Chapter 12: Jua Cheza

The projectile bounced hard off Jumatatu's hut before bouncing again against the homestead's wooden wall. It was only after tumbling a few more times that it became recognizable. It was a red spherical ball that seemed woven out of some type of reed-like plants.

Mwana stood rooted on the ground as he and the culprit stared at one another. The culprit was another child just like him, maybe a bit taller by an inch. Compared to Mwana's brownish-black locks with purple tips, this 'villain' had jet-black hair shaved almost to his skin. However, his symmetrical rectangular head-shape made it so that he was one of the few kids who actually looked good with their hair shaven almost to the scalp. Despite his hair being short, it almost covered his forehead so that everyone could tell that he would never deal with baldness in the future.

It wasn't just his hair that looked good; his brows were thick and sharp with abundant eyelashes. His jaws especially when they were clenched, appeared like the outline of clenched fists through his cheeks. This was a feature this 'villain' he was extremely proud of as it made him feel more masculine at his young age. After seeing the damage he had caused and Jumatatu's angry stare, he put on a sheepish smile.

His smile showcased his sharp canines and dazzling teeth that would normally endear anyone to him. This 'villain' also had on golden earrings with dove shapes curved on them. As for his skin, it was a bit darker than Mwana's; it was dark brown with a healthy glow as if the sun was shining from beneath it. One could almost see a golden halo around him making him appear extremely peerless. This 'villain' was Cheza wa Kijani, also known as Jua Cheza.

Mwana was especially jealous of Cheza's deep black hair in comparison to his own hair. He had never liked the brown in his hair which was especially prominent in the sun and would only appear fully black indoors.

Mwana couldn't help but think, 'Unfortunately these looks that any main character would envy, were wasted on a bratty joker like this.'

Cheza kept looking back and forth between Jumatatu and Mwana. Before either of them could speak, they noticed that at the spot where Cheza was standing, there is only dust. The 'villain' already ran! Cheza was moving swifter than the wind and in fact his feet seemed wrapped up by small air currents as he whizzed across the street. In an instant he had already moved past five homesteads weaving around them for cover indicating that it was not the first time he was caught in a situation such as this. However, when he looked back he was given a fright. He saw a slipper coming fast and homing in on him like a goleyo or a boomerang. Despite bolting away like an arrow, he couldn't dodge at all and got struck in his sorry behind. "Aiyo! My bottom!"

At the same time Cheza had ran away, Jumatatu who had foreseen that took off her sandal and threw it at him with technique that Mwana had never expected to see out of his third aunt. Dressed in orange with a white cap, she looked like those Upper River Mambele throwers. He didn't know whether his aunt had played the sport in the past and maybe even achieved moderate fame in it.

"Chezaaaaaaa! No matter where you run, where you hide, I will find you!" Jumatatu screamed at Cheza who was already at the end of the village-street where their homestead was located. She was not angry. She was incensed! Completely infuriated! This was clearly not the first time such an incident had happened.

Seeing Cheza gone, she turned to Mwana, "Wololoyaye! I can't take this anymore. This is the sixth time. The sixth time! Is your friend trying to kill my old bones? Trying to put me in the grave early? That kid keeps coming over here because of you." She went on and on scolding Mwana on Cheza's behalf. Mwana could only stand there and get scolded quietly while secretly calculating his accounts against Cheza. It was only after an intense talking to that he was able to excuse himself and finally leave for school.

On the way to school, Mwana, Cheza and their friends would always play Hookball for about an hour before making it to school. For that reason, it was common to see children leave their homesteads an hour early before school opening times. Mwana was already carrying a bag on his back, a kikapu made of sisal woven in an intricate design. In the bag was his main 'job'. He ran swiftly along the village streets before jumping and running on the wall. When there were no more walls to run on, he would somersault and jump over the flat roofs as he ran to catch up with his friends.

**New Words: Check Author's Note for in-depth explanation.**

Mambele – a hybrid throwing knife or axe originating from the carved dagger.

Cheza – to play.

Goleyo – a type of Mambele throwing knife.

Kikapu – a Basket usually made of sisal reeds

Kijani – Green.

Wa Kijani – of the green.