Chapter 88: A Split Face

On seeing this interfering character, all Kishirani could feel was anger and dread at having to interact with this 'animal' - an animal not just in being but in how they acted.

When Kishirani tried to tell off the rabbit, "You …," he was interrupted before he could even begin as the rabbit got in his face while laughing, "Don't even say nothing to me boy. Do not dare."

Surprisingly, Kishirani did not dare retort. It was not that he was scared of a mere rabbit that had taken human form but anyone with a sharp sight could see that the rabbit had some dirt on him. Rabbit Master clearly knew a secret about Kishirani that instantly shut the latter up. As someone with status to the point that even his family was tied to the royal family, Kishirani had never experienced anything like what he went through today. 'That brat earlier and now this contemptible rabbit, how much humiliation am I supposed to stomach today?!' However, while he was angry internally, he did not react that way and simply said:

"Don't think I will fall for your provocations again."

After that statement, Kishirani left for the higher floors. Mwana and Kia had already left anyway so there was no reason to remain here and interact with this rabbit that he clearly had a negative history with.

Seeing Kishirani leave without falling for his provocation, the rabbit only pouted in a cute manner as if he was innocent in all this before calling Kishirani "a boring little hyena." The fellow also left as he had only come here for the drama.

This fellow, [Rabbit Master], was actually the older brother of the little thunder rabbit, Radi Sungura (Note: Bonus Chapter 1: Pet Life). In terms of the Zika world's classifications, this rabbit qualified as a Spiritual Animal and Magical Beast hybrid. Not only was his spirituality and intelligence high, he was also extremely talented in the mystic arts. Naturally, he was also in the top 30 of the young hero rankings. However, his celebrity status was even greater as he had taken the top medal in many regional junior racing competitions and even a national competition.

"Mwana, you sure love a battle of words."

After Mwana and Kia left the treasure house, Kia could not help but point out Mwana's 'love' for arguments. After all, it was just half a day and Mwana had already gotten into two verbal altercations, first with the boy who spilt his food and now with Kishirani.

"Sorry, sorry, that guy just got on my nerves. Maybe my nerves have been acting up the whole day."

"We just saw something horrible in the morning. Seeing death like that, it can mess you up in a way." Kia added as the two children continued walking and checking things out along the way.

Indeed, the two of them had woken up to a crime scene; a brutal serial killing. Although the Zika world was a world heavy with martial battles and wars leading to children being much more mature than their age, things like murders and serial killings would still impact children like them. After all children were children. Even adults were traumatized by the scene of the brutal slaughter of the mother and child and the beheading of one of the good Samaritans. So children like them could not just brush off something like that.

"Anyway, we could have just left directly. If we ignored that fellow and left, he would have looked more like a fool if he tried to pester us."

Indeed as Kia said, if the two had left instantly without entertaining Kishirani and ignored him if he tried to follow them, he would have been less inclined to keep pestering them. When it came to such a situation that is how Kia would handle it if she was alone.

"What if they don't stop even after you leave?" Mwana could not help but ask.

"Well there is always the fist." Although she answered with a chuckle, Mwana felt as if her words were based on experience. It was just a feeling.

However, the strange thing was that as Mwana and Kia walked further and further away from the treasure house, there was someone watching them from the second floor. It was Kishirani! He kept watching the two children until their backs completely disappeared from the main street.

"Do you like that girl or something?"

"I didn't know you were that easy to provoke in a battle of words."

"Don't waste your time on such nonsense again especially not at such an important time. If you can do something, do it yourself. Why leave it to servants when even fellows such as Katana Vuma and X-Dragon went up themselves? Do you think you are better than them?"

"Kishirani, oh Kishirani. Listen to me, do not waste your youth. All you need to do is do as I say and I can guarantee us the position of the next head of the clan. How many brothers and cousins do you have to fight against? How about your revenge against those who harmed you, insulted you, stole your birthright? Or your mother? Have you forgotten all those who spit on and shat on her name? How can you let them be? Right now you do not have time for a carefree life of chasing girls and exchanging insults with random little brats."

Watching from the 2nd floor, Kishirani did not utter a single word. However, if anyone who was familiar with him heard the voice speaking to him, they would be shocked as it sounded exactly like Kishirani yet he had not opened his mouth.

"I know I know, I have not forgotten anything but do not go breaking our agreement. I already had to sit through that dirty rabbit's insults and now you want to add on to it. Did we not agree never to bring up my mother's issue again? Or are my thoughts just air to you?! Keep your silence where it matters otherwise I will seal you forever! Your face will never see the light till the day I die!"

Kishirani's response to the hidden voice was full of threats and anger. One thing he could not tolerate was anyone bringing up anything about his mother. It was Kishirani's biggest shame.

In response to Kishirani's outburst, the voice only answered in disdain and contempt, "Everything you are is because of me. Do not ever forget that. You are nothing without me. Nothing! You hear me! Nothing! Nothing!"

The voice got louder and louder as it seemed to be extremely angry.

"How dare you threaten me? Threaten my freedom? Who do you think I am?"

Along with the angry voice, Kishirani's headgear also broke apart falling to the ground. Even though the room was calm, his long hair started to move wildly as if a strong wind was blowing across it. If one looked closely, it seemed as if something was about to burst forth from beneath his thick long hair.

In response to this outburst, Kishirani did not take it seriously. He only calmly walked to the shattered pieces of his headgear and picked them up before responding, "Get angry all you want, but you have no right or say in how I live my life. I will threaten you now, I threatened you before, and I will threaten you again. What can you do about it?"

With those words, he finally left the 2nd floor and ascended to the 3rd floor to join the scramble for the Ignition Cores.

"Only I can help you. Only I can. Only me. It is only me. Me. me…" As he left, only the echo of a fading voice remained.

At the same time Kishirani ascended to the third floor of the treasure house, Mwana and Kia who had entered another street, turned back in the direction of the Jia Treasure Shop at the same time.

"You sensed that right?" Kia was the first to ask.

"Yeah, it was so eerie. Like an invisible parasite stuck to our back." In Mwana's case, his soul strength and the Dragon Mirror Eye made his overall sensory perception extremely high.

"Who was that? Kishirani?" As Kishirani had introduced himself to Kia before Mwana had cut him off, Kia knew his name.

"Yup." Mwana confirmed her guess as he had just sensed the same aura as Kishirani only this time it felt countless times more dangerous and sinister.

Hearing this, Kia could not help but ask Mwana if that was the reason he had been hostile to Kishirani from the first moment he appeared. After all, she knew that Mwana's senses were extremely sharp. In fact, his senses were sharp enough that Mwana had even been recognized by an Honored Detective of the Silver Eagle Corps.

"Mmmhh? Yeah, yeah." After momentary confusion, Mwana readily agreed with Kia's assumption even though the only reason he was so hostile to Kishirani was due to jealousy. After all, Kishirani was more handsome, richer, taller, muscular, and even better dressed than him. The fellow had also been trying to flirt with Kia and ruin his date so Mwana had reacted negatively in an instant.

After the two children left the treasure house, their next destination was a racing track.

"You will never forget this. It is like a Racing Game where you sit on a flying T shaped vehicle."

Mwana was excitedly describing this racing game where people would ride a magical vehicle across a long racing track. The device was called 'The T Flying Swallow' and it basically looked like a thick bicycle handle with a flat horizontal body to seat on but no wheels as it could hover above the ground. The reason these vehicles could hover and fly was because they were equipped with flight-type magic enchantments. In terms of their build, T flying Swallows were made from all sorts of materials from wood to metal to other sorts of natural elements.

Not only did they have practical applications, T Flying Swallows were also used recreationally as both kids and adults loved riding them. However, when Mwana and Kia reached the track, they were disappointed to find that the establishment was closed. They could only turn back and leave dejectedly.

On the way back, Mwana and Kia started discussing the upcoming magic competition considering they heard that it would be a serious affair this time.

"I will not participate but Fury definitely will."

Given her talent in magic, Kia was not confident in participating in a magic competition. After all, her main focus lay in training her physical strength using the Gates technique. It could be said that she walked a true body forging martial path.

"I pity those who will face her," Mwana could not help but add with a chuckle, "then talk of the devil…"

"…and the devil appears." A voice continued Mwana's sentence from right beside his ear. He was so spooked that he almost jumped out of his shoes. However, it was obvious to him who this new fellow was. It was Fury, Mwana's cousin Fury Jin Jua.

Author Note

Question 1: What do you think is Kishirani's true identity?

Question 2: What is his secret?

New Words

Kishirani – his name is a play on Kishi and Kisirani. Kisirani means to throw a tantrum.

Almasi – Diamond

Jina – Name

Sakara – mess something up, stir stuff up.

Babu – Grandfather

Yuvirani – within something, amidst something