Chapter 129: Magic Decree

"Swish swish swish- "

In the pitch black forest, blood flowed.

Dark clouds covered the sky and eerie violet flames danced in the forest as countless cold silver swords, gigantic piercing spears, and all other kinds of menacing weapons flew over, pressing down on Zabibu Manemane until he could hardly breathe.

Seeing this, Zabibu Koroma and the other family members felt as if their eyes were about to split open. "Myrtle, be careful!"

Hearing his father's anxious voice, Manemane's (Myrtle) face turned pale in the face of danger. If someone questioned him a few months ago, he would have never guessed that Terran had such capabilities. Even when he had been lured by Terran to Giza forest, he had waltzed in confidently. He had underestimated Terran and now it was too late for regret!

"Eeeeuurrrrghaaaaauugh!" The wailing that came from Zabibu Manemane was almost indescribable in writing. It did not sound like it came from a human.

Extremely tragic!

The cold swords and long spears pierced through Manemane's flesh like needles sticking into cotton. The iron pellets and metal clubs pounded on his skin and bones like a meat pounder.

"Kraaak! Snew! Crush!"

Countless ugly sounds emerged from the scene as Manemane's body was mangled beyond recognition!

"Myrtleeeee!" Zabibu Koroma screamed in despair when he saw Manemane's fate! He had just managed to pull his son from Terran's grasp yet this was the current scene!

"Terran! You disgusting reject! Inhuman Alien! I will kill you! I will drink your blood and strip your bones from your flesh!" Zabibu Koroma shouted in naked anger, "All of you attack! Attaack! Attaaaaaaaack!" He could no longer maintain a calm exterior anymore.

As for Manemane, the man had become a porcupine. One of his eyes had been stabbed through bursting open, his nose was destroyed, his ears were gone, and he had lost one arm.

It was even more tragic below the waist – not only did he lose both his legs which were cut off at the knees, but even his manhood was no more!

And that was not the worst of it, the poison on the tips of the weapons had spread all over his body invading his blood, organs, and marrow. With the poison coursing through his body, it did not take long for black blood to start flowing from his orifices and open wounds. It looked extremely horrific.

Even more nauseating were the yellow-purple lumps that emerged all over his body filled with disgusting puss.

Zabibu Manemane's experience at the moment was worse than death! After all, as an Earth Rank warrior, his life force was extremely resilient. So even with all the injuries, he was still partially conscious! He was experiencing all the pain and anguish!

Responding to the family head's order, the 2 seven deadly sins teams suddenly attacked. Each of them held a unique weapon based on their 'sin', a sword for pride, a spear for envy, a war hammer for wrath, a bow and arrow for greed, a shield for sloth, a dagger for lust, and a sting for gluttony. Ironically, these weapons were collectively named the 7 capital virtues.

14 people suddenly attacked Terran and behind them, a 100 more rushed forward with their fists and feet sharpened to attack. They might have lost their weapons to Mwana's magnetic control, but each of them was a veteran warrior who had mastered countless leg and fist techniques.

In response to the wave of humans charging at him, Terran did not choose to use a blade to sweep away his enemies. Instead he pulled up his sleeves revealing 2 silver gauntlets with crisscrossing gold dragon-patterned marks on each arm.

These gauntlets were called the Impact Gauntlets.

When the first attacker reached Terran, the latter did not even bother to block their weapon and launched a punch. A fist and a sword collided.



The sword shattered instantly.

Before the sword user could even comprehend what was happening, Terran's fist crashed into him along with the shards of the broken sword. The force was like a crushing mountain.

The opponent did not even get the chance to scream out before their body exploded into blood mist! Not even the bones were left!

Everyone charging forward was struck silent by the scene in front of them.

This was the strength boost that the Impact Gauntlets brought Terran. The mechanism of these gauntlets was not only ingenious but also very unique.

The gauntlets were each composed of a standard metal arm-brace and a complex mechanism that relied on 2 pressurized silver cylinders concealed in the interior to increase the impact of the user's punches.

Activating the first pressurized cylinder boosted strength Terran's physical strength by 2 times (X2) while the second boosted his strength by 3 times (X3). Further, if both cylinders were activated together, rather than simple addition, the strength output would be increased exponentially!

With such power, it was not a shock that Terran had the power to blow someone up into bloody mist.

Despite pausing momentarily, everyone still kept charging forward. It was too late to turn back now.



The second person to reach Terran faced an even bloodier fate. Stepping forward to attack with his spear, the man did not even see how Terran dodged the thrust; the spear struck the ground forming a huge crater almost 5 meters deep.

At the same moment, a cold wind assaulted the man's back. Before he could turn around, he felt the pain of fingers digging deep into his back. And then a sharp pain assaulted him spreading from his spine to the rest of his body like a lightning bolt. The last thing this man was saw was everyone staring at him in shock and horror, then his own mangled body, then his spine, then it was just darkness, death!

In a single move, Terran had ripped out the man's spine along with his head!

Before everyone could recover from the horrific sight, Terran had already jumped into the crowd like a wolf into a crowd of sheep.

Each action Terran made was a killer move sending flesh and blood splattering everywhere. Even the 7 Deadly Sins who had Earth Rank experts among them fared no better.

"Spiraling Hand - Vortex Punch!"

Combining the X3 multiplier of the Impact Gauntlets and the Vortex Punch, each of Terran's punches would grind his opponents' bones like a meatgrinder.

With the edge of his palm, his bare hands easily sliced weaker opponents' in half.

It was a complete massacre!

In a few seconds, dozens had already died!

"Stoooooooop!" A cry came from behind the group of attackers as someone rushed in with a vigorous momentum.

This person was the elder with the name Peacock Flower. He had just seen Terran blow up someone's head and it turned out to be one of his grandsons! He could no longer stand back.

As an elder, not only was Peacock Flower at the Earth Rank, but also he had already reached the 3rd stage of the Earth Rank – Deep Valley Grade.

Compared to Terran who was at the 2nd level – Eternal Cliff Grade, Elder Peacock Flower was one stage higher. This was his source of confidence against Terran.

However, it was only when he reached Terran that he understood the latter's horror. A single clash was enough to rock his entire body with blood bursting out of his nose and flowing from the corners of his mouth.

"What kind of beast did we provoke?" Peacock Flower almost could not believe it.

They were both Earth Rank warriors yet he was so helpless before him.

Before the elder could even regain his footing, Terran followed closely and attacked with a punch to the chest. This time Terran did not hold back to only the X2 or X3 multiplier of the Impact Gauntlets, instead, both metal cylinders in the gauntlet were activated at the same time multiplying Terran's power endlessly.

There was a crunch; then Terran's fist went right through Elder Peacock Flower's chest and right out his back!

One Strike One Kill!

Like a bullet, the elder's body shot off from the devastating punch's remaining force. Along the trajectory where the body flew off, countless warriors were smashed to pieces forming a path of blood, bones, and entrails.


Like a rocket, the elder's body only came to a stop after crashing into a nearby cliff letting off a terrifying explosion. Rocks, dust, and trees were flying everywhere.

After taking down the elder, Terran did not give anyone the time to collect themselves.

Before Zabibu Koroma and the other 2 elders could react to Peacock Flower's death, Terran unleashed his magic.

[Magic Decree: God Arrow]

A violent bloody light burst out from Terran's body. The light spread out like particles before congealing into a deep crimson arrow. This arrow looked like a combination of flowing water and dancing fire.

With a wave of his hand, the arrow followed Terran's hand movements and landed on the group of Zabibu family mercenaries as well as the remaining 7 Deadly Sins.

Even after Terran's previous slaughter, there were still around a hundred people left. Even if this number was less than a hundred, it wasn't by much.

However, the arrow, like a guided missile, obliterated all of them!

They did not even get the chance to scream out as their bodies were melted gradually like candle wax after coming into contact with this arrow. Even if the arrow only slightly grazed someone, they could not escape the fate of their body melting down into a bloody wax-like substance.

In the eerie silence of the forest, the arrow zipped between the warriors like a silent ghost; untraceable! Faster than the eye could follow! Flexible and unstoppable!

Everyone was scared stiff as they waited and then slowly succumbed to death.

This was not a power that they could understand.

Magic Decree – This was an advanced magical skill.

A skill that Terran could control with just his thoughts!

It was absolutely petrifying to whoever found themselves on the wrong end of such a power.

In this group of Zabibu family warriors and hired mercenaries, even the lowest level warrior was a Senior Warrior. There were also many Apex Warriors as well as Solid Body Rank experts in the group.

Further, among the two teams of 'Sins', 6 out of the 14 warriors were 1st stage Earth Rank warriors. But each of these people were all the same before the power of this arrow.

They were obliterated like wheat to be reaped.

Their souls were harvested, forcefully tossed into the river of death, banished to the netherworld, and doomed to disappear from this world, forever!

And in all this, Terran did not move from his position; standing there unbothered by all the death and carnage around him.

This effect! He looked like a god of war reincarnated!

When everyone regained their senses, there were only 5 people left alive. Terran stood on one side among the corpses and on the other side, there were 4 people remaining including Zabibu Koroma, the 2 elders, and Zabibu Manemane who was still struggling at the edge of consciousness.


Terran took a step, quietly approaching them.

As he moved, the God Arrow rushed back to him before fusing back into his body. A cloak of reddish-black smoke arose from Terran's body causing his aura to condense into a demon-like fog.

This scene in addition to his looks, made him look extremely domineering, like a vengeful spirit from the depths of hell!

Terran's skin was white like paper, but on his entire body he also had thick vanta-black lines. His fingers were also entirely black as if soaked in death. This gave him an scary ghost-like appearance. Below Terran's dark cloak, a shiny silver armor with gold bands at the joints was also barely visible.

Further, just like Mwana, Terran's hair was long, black and purple. As a strong wind entered the forest, his long curly hair looked like a dark purple raging flame.

With each step Terran took, Zabibu Manemane who was watching out of his remaining eye felt his heart clench up.

Even the 2 elders found themselves unconsciously taking a step back.

This was pure fear.

At this point, Terran had his eyes closed. He was focusing on his form. When facing off against the 2 elders and especially against Zabibu Koroma the family head, he had to bring out all of his power holding nothing back.

Terran's arm was at his waist grabbing his blade. This blade had a thick wooden handle and a short black hexagonal sheathe. The blade was not too long, only medium length. But it was thick, almost as thick as a machete. Naturally, this was the Dark Emersion Blade.

"Falling Leaf Sword Technique: 3rd Move – Bird Cry."

Terran suddenly opened his eyes. Like a bolt of lightning his blade was unsheathed. The process was extremely fast unleashing a sound that sounded like a bird cry.

With every inch that the blade was unsheathed, feathers materialized on its surface. And by the time the blade was fully unsheathed, actual birds with red-black feathers emerged from the blade rushing towards Terran's opponents.

"Blood Shadow Art!"

In response to Terran's attack, the elder who went by the name Nightshade activated a secret technique turning his body into bloody mist. The mist not only hid his true body but also obscured the people beside him from the birds that flew out of Terran's blade. Although the cries of the birds quickly dispersed the mist, the elder had already bought enough time to prepare his trump card!

"Deep Valley Emergence!"

A deep dark valley formed between the heavens and the earth. It was if someone had used the world as a canvas to materialize this valley. This was one of the killer moves of 3rd stage Earth Rank warriors.

"Deep Valley Erosion!"

Just like Elder Nightshade, the elder by the title Night Jasmine also unleashed his own ultimate skill!

When these two techniques came together, creation and destruction were combined producing a violent reaction, like a miniature Big Bang, which engulfed Terran seeking to erase his very existence.

This was the true power of the Deep Valley Grade elders.

Unlike the now deceased Elder Peacock Flower who Terran swiftly killed in one move, the other 2 elders actually had a chance to prepare their attacks and showcase their full power!