Chapter 3: Bloodline Awakening II

"Ahem," luckily for Mwana, his mother came to his rescue allowing him to preserve a little dignity in front of his sister. After all it wouldn't be good if rumors started spreading about how he cried during his awakening. It would all be known to the village the next day and he would rather something positive be said instead.

Something like, "I roared mightily as my bloodline awakened, my skin turned red as tongues of flames licked the entire house, my aura was unstoppable and my spirit indomitable."

That was how his late father always described his awakening and Mwana felt he should be the same. The neighbors definitely heard his screams but he was intent on changing the narrative from 'screams' to 'mighty roar.'

"Sigh, I definitely have a lot of PR to do tomorrow."

Another cough from Sana interrupted her son's wishful thinking, "Pendo, baby go back to sleep, I have something to talk to your brother about."

"Why? But I want to listen."

"Go back to sleep, you have school tomorrow," Sana nudged as she forcefully tucked the little girl back into bed. Pendo wanted to argue back but could only begrudgingly give in when she saw her mother's stare.

"And you come with me," once again Mwana was interrupted from his fantasyland and followed his mother to their living room. Their little hut was designed with 3 rooms with the living room being the largest occupying half the hut. The hut itself was designed in a traditional capped cylindrical shape and split halfway between the 3 rooms.

Sana immediately took out a calabash in a small storage pit under the ground urging Mwana to drink. The pit was covered by a mat before so Mwana had never noticed it despite he and his sister having turned the house over several times in their games. The pit itself had a special locking mechanism that was invisible to the eye.

"This is your father's secret stash, ha ha."

"He left it for you in case you became a warrior. The solution in the calabash will help calm your blood and stabilize your condition." Both could only let out silent sighs tinged with sorrow when thinking about that man.

After hearing that, Mwana didn't hesitate and quickly pulled off the stopper, downing the crimson liquid within. Immediately a cool sensation washed over his entire body. His fatigue, aches and even anxiety were instantly washed away like a breeze.

He felt like he had gone from heaven to hell in an instant. After he had calmed down his mother called him to take a seat beside her.

He had barely sat down when she cooped him up into her arms, she could finally hold him! "Kid, what do you understand about bloodline awakening, huh?" she couldn't help but say with a smile. "You sure love posturing in front of your sister."

Mwana immediately put on an extremely wronged expression, "But mom, this is my reputation we are talking about. And Pendo, you know her mouth; I haven't been able to go around without looking at my back once since she started school."

Thinking about all his secrets that his little sister had spread around, he couldn't help but pout. Why was she so observant, why was she so talkative.

"No, buts, don't badmouth your little sister, she's young after all," Mwana already expected the 'no buts' so he didn't even continue to argue and just harrumphed which got him a knock on the head.

"I was asking what you knew about bloodline awakening."

"Is this a quiz," Mwana replied with exasperation but seeing his mother's glare he quickly continued in a robotic manner like a good student, "Bloodline awakening occurs when young warriors who have entered the body forging realm of martial training, manage to excite their blood awakening the hidden strength within after rigorous training. It is divided into several stages namely, Gateway, Entry, Initiation and True Awakening which involves Blood Boiling and Blood Rush. The Gateway cannot be sensed and invisible, I should have been there for a while and today's incident was because I entered the Entry point."

Sana couldn't help but clap. 'That's a 9/10 answer if not a 10/10. That lass Mwalimu Zuri sure has been teaching them well.'

"Good boy, looks like you aren't wasting your time at school."

"Of course not, I'm the best there is, even Mwalimu Zuri Jua can only hang her head in shame before my genius," Mwana couldn't help but say while raising his head like a proud peacock but another knock to his hardened head interrupted his fantasies again.

"Your nose sure is up in the heavens after only a little praise, go to sleep before I knock you some more, you have a busy day tomorrow with school and your awakening ceremony."

- Mwalimu – Teacher

- Zuri - Good