Chapter 137: Sword Demon Jua Mkata-Mwezi

Barbarian Bull Queen – she was a woman who came from the Forsaken Valley in the country known as North Kovu.

She was born in a dark, gloomy, and cruel world where everything went by the rule "might makes right."

For this reason, her motto in life was always:

"If brute force didn't work, you didn't use enough."

"Go harder!"

As for her mission, this mission, failure was absolutely unacceptable.

"I cannot fail! I will never fail!"

"Curse my luck, why did I bump into such a scary brat tonight?!"

Despite her determination, she still could not understand how her luck could be so terrible for her to come into conflict with someone like Kia; someone young but strong; someone who was even more relentless than her.

"So stubborn!"

And now another tricky 'brat' had jumped in out of nowhere. How could she not be frustrated?

The mission this time was meant to be easy and straightforward. It was a simple transport mission. There were three types of merchandise in this particular group – the children, the drug, and the flowers.

Melancholy potion – this was a drug brewed from many ingredients including herbs in the same family as the Funeral Flower. Because of its side effects, this drug was banned in most countries across the world. The potion had gained its notorious reputation due to one feature – it was a drug that took advantage of the sorrows of people in the most literal sense.

In Milele, the Melancholy potion was usually smuggled through patches that were stored in the stomachs of young children.

The entire process was made all the more possible by the bi-monthly Fire Fox Parade where the number of children in Milele would skyrocket; And now that there was an additional Candy Battle that attracted even more children from across the nation, no one would ask too many questions if a few more appeared out of nowhere or disappeared unexpectedly.

In fact, this season of celebration was also considered a prime season for human traffickers.

Nonetheless, the traffickers of these illegal drugs were smart and always made sure to use orphaned or homeless children who no one would miss.

A surprising coincidence, or maybe not, was that the leader of the Codes that Mwana had just fought who went by the name Terran was also aiming for almost the same thing as Kia.

The Broken Fantasy Flower which Terran needed to heal the person he loved was the 'King' flower in this family of Funeral Flowers. Among the different types of funeral flowers that grew together, the broken fantasy flower was a rarity, one flower growing among hundreds.

The surrounding funeral flowers would be used as nourishment for the broken fantasy flower. This was because the broken fantasy flower was itself a unique type of a funeral flower.

When many of these types of flowers grew together, a natural formation was formed that would lead to one of the funeral flowers mutating into a broken fantasy flower.

This type of phenomenon sometimes happened in nature and humans had also tried to do the same. However, it was extremely difficult to artificially replicate this rare natural occurrence.

Despite the difficulty, there was a rumor that within Milele town, there was someone who not only grew funeral flowers but had also somewhat replicated this natural formation to produce broken fantasy flowers!

Naturally, the actions of Red Hawk gang members like Barbarian Bull Queen were all in service of this figure that existed in the shadows of Milele town.

"Looks like I have to use that." Barbarian Bull Queen muttered to herself.

"5% will do."

"Prepare yourself brats, grit your teeth and see if you can withstand this."

Taking a stance similar to a giant bull preparing to charge, the woman unleased a new attack. However, just from the earth crushing aura that emerged from her body, Mwana and Kia knew that this attack was leagues beyond what their enemy had shown before.

"Bull Horn!"

A giant dark red bull skull was projected around Barbarian Bull Queen. One of the horns of the bull aimed for Kia while the other horn aimed at Mwana.

The attack reached them almost instantaneously.

"Fast!" This was the only thought in their minds as they rushed to react. However, it was too late to dodge.

The two could only block in front of their bodies with their swords. Mwana blocked the spear-like horn with his golden Sunset Sword and silver Instant Sword placed in an X or cross shape in front of his chest. Meanwhile, Kia held her Omni-sword vertically with one hand grabbing the sword's hilt and the other palm putting pressure against the top of the sword to push against the horn attack.

However, despite their best efforts, Mwana and Kia's swords still curved inwards and bumped into their chests due to the sheer power of this attack. Immense pressure impacted their chests pushing all the air out of their lungs and knocking them into the distance.

Bull Horn – this was a technique performed with an exception cards at 5% release!

Given that the person using the card was a strong person like Barbarian Bull Queen, the power she could exert far exceeded what people like the hyena men could showcase.

However, before the bull-like woman could celebrate her victory, a sharp silver sword light rushed out of the darkness.

Although she managed to dodge the sword light, all of Barbarian Bull Queen's hair stood on edge as she watched the sword light curve a narrow gash into the ground that extended endlessly into the dark night. It looked like a long silver thread disappearing into the unknowable distance.

"A dangerous foe!"

Although the attack did not seem too powerful, from its sharpness, the woman understood the danger of this new opponent.

At the same time when the attack landed, two men walked out of the darkness.

One of these men was someone that both Mwana and Kia recognized. It was Jua Mkata-mwezi, the "Moon Cutter."

When Mwana saw Mkata-mwezi walk out of the pitch-black darkness, he exclaimed in joy, "Big brother moon."

The man, or boy, who had just arrived, looked more like a teenager. In response to Mwana's exclamation, he smiled showing off his perfect teeth.

"I got your message."

That's right. Before coming to the park, Mwana had made sure to send out a message.

Because Mwana's senses were enhanced to the extreme, he was able to pick out that Kia was in danger and ger to her location as fast as possible. However, Mwana was not naïve enough to come without calling for help especially now that he had a direct line to the Silver Guards in Milele town. Since Mkata-mwezi was in Milele town training with the Silver Guards for an important future mission, he got Mwana's message very quickly.

Beside Mkata-mwezi, there stood another man who Mwana and Kia had never seen.

Silver Eagle Corps [5th Wing]

Flying Squad

Number 5

[Jiwe Maraduni]

The man standing next to Mkata-mwezi was Jiwe Maraduni, a trainee of the Silver Eagle Corps.

When this man entered Mwana and Kia's sights, their mouths were left hanging down. However, Jiwe was not offended. He was used to this. In a town like Milele, there were many beast men, talking animals, spirits, half-giants, dwarves, men of myth, and all kinds of other strange and foreign races.

Therefore, most regular humans in the town were already used to strange sights. But Jiwe Maraduni still left even the 'experienced' Milele residents gasping in shock at his sight.

First, he was extremely tall. Tall like a giant. Even an average man would be lucky if they could reach up to his waist. Let alone his waist, if anyone could just reach his knees, it was already enough to feel accomplished in some way, 'At least I am not too short.'

Second, Jiwe Maraduni's body was made of rock. He was a giant rock man!

Although no one knew his exact origins, Jiwe Maraduni was rumored to be a descendant of a mountain god. Even in the Majiwe tribe where he hailed from, he was unofficially recognized as a demigod. Basically his true origins were so confusing that not even he knew the whole truth.

What was known though was that he had exceptional physical strength and his control over the earth was unparalleled.

Jiwe Maraduni and Mkata-mwezi had one thing in common. They were both trainee officers in the Silver Guard.

Different from those who only joined to fulfill mandatory service, trainees sought to actually enter the organization as permanent full-time members. Therefore, their training time was much longer than volunteer conscripts – who were called that even though they obviously did not volunteer.

Naturally, while a trainee officer's training time was longer, they had privileges that their counterparts did not have due to their status as permanent recruits.

"Strike first!"

Seeing two new opponents emerge out of nowhere, Barbarian Bull Queen decided to strike first before her enemies could adapt to the situation.

With her own already exaggerated strength as well as an exception card that allowed her to draw out more of her sealed power, there were very few people in Milele that Barbarian Bull Queen feared. While Mkata-mwezi's sword was impressive, it was not enough to get her to back down.


Queen and Maraduni collided.


The sounds of bones, or maybe rocks and cowhide, creaking and cracking against each other could be heard but none of the two fighters gave way by even an inch.

"Go down!"

Seeing her strength fail to push back the opponent, Barbarian Bull Queen underwent another transformation and a giant illusory bull took form behind her. At the same time, her own muscles, height, and overall size exploded reaching almost the same body size as the mountain-like Maraduni.

Moreover, the transformation did not end there as two giant purple horns emerged from the place where her hair met her forehead. Her skin also darkened further taking on a reddish-black hue.

At the same both her hands and feet turned completely pitch-black. It seemed as if a black hardened material had covered both of her hands and feet starting from the wrists and ankles and spreading all the way to the fingertips and toe tips.

After transforming, the giant bull-like woman was finally able to push back Maraduni.

However, Maraduni was not too embarrassed as he shouted with a booming voice, "Strong! But I can still go a few more rounds with you."

Even if she took on this new form, Queen was only slightly stronger than Maraduni.

Looking in the distance, she could see that Mkata-mwezi was yet to move. Further, his face remained unchanged. He did not seem shaken or distressed at all at the sight of Barbarian Bull Queen's new power.

Let alone shaken, he was not impressed.

'If these two join hands, can I still hold on?'

'Let alone winning, it might be me who loses.'

'But I still have that.' In an instant, a myriad of thoughts went through the giant woman's equally gigantic head. However, in the end she still chose to keep fighting.

Against Mwana and Kia, she had used the Charging Bull Form.

When clashing with Maraduni, she transformed once again into a form called the Reckless Bull Form. In this form, she overcame the stalemate of power and overpowered Jiwe Maraduni.

She understood that against both Jiwe Maraduni and Jua Mkata-mwezi, the reckless bull form might not be enough. However, she still had a trump card!

'If the reckless bull form is not enough, I can still go into my Minotaur Form!'

In addition to the inhuman strength of the Minotaur Form, her exception card could also release as high as 8% of her supernatural power. This naturally much higher than what the hyena men's cards could do.

For this reason, Barbarian Bull Queen was extremely confident in her own victory. Both Mwana and Kia were directly disregarded from her equation. After all, she could tell their fatigue at a glance. They were both exhausted from fighting multiple opponents before facing her so their strength had dropped by many levels.

"8% Release!"

With a flash of her exception card, Barbarian Bull Queen's aura shot up into the sky like an upside-down waterfall. She had increased her supernatural power output from 5% to 8%.

Taking a stance on all fours, she prepared to charge directly at her opponents like a mad bull.

However, today was really not her night.

"Whoooo?!" With a loud shout that stretched out almost like the moo of a cow, Queen asked as she looked vigilantly into the darkness.

Before the new arrivals were could be seen, two sets of footsteps, one heavy like mercury and one light as feathers, could be heard.

"This brat!" Barbarian Bull Queen muttered while looking at Mwana and Kia's location.

Before she could even see the two people, not knowing if their friend or foe, she had already come to the conclusion that it was all Mwana's doing. Against 2 opponents, she was confident; but if more people kept coming, then there was no chance for victory no matter how many trump cards she had.

"How many did you call?!" She screamed while dangerously staring at Mwana as if seeking to devour him with her eyes.

In response to this, Mwana just shrugged. Obviously he had not just called Mkata-mwezi.

From the opposite side behind Mwana and Kia, two more figures emerged, finally walking into the light.

Mwana's Book of Knowledge

Bonus Notes 10: Barbarian Bull Queen – Forms and Transformations

1. Sealed Human Form

2. Charging Bull Form

3. Reckless Bull Form

4. Crimson Minotaur

5. True Barbarian Bull Transformation

Author Note: Appeal to all Readers

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I have yet to sign any contract with web novel sites so I am not earning anything from writing this. I also have to work Monday to Friday and have to replace my laptop because of other issues. So the cost-time balance for this novel is not ideal at all.

Any support would be greatly appreciated.