Chapter 140: Underworld Prince

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Once again the Underworld Prince descends into the world. An era of chaos is approaching – a time of endless tribulation.

In the rubble left by Mkata-mwezi's attack, there was only one figure left standing.

"You squeezed out every ounce of potential at the last second. You even exceeded the limits of the exception card. It seems not only protagonists can surpass their limits." Mkata-mwezi commented in an awestruck tone as he looked at the figure that had survived his onslaught.

Apart from the deep cuts that covered her entire body, Barbarian Bull Queen was otherwise un-injured!

However, she was no longer in her giant bull form and had gone back to a regular human shape albeit still with minor features resembling a cow or bull.

As Mkata-mwezi had mentioned, at the last second she had managed to surpass the 8% limit of the exception card and draw upon 10% of her power. This allowed her to fortify her defense and survive the onslaught of the silver dragons that had decimated the hyena siblings.

"Is the battle already ending?"

"And the way we rushed here so fast."

After arriving, Jua Waya and Zuren did not even have an opportunity to act and yet the battle was already reaching its end. Even though they had already arrived at the park before Mkata-mwezi attacked, it only took a very small fraction of time for Mkata-mwezi to obliterate all the enemies at the scene apart from Barbarian Bull Queen.

When the two, Waya and Zuren, finally stepped into the light, there was another figure with them.


"That guy…" Kia instantly recognized the third figure.

"That guy? You know him?" Mwana asked.

"I just fought him. He escaped."

The man who was with Waya and Zuren was someone Kia had just fought. It was Smiling Serpent!

This man was one of the three defeated Snake Charmers but unlike his companions, he had managed to escape.

However, this time he was back, lifted up like a chicken.

Waya entered the scene, smiling, while actually holding up the "Smiling" Serpent by the neck. Whether the man was alive or dead was hard to tell. But given Waya's vice grip on his neck, he was surely not conscious.

"Seems like he didn't escape."


__A deadpan tone.

On the other side, surrounded in all directions, Barbarian Bull Queen had no choice but to reevaluate her situation.

"Sh!t! Sh!t! Sh!t! It's all going wrong!"

"How can I fail?!"

"Screw my luck!"

"Although I have increased my supernatural power output, I have lost the ability to transform. I cannot take on four enemies in my current state." After muttering to herself in frustration, she finally came to a decision, one that she hated very much, to retreat.


With a strong leap, her body was elevated dozens of meters into the sky almost flying out of the central park!

However, one man had noticed her action before she even took it.

Jua Waya.

[Battle Breath]


The sound of an explosion emerged from the dark night sky. Although the people on the ground could not see clearly what had transpired, they knew that Waya and Barbarian Bull Queen had collided mid-air.

Waya had successfully intercepted her!

The technique Waya used to boost his physical abilities this time was the breath of battle. While this breathing technique was obviously not as powerful while restricted by the town's supernatural power seal, it still considerably boosted Waya's strength.

Battle Breath was a form of breathing that could easily double or triple the user's pure physical strength depending on which Breathing Mode was used.

"Don't trouble me anymore!" Barbarian Bull Queen screamed as she and Waya wrestled all the way from the sky to the ground.


The two fighters landed on the ground sending out a blasting impact as if a bomb was exploding.

While Waya wrestled the woman to the ground with pure strength, she still managed to gain an advantage over him and get back up.

"Piss off you puny 'Bone Knocker'!"

"Eish! What?" Waya felt extremely insulted. He surely was not so thin to be referred to as someone whose bones knocked against each other. In fact, his body was well-structured and well-muscled. However, to a woman of Queen's stature, he was indeed 'puny'.

'Why does someone always have to get in my way?'

'Why can't things just go smoothly?!'

As she wallowed in self-pity, Barbarian Bull Queen flared up even more getting angrier and angrier.

The two fighters struggled against each other using only their physical strength. However, even this strength alone was enough to flatten the park like a road roller.

"How beastly! Truly barbarians!" Zuren commented as he watched the scene.

While Zuren obviously was not impressed, Mwana was basically googly-eyed over the sight of this battle.

'This is it!'

'This is the true strength I pursue!'

How could one not be awed?

"What big nostrils!"

"Damn woman save some air for the rest of us."

Waya taunted his opponent as the two struggled back and forth. But this time it was true. The more Barbarian Bull Queen struggled against him, the more her nostrils enlarged, like a bull's.

"Enough with you!"

The taunts as well as the mounting pressure of being surrounded got to her. Finally, she decided to stake it all as she charged towards Waya with all her strength, win or lose, this would decide it!

However, she did not notice the grin that momentarily emerged on Waya's face.

"Counter Breath – Force Redirection!"


It happened in an instant. One moment Barbarian Bull Queen was charging forward with all her strength and the next scene was her flying back even faster.

When she landed on the ground, she was already unconscious!

Everyone stood there watching, mesmerized.

In that moment, only pin-drop silence remained in the park.

Counter-Breath – as its name suggests, this was a counter technique, one that used the opponent's own strength against them. However, it was an extremely hard move to pull off the way Jua Waya had done it.

After Barbarian Bull Queen was defeated, the process that followed was long but also relatively simple.

The trafficked children were freed but from that point on the silver guard took over the case. After all, the events of this night had taught everyone at the scene that local law enforcement and town officials were no longer worthy of trust.

Further, Mwana did not forget to tell Waya and Mkata-mwezi about the big moneymaking plan that came his way, and of course the opportunity to 'fight for justice and save the innocent'.

In fact, when Mwana told them about the apothecary's offer Waya had responded – "We are 'poor' people from the villages so how can we not make as much money as we can when we are here in the 'civilized' world."

Whether it was for selfish goals or benevolent reasons there was no reason to refuse. If you can save lives, protect the innocent, build a favorable reputation, all while making a substantial profit, then why not do it.

Kt kt kt kt kt!

Kr kt kr kt kr kt!

When everyone had already left this chaotic park, a metallic mechanical sound emerged from the soil.

There was something here!

It had burrowed underground!


The soil bulged upwards and then a figure emerged.

This figure was black as ink and made of metal.

A closer look revealed that the metal was actually not one piece but rather several plates connected together. At the end of this figure's back was a giant tail that looked almost 2 or 3 meters long. The figure also had muscular arms that ended in sharp pincers like a crab, no a scorpion.

When the firefly lights in the park flickered, the shape of the figure became visible but only for a moment.

It was a scorpion!

A giant metal scorpion!

Krr Kt

Kk Kkrr

The next moment, the long tail moving around in the wind shortened before finally disappearing. It was a retractable tail.

The metal plates covering the figure's body also moved around left and right, in and out, up and down. Along with these actions, the figure also slowly got up from the ground; and finally what took shape was something that resembled a man!

"Terran, this may just be the opportunity we were waiting for. These people might just pave the way forward for us."

A voice that sounded like grinding metal emerged from this dark figure.

If Terran was here, he would recognize this figure, it was Code S – the Scorpion, Akrabu Nge.

"Scorpion" was neither a man nor a beast. He was a hybrid creature, someone who had never shown his body to the outside world since he was a child.

This black metallic scorpion suit had always been with him. Since he never took it off, it was his second home.

If he had never taken off this suit then what was up with his appearance when he first met Terran? In fact, Akrabu Nge's tall and slim normal looking appearance was actually an illusion created by the Cloak of Impermanence, a magic tool that could fool the 5 senses.

Although magic tools were restricted by the town's normalization seal on the supernatural, the cloak's power of deception was so strong that it could even partially deceive the town's normalization power!

That was how amazing it was. However, the cloak did not have much application in direct combat. It was more fitted for taking on disguises.

The image Akrabu Nge took when wearing the cloak was based on his ideal human form within his subconscious. It was not only deceiving the outside world but also a deception on himself. However, in a way the cloak allowed him to live out his fantasy of normalcy as a 'normal' human in Milele town.

Nevertheless, while the cloak had amazing functions, the Scorpion suit was the true source of Akrabu Nge's power. With a retractable tail, extra metal limbs, and sword like pincers, the Scorpion Suit made him extremely dangerous even in an environment like Milele town where the use of supernatural powers was banned.

Akrabu Nge could burrow in the earth or crawl on the ground faster than any man could run, he could attack from the shadows with swift precision, and naturally his scorpion tail carried a lethal venom that could kill even giant elephants.

Although the metal suit was pitch-black, the joints would glow with a bright blue color every time Akrabu Nge moved. This was even more evident during the night.

It was a truly scary yet also beautiful sight.


Kisima town – Northern Toro

This was a much smaller town compared to Milele town. Its population was not even a quarter of Milele's total populace. However, if there was one thing this town had over Milele, was life, that sense of light and vibrancy. Even the environment was bright and vibrant.

The town was located in a hilly area that was usually sunny and warm most of the year. The people of Kisima town also matched the warmth of the town's environment. They had a very vibrant culture, one where people wore multicolored clothes and overdesigned ornaments. It was like a Carnival, only that this was every day. Here in Kisima, a common saying was that 'every day was a special occasion!'

Maybe it was because of the town's carefree and warm culture that it became the birth place of many a famous musicians including Mwana's favorite singer – Sera.

This was a land of joy, music, and dancing. However, at this moment it was chilly. There was no longer any warmth or any sun. The whole town was covered by a chilly mist that spread as far as the eye could see.

There was no more joy, music, or dancing, just a deep silence, one that covered every inch of the ground.

___An unnatural silence.

What was shocking was that one could still see the townspeople walking in the mist, silently.

In a place somewhere beneath the town, there were two sets of red eyes shining in the darkness. One set of eyes looked like flickering candles while the other flared up like burning torches.

The owners of these red eyes had…

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