Chapter 142: Battle of Magicians

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Like a horizontal volcano appearing in mid-air, the terrifying Genesis Flame rushed towards Silk Hair. The majestic flames appeared to be like a wall stretching to the heavens. The gloomy cloudy sky was instantly illuminated with a bright red color that stretched across the horizon.

The range of this spell was so great that it was simply unavoidable.

There was no way to dodge this attack!

However, before the Genesis Flame hit Silk Hair, something strange happened. Everything within a ten meter radius of Silk Hair disappeared, and then this range expanded to a hundred meters, and then a thousand, and so forth.

The near-limitless Genesis Flame was not spared either as it was swallowed up in this torrent of nothingness along with the heavy clouds that filled the sky.

"The Origin Point Spell!" Fire Guardian finally realized the spell his opponent had used, "What an ingenious move."

Silk Hair who had always been carefree even when facing the wall of flames was now holding a dark blue marble in his palm.

This was the manifestation of the Origin Point Spell [Gravity] – a spell that created a small origin point with the ability to suck everything in its surroundings into itself. Since the spell created a small point with a great amount of gravity, it functioned like a weaponized miniature black hole.

"To be able to weaponize gravity to this extent, your attainments in magic are not low. What else are you capable of?" Fire Guardian could not help but praise his opponent. He was a true magic aficionado and could not wait but want to see more from the man standing opposite him.

"You want to test my magic skills? Here!"

"Wind Blade!"

The air in front of Silk Hair, as if ordered by god himself, compressed itself while rotating at high speed and formed a wind blade that was over a hundred meters tall.

The gigantic blade of compressed rotating winds flew towards Fire Guardian like an arrow released from the bow. Although chaotic, this attack was made of the wind thus it was invisible like a silent killer.

Fire Guardian was no slouch either. Before the giant blade of wind could enter his range, an even larger fireball the size of a meteor materialized from the tip of his right index finger. Since this spell was cast without any chanting, it was naturally weaker than the Genesis Flame. However, the power of this fireball was still extremely domineering.

For the spectators watching from the flying ship as well as those in the mine, this fireball seemed to be the power of the God of Fire himself.

Fireball spell – it was the kind of spell where someone could say "everyone and their mother know this spell." After all, fireballs were cool so it was not uncommon for every person who dabbled in magic to learn this spell.

Of course if the individual did not have an affinity for flame magic or were just bad at fire spells, the person's enthusiasm would soon dwindle down. However, many had still learned the basics of this common spell. If you met 10 magicians, 9 could probably cast the fireball spell.

What amazed everyone about Fire Guardian's fireball was how large it was. Ordinary people can cast a fireball the size of a football. Even skilled fire mages can at most cast a slightly larger fireball.

But compared to Fire Guardian, they were nothing. The size disparity was too evident.

Fire Guardian's fireball seemed the size of a football field or two, spanning across the sky and obscuring the sun; a football vs a football field? The size was not even in the same dimension.

The ball of fire collided with the blade of wind causing all the clouds in the vicinity to evaporate into pure nothingness.

An apocalyptic scene ensued with tongues of fire and ropes of wind shooting out from the collision point and flying in all directions.


Screams could be heard on the ship as the flames whipped it back and forth in the sky and the wind scarred its body leaving deep gushes in the millenium wood used to build it. Luckily, the ship was also protected by strong magic so the people inside were not injured. Nevertheless, the aftereffects of the battle in the sky were still enough to leave them rattled.

The two spells were in a stalemate for a while and then at the collision point, a change arose. The fireball started expanding even further and its brightness also rose up.

"Wind feeds Fire!"

"The elder, Fire Guardian, is going to win." Excited exclamations could be heard among the dozens of men suspended in the sky behind Fire Guardian.

The fire spell had been strengthened by the opponent's wind. The next moment, an even fiercer fireball shot towards Silk Hair seeking to burn him to ash. However, Silk Hair seemed unperturbed even at the sight of this tremendous power.

"Ice Arrow."

The next moment everyone understood why the Amanani in front of them was not the least bit shaken. Water was drawn from a radius of several kilometers, from the clouds and from the earth, from the streams and even from the plants and trees. The water that was drawn out instantly condensed into an ice arrow the size of a train!

The moment this ice arrow materialized it emitted a divine vigor akin to a god's descent that had everyone who saw it shivering.

Even for those who were far away from this area and could not even see the arrow like those in the surrounding villages or travelers on nearby roads, they were still affected subconsciously causing them to shiver.

"What is going on?"

"Why am I suddenly feeling cold?"

"Did I catch a cold?"

This and other similar questions arose in different places near and far from the battlefield.

When the ice arrow finished condensing, the intense ball of heat was already nearing Silk Hair. However, the ice arrow shot off towards the fireball the moment it was formed. There was no time lag at all.

"Perfectly cast!"

Once again two spells collided but this time there was no struggle.

The ice arrow had instantly blown a circular hole right in the middle of the fireball!

By the time the fireball reached Silk Hair, there was a circular gap through it like a ring. Therefore, Silk Hair was able to emerge unscathed even when the attack reached him. When the fireball went pass by him, he passed right through the ring in the middle of the attack like going through the center of a donut.

His opponent though was not so lucky.

The fireball had not managed to reduce the power of the ice arrow at all and by the time Fire Guardian understood his situation, it was too late to counter the attack or dodge.

"Guardian Shield!"

A circular golden light shield with many totemic tribal markings materialized in front of Fire Guardian. Naturally this was a defensive magic spell.

The ice arrow hit the Guardian Shield right at the center sending a chill right through Fire Guardian's body even before he came into direct contact with it. The power of the arrow was so powerful that it sent Fire Guardian flying through the sky.

The dozen or so men behind him were quick to dodge Fire Guardian's body as well as the ice arrow. It was not that these men were heartless and did not want to catch Fire Guardian. Instead, unlike Fire Guardian who had quickly cast the Guardian Shield spell, these men had not cast any defensive spells yet so even getting grazed by the ice arrow could have frozen them to the bone!


Fire Guardian's back hit the side of the flying ship rocking it left and right and almost dropping it out of the sky.


"What is happening?"

"Are we going to die?"

Frantic and scared screams could be heard all over from the children on the ship. These children were all from different powerful forces in the capital city of Toro. Since when had they ever had to experience something like this? Their lives had always been smooth sailing; but now they were caught up in the middle off a chaotic battle!

As for the 'victim', Fire Guardian, he was left reeling from the attack. Even though the Guardian Shield blocked most of the ice arrow's power, the arrow still proved superior and shattered the golden shield causing shards of golden light to fall to the pitch black mines below.

The icy energy entered Fire Guardian's body freezing his magic power and slowing his movements. At this moment, his body was experiencing hypothermia!

Even his usually visible red lava-like veins under his skin had turned to a bluish color.

If not for his innate flame constitution and the immense amount of fire element magic running through his veins, this level of attack would have killed him!


When he finally regained the ability to mobilize his magical power, Fire Guardian cast a healing spell on his own body.

Wisps of white cold air slowly escaped from his body as the ice around him and the ship evaporated into the air.

Turning to look at the current scene, his comrades had already jumped into battle attacking Silk Hair from all directions.

"Sigh, I lost. I lost handily."

Between victory and defeat, seven spells had been cast in total by the two men; from Genesis Flame to Origin Point to Wind Blade to Fireball to Ice Arrow to Guardian Shield to Heal. A battle between magicians was always decided quickly.

Chapter 142.1: Common Magic

In the Zika world, there were many types of magic practiced for different reasons. If one asked someone walking on the street what the most common type of magic was...

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