Chapter 72: The Blood Mural Case Part IV

As Mr. Black had explained, the magic circle limited everyone within it therefore making pulling a man's head off a pipe dream for most people. It was only possible if the perpetrator possessed a high level of inborn power or innate strength.

Another possibility was a creature or warrior of high rank, at the Sky Realm or Void Realm, making a move. This was because the formation gradually lost its effects the stronger someone was. However, let alone Sky Realm and Void Realm warriors, even Earth Realm warriors and creatures were very rare. Additionally, while the formation could not perfectly restrict stronger warriors and creatures, it had a detection system that could recognize those above a certain level of power. That way, if they used their high level abilities within the town, a similarly strong town official or soldier could be sent to deal with them.

Some twenty or so meters away from the scene, Mwana, Kia, and a few of the remaining crowd were still watching intently. While Mwana and Kia had been swept away by the might of the frantic crowd, they had managed to extricate themselves from the swarm of fleeing people. The two children remained and continued to watch the scene from afar. Half of the reason was child-like curiosity while the other half was the simple reason that they had nothing to do in the morning. Unlike Fury who slept not only during the journey but even after they arrived in Milele, Mwana and Kia did not have that much dedication to their blankets.

While watching the silver guards' discussions, a strange smell wafted into Mwana's nose but on asking Kia, she could not smell it. Even after turning her head upwards to smell, she could not catch the scent, "Still nothing. Are you sure?"


Mwana realized he was the only one who could smell the foul scent.

'It is probably because of my enhanced senses?'

"A strange smell? What smell?"

Suddenly, a deep male voice entered Mwana's ear from behind him.

Without even looking, Mwana answered truthfully, "It is something like ammonia mixed with something else. However, it is not coming from the toilet."

With his Dragon Mirror Eye in a semi-activated state, Mwana could almost see a yellow haze around the shack. However, it was also with his special visual ability that he realized the identity of the man speaking behind him. It was the man in black!

Mr. Black had appeared behind Mwana and Kia unnoticed.

'Was it speed or just his natural stealth?' The two children could not help but wonder.

"Kid, your senses are very sharp. You should consider my line of work. Your senses captured something that even the officers failed to notice." Mr. Black was indeed a bit impressed. He knew that only he and Zia had captured a hint of the strange smell. It was so faint that even the two starred silver guards did not notice anything.

Before returning to the scene of the crime, Mr. Black threw Mwana a black card that had nothing written on it. He did not even explain the purpose of the card which left Mwana and Kia dumbfounded.

Just as Mwana and Kia were staring at the card with a confused look in their eyes, some of the sunlight managed to peek through the dark clouds and white fog successfully landing on the card. The light hit the card at an angle due to the refraction revealing the words: [Bureau of Supernormal Investigation].

Seeing this name, it finally clicked for both Mwana and Kia. It was known that the Bureau of Supernormal Investigation was one of the 6 main "wings" of the Silver Eagle Corps.

In Toro, the general constitution of policing and military power was split into two: the military which handled external threats and law enforcement organizations which handled internal threats. The Silver Guard was a key power in Toro responsible for internal security. In other stronger countries, such as the 3 Great Nations, they had the even more illustrious Golden Guards.

The power of the Silver Guard was further divided into 2: The Silver Wolf Corps which was similar to a Combat Police Unit and the Silver Eagle Corps that served as an Investigative Unit.

"While peace has relatively set in for about a decade now and compulsory military conscription is no longer a must, warriors still have to do 1 or 2 years in the Silver Guard before the age of 30. This card should make things easier when my time comes. I can go straight to the place on the card."

Mwana explained what he thought was the card's purpose to Kia, "If I show someone this card, it is like the man in black saying to them, 'I know this brat' so it should at least make things a bit easier. However, I still don't know why he gave me the card so easily."

"When will you have to join the silver guards?" As from someone from a country without such a system, Kia could not help but ask. While she knew that people had to contribute to the nation in one way or another, she did not know the exact specifics. However, Kia knew that even Waya and Mkata-mwezi who came to Toro with them were here for a silver guards' escort mission.

"Once you reach the 5th level of Body Forging, you can join the Silver Guard and complete your compulsory service. However, if you are young and weak, you can only do mundane tasks and your life might also be at risk. However, even if you have till the age of 30, it is not wise to wait too long."

"Naturally, the younger you do your part the better as the tasks won't be too hard and the danger won't be too high. Even if there is a risk of death, it is nothing compared to that same risk when you are much older and stronger as the missions will be far more complex."

"So it is best to find a middle ground?"

"Right!; and you can also split up the time and do one year as an Intermediate Warrior and the second year as a Senior Warrior. At least that's what Waya did."

The whole process was not too complicated. After joining the silver guard as a new warrior trainee, one would go through 3 months training and depending on their performance, they would receive either a Wolf Badge or Eagle Badge depending on which branch they joined. After completing their mandatory time, those who continued could upgrade the badges and earn [Silver Stars]. In this manner, one could become a starred officer.

While Mwana and Kia were still chatting, Mr. Black had already left the scene. He had even left Milele town flying off to the North East. Further and further, higher and higher, the little bird had once again grown into a giant bird flying the man in black to the Silver Eagle Corps Headquarters – the Nest.

File: Blood Mural Case Notes 28

Author: Featherstone

'The case has been labeled the Blood Mural case.'

'Victims: 3 (recent) – 36 ritual killings and 9 collateral damage.'

'The crimes are committed in a systematic manner following a pattern in time, place, choice of victims, and the mode of killings.'

'The set up of the scene suggests a ritualistic killing.'

'The motive…'

Within an office in the headquarters, Mr. Black went over the case notes and became even more determined to stop this evil.

"It does not matter what type of creature it is, as long as I can accurately trace its pattern and understand its thinking, I can catch it!"

Currently, Mr. Black was addressing his superior the [Chief of Special Crimes Unit] and letting the latter know of the facts of the case.

"Even if it is an Amanani, a blood sucking creature, or man eaters, none are as bold. I dare to say most are extremely reserved. In fact, they manage to live among ordinary humans with none the wiser. The few that act out do not come close to this degree." From the side, the chief's grainy voice replied to Mr. Black.

"Big brother, how has my previous proposal gone over? This case has already affected many smaller villages before this, and Milele is the first time the killings have happened in a major town. From now on, things are bound to escalate and we both know there is something bigger here. Anyone who is perceptive can tell even if no one outright says it." In their conversation, Mr. Black referred to the chief as Big Brother. The two men had a very strong relationship that had lasted decades.

After a pause to let his words sink in, Mr. Black continued, "That clan, they are finally moving!"

"Finally? It is as if you were waiting for it!"

Mr. Black did not appreciate the chief brushing the issue away with a joke as the latter had yet to answer on how his proposal had been received by the higher ups.

"Heh, joke around and say what you will but since you know about the irregularities, are you even doing anything about it?"

The suggestion Mr. Black was pushing was the establishment of a specialized unit to investigate the recent uptick in mystical creatures' activities including the Amanani.

"There is something even deeper underway. Don't forget we even found traces of demon blood in some of the cases. So do not just sit on your ass and complain about my 'little' request." In the end, Mr. Black finished speaking while shooting off one harsh statement after another.

"Little! What are you smoking? If you consider your request 'little' then I don't know what is considered major in your eyes. And sitting on my ass? I am already losing my joints running after this case and bending down to those elders for your sake!" The chief defended himself while circling around the office to sit on his chair. He had been standing beside Mr. Black all along but indeed his bones were too old now. A few minutes standing and he already needed to sit down!

"That is because you are old." Mr. Black replied with a chuckle. Indeed, the Mr. Black here and outside were like day and night. After all, outside no one had even seen the man in black lose his composure in frustration let alone smile and crack jokes.

"Eish, don't be cocky. You won't be young forever."

"Then push those old men. I know they are hard to 'shake' but we can't let off now especially as a pattern has started to emerge."

"Then stop treating me as the enemy. You already know that I am not the barrier. The old fellows up top always have 'righteous' excuses: 'oh, we are short on staff', 'we even have to cut the funding'. That is not end of it especially as the country is now prioritizing external matters over the internal state of things. Recently, most efforts and funds have been redirected to the east."

"Weh, now you know why I refused to take a 'sitting job'. Anyway, hang in there and try your best okay." With those words, Mr. Black walked out of the room after patting the chief's stiff shoulders.

"What? Didn't you hear me, I am already trying my best!" the chief could not help but shout at Mr. Black's disappearing back before slumping back into his chair.

Looking at the blood mural case files on his desk, the chief came to the realization that even in his older years he would not have any rest. Both his subordinates and superiors were truly ignorant of his pains.

"Hai, maybe I should just retire."