Chapter 83: God Killing

From Jua Urembo, Mwana received advice on magic classes and magic forms as well as the intersection between these 2 dimensions and the sealing magic he was learning.

"Sealing magic, apart from sealing people, can also compress power. So don't just think of the Demon Sealing Portrait as a way to seal demons."

"What? Isn't it as direct? Before, you told me that the portrait art was a way to deal with the evil creatures of the world: the evil ghosts, demons, bloodsuckers, and the likes." Mwana naturally remembered the portrait as a technique and sealing magic in general had only been introduced to him as a means to seal things not to compress power.

"As you know different classes and forms of magic can have different effects on the same spell. Sealing magic is not all about just restraining people. In fact, in the same way it can restrain people, it can also restrain power effectively sealing it."

Mwana made his own conjecture on the nature of sealing power after listening to his teacher's explanation, "By gathering and sealing power together and when that power is released in a spell, it will be more explosive."

"Smart and correct!" For Urembo, mentoring Mwana had always been easy. The boy was so smart sometimes it felt like conversing with a peer, a small and cute peer. She could not help but rub his head before continuing her explanation.

"Even with other forms of magic, they have multiple uses beyond the surface level definition. For example, Transformation Magic can also be used to alter spells by changing their shape and essence. The Fire Snake spell as an excellent example of this as it is just an ordinary fire spell with transformation applied to it. At higher levels, those who have mastered Transformation Magic can even transform one element to another as long as they fulfill some conditions."

"Like a rock to a diamond? I have heard of this! As long as it is the same mass and 'value', they can do it!" Although he had heard of many famous and strange people across the Zika world who could use transformation abilities, the most shocking had definitely been the ones who could convert objects with little value into invaluable things.

"Righ. Such people receive the title of Alchemist. Naturally, they are very sought after all over the world. Something like money is never a problem to them. However, it is not easy to reach such a level as one needs to understand many elements at an atomic level."

While Mwana listened keenly to Urembo's talking about Alchemists, his brain zoomed in to the words, 'money is never a problem to them'. At that moment, he could not help but fantasize about how nice that would be.

"With Sealing Magic, it is important for sealing many things including demons, ghosts, curses, among others. However, what sets apart this type of magic from other common classes and forms is that it is also very useful against conceptual beings that cannot be killed." Urembo quickly got to the key of the issue.

"There exist various worldly concepts like desire, war, lust, envy, slaughter, disease, and etcetera which can spawn spirits, demons, and even gods to embody these concepts. In such cases, even exorcism and killing might not work on them. Can you kill a ghost that is already dead? Can you kill a formless spirit? Can you kill a god? At one moment or another, someone somewhere in this world and even across the entire universe has asked these questions."

Urembo's lesson had gone into an area Mwana did not have much understanding of so all he could do was listen. However, it was this lesson from Urembo that had motivated Mwana to learn the Demon Sealing Portrait Art and choose Sealing Magic as the form and class that he would build his second magic circle on top of. It would be the foundation for his advancement to the Magic Student realm.

Urembo's lesson perfectly explained the unique strength of Sealing Magic, a power that Mwana desired.

"If a spirit or creature embodies a human concept like war, it will exist as long as war exists. If it continues getting stronger, it might even rise to become a minor god of war. Killing such a being might work temporarily but as long as war exists, such a creature will resurrect or experience rebirth in a different form. Therefore, the most optimal solution to prevent it from causing chaos is to seal it. You can think of the highest level of Sealing Magic as sealing everything under the sun. One can theoretically seal concepts like fate, luck, disease, entropy, and even death."

After Urembo's lesson, Mwana understood that sealing abilities at the highest level was a supreme power: A power that could fight and 'kill' the unkillable gods. Most importantly, it was a power that could restrain the concepts and laws of nature. Although it was naïve of him, in the end Mwana still wished to reach a level where he could ward all curses and pains from his family's back. No pain, no sickness, no sadness, no poverty, no grief, no war.

'Our family had already been through enough!'

From his father losing his life in the army to his uncle crippled on the battlefield to his sickly mother and sister to their poverty-stricken family, all these pains drove Mwana's obsessive desire to change his family's fate.

For this reason, he chose sealing as the path to advance to a second level magician, the Magic Student level. This was also another contributing factor to Mwana's choice to go to Milele immediately after he had the rights to leave the village. After all, Milele was a fairyland for Magicians in Eastern Toro due to facilities like the magic competition stage, the Sunshine Wizard Hall, the many magic meditation facilities, as well as the famous Infinity Magic Library.

At his current magic level, Mwana had hit a barrier. His magic capacity was well into the magic student ranks. In fact, it was at the very peak of the second level. However, his magic rank had yet to improve. In terms of a magician's rank, only knowledge could raise it. The difference between a Magic Pupil, Magic Student, and Magic Teacher, was simply that one knew more than the other. Presently, Mwana's magic power according to the Moon Bracelet was recorded as:

Magic Level/Rank: Magic Pupil - Level 1

Magic Capacity: 94

As for magic power in relation to capacity and rank, the official magic system used a simple grading system:

Level 1: 1-10 units of magic power

Level 2: 11-100 units

Level 3: 101-1,000 units

Level 4: 1001-10,000 units

Level 5: 10,001-100,000 units

From this type of grading, it could be understood why a Magic Grandmaster was such a scary existence. After all, just like Mwana, most people's magic capacity was higher than their magic rank as increasing one's rank needed one to accumulate magical knowledge. Therefore, while a Grandmaster's magic power was usually in the 10 thousand to 100 thousand units range, it was possible for it to even exceed that number in the same manner Mwana's magic capacity greatly exceeded the Magic Pupil Rank even spilling over into Magic Student levels of magic power.