Chapter 30: New Classmate

"What is all the ruckus? All you brats sit down! Today you have a new classmate." Immediately after the teacher walked in, he found the little critters arguing and making noise. Apart from Mwana and Maji 1 who were arguing, the rest of the class was just as lively with many of the kids chatting away and moving around making the class seem like an evening market.

After everyone scrambled to their seats, they got more curious about the new student.

"Do you think it's a boy or a girl?"

"I hope it's a girl, a beautiful one."

"Ew, you pervert!"

"Pervert. What? No!"

The little boys and girls had already started chattering away again about the new student making the teacher feel helpless. However, a cough from him was enough to shut them up again. "Come in."

As everyone looked to the doorway, what appeared before their eyes was a sight they would never forget. Although it might be exaggerated, it was indeed a moment out of a million. Time seemed to have slowed as the new student walked in step by step. 'Tap, tap, tap.' The children's mouths were agape seeing this character that seemed to belong in legendary fairy tales.

The most noticeable thing about this person was their eyes. They were a deep black but as soon as the sun shone on them, they appeared a turquoise blue as if an optical illusion. On seeing those eyes, Mwana was lost in them and he couldn't help but blurt out, "Kia."

The entire class was silent as their new classmate's beauty was simply indescribable. Kia, as Mwana called her, was wearing a golden concave shape crown with golden threads and pins hanging over her forehead. Her long thick black hair was held together by a golden pin. In terms of clothing, she was dressed in a black dress with a pattern of crisscrossing golden threads. Additionally, she wore necklaces with gold, blue, red, and white beads as well as large white earrings. Her skin color was even darker than Mwana seeming extremely regal surrounded by the gold adornments. Glittering light seemed to ripple over her skin whenever the sun shone past her giving her a fairy-like look.

None of the students could look away. Some of the students felt like they were meeting their favorite celebrity musician while the others were lost in dreams of marriage. Apart from Mwana, everyone else was lost in their own fantasy world regarding Kia. Mwana was still intensely observing this girl he had not seen in about 2 or 3 years. His heart was racing like a train engine as he observed her from her head to her feet.

Although Kia's feet were bare without any shoes, there seemed to be a thin invisible layer between her feet and the ground. 'Tap, tap, tap.' As she walked, not even a single speck of dust touched the bottom of her feet. Even the teacher was impressed. He could tell that as the girl walked, her every step seemed to utilize each and every one of the 650 skeletal muscles of the human body creating a minute rippling effect on her body that was imperceptible to the common folk. Only those who had a keen and trained vision could perceive this marvel. Apart from the teacher, none of the students even had a clue that this girl whose beauty they were lost in, possessed an incredible martial spirit.

"It really is her, Kia, Jua Malkia!" The new classmate was her; a girl Mwana had dreamt of constantly. He still could not forget how he met her and his antics whenever he was around her. It had already been 2 or 3 years but those memories brought him both joy and embarrassment.