be dead," Oliver said, defending myself.

To be most home, I would be dead with Oliver not to be dependent on him or anything.

I'm just not so good up there where my brain is.

I have somewhat good grades but I guess you can say I'm not street smart.

My attention started to move to Ginny once more. I really did stop paying attention to the boys.

When I saw her, Ginny looked done with both of them. 

" Oh for crying out loud shut up. First of all, Oliver, whatever, learn to take a joke. The last time I checked males can't have children oh and one who's your age.

Second of all, Damon, we stand a king but don't joke with him, he is worse than my 90-year-old Korean grandfather". She said as Devyn began laughing at everyone. 

Ginny was 5'4 but we all knew she could kill us at any moment. We shut up as Devyn got up.

" Sometimes I love yall," I said, still tearing up from the last event that happened. 

I literally love them so much. It's like the joy you get from seeing a movie online without having to pay for anything. 

They honestly do make my day.

The best part is they don't have any ads. I was then cut off from my thoughts by Damon who looked like he was going to make a snarky remark.

We all knew that Damon loved to make jokes that to others might seem mean.

But growing up with him you learn that's just how he communicates.

He doesn't mean anything by this.

" Sometimes, come again. I think I heard you wrong. Cause the last time I checked this morning at 4 am you called ME CRYING that your little fictional characters don't exist. 

Anyways I would drag you some more but I need food. Bye". Damon said as my jaw dropped. 

He then left to go to my fridge. 

" Wait for me," Ginny said as she hopped off my bed following Damon.

 " I-" I was at a loss for words. Oliver just looked at me and laughed as he left with Ginny and Damon to MY kitchen. 

"At least give me some food too. Some friends you are" I said getting some food. We stayed in the kitchen and then made our way to the living room to watch a movie. 

Two-hour Time skip 

" Dev" I turned my head to see Ginny talking to me.

 " Hmm," I said facing towards her now. 

" Why are all our parents gone at the same time. I haven't seen mine in like a week and i am guessing it is the same for y'all too". She said with a stoic face. 

Ginny was rather smart and I feel like she knew that something was going on too. 

Many people underestimate her just because they never see her studying.

Or that they see her sleeping or not paying attention to her classes.

I knew that she was like a human lie detector along with mom (Oliver) over there. 

I needed to answer quickly or it would catch Damon's attention which would be a whole different story. 

I knew that Damon wasn't the type to give up when he wanted something.

He would only do that if something was in it for him.

" Yep. They have been gone". I said looking at her not breaking eye contact.

 I did not want to use my powers on her cause if she found out she would drop kick me seven feet under. 

And other than that we weren't allowed to use them.

" And?" Ginny said awaiting my response, knowing that I was not saying something to her.

" Alright. Fine I will tell y'all". Damon dropped his phone now looking at me intrigued to find out what i would say. 

I just did this to myself.

"  Go on," Damon said as I took a deep breath. I was honestly contemplating whether I should say it or not which for me was a big deal.

 Whatever I say now could affect my life tremendously. 

" Umm...the other day, right before or parents left I heard my parents on a call". 

" Call?...Aren't they always on calls...isn't that what they do for a living". Oliver said looking at me as if I were an idiot. I mean I was but besides the point.

" She is not finished dumbo. Let her continue." Damon said early, waiting for me to continue.

" So they were on a call. On this call, I heard them talk about the missing persons we have been hearing about on the news. 

They were even saying something about extracting powers and selling them as weapons on the black market". 

The room became silent. Oliver and Ginny looking at each other not knowing what to say.

I'm gonna die, aren't I? The 17 years of my life have been good. I'll die single but that's beside the point.

Damon broke the silence. " Oh no, that ain't going to work".

'Did he just say a meme in this serious situation' I mentally said to myself?

" How long have you known this?" Damon said. His face looked both annoyed and confused as he spoke.

" About a month," I said. I knew that they would be mad. 

Damon's mouth dropped. 

Ginny looked as she was going to slap me in the face and make sure it hurt. 

Oliver on the other hand. I couldn't sense his emotion. It felt like he wasn't thinking at all, which for Oliver was completely new.

My thoughts were all over the place waiting to hear or even see his reaction. I think Ginny and Damon felt the same way. If they didn't I would have been dead by now.

"Well…" Oliver sighed. 

'Well...Well! What does he mean by well? He has never just said one word in his life' I said thought to myself.

" Well," Damon and Ginny said at the same time.

"Well...we don't know whether our parents are good or bad. For now, we act like we didn't hear anything. 

We carry out our daily activities. Since Devyn and Damon have powers we no longer display them or talk about them at home. We will meet in the woods or something". 

"Woods?... you mean the place with dirt, trees, and those little crawly things in the ground. That's not going to work for me". Damon said.

"Then where should we go Mr. Smarty pants," I said directing my gaze towards Damon, replying to his remark.

"First of all don't TRY to sass me. Key word is try. Second of all, we all know you aren't smart because if you were you would have told us a month ago". Damon was clearly just annoyed at the whole situation.

"Just shut up. We will be in the woods. Who in their right mind would go there. If anything better comes up we go but for now, we will deal with it" Ginny said annoyed at all of us at this point.

" Just know if I die, y'all paying for my funeral and make Ariana Grande come too or I am not forgiving none of you".

" But that doesn't make-" Oliver said before I slapped his mouth shut with my hand he looked at me right before Ginny spoke.

" Didn't just tell y'all to shut up".  Gianna yelled bringing her intense gaze right to Oliver. Oliver felt himself shiver right up to his spine in seeing 

Ginny's face.

We carried on, a few arguments brewed here and there but we acted as if nothing happened. We had made our plan.

Life can continue to throw curveballs at you. You just need to know how to dodge them. You may get hit at first but over time it will become easier. As Gandhi said, " The future depends on what we do in the present".

(A/N: I am not too sure about this chapter but oh well. I hope you enjoyed it).