* in the morning.

10 am.

Sato woke up with a dilated eyes. He wasn't aware that he dozes after he cried his eyes out recalling the incident. Sato is not on his usual self. He refused to eat breakfast and didn't even step out on his room. His family is concerned but they can't do anything.

Sato~ please open the door. I-I understand you're scared but we are always here for you. Let me know who did this to you...hearing his mom's voice plea him he started to sob again.

"Mom? I'm fine, it was my fault. I didn't pay attention to my heat. I'm at fault. Just let me stay here for awhile. I am really tired. I'm sorry mom I made you worry."...he responded with a cold voice.

at the living room~

I will kill that bastard who did this to ni-san! How dare he assault him while his on his weakness. Rutless bastard!!!.. Reito his little brother who's also an alpha. Reito and Reika are both similar, they are cold but when it comes to their big brother you can say that they become soft.

Reika and Reito idolize there brother the most. You can say that they have what we call brother/sister complex.

There family is consist of an Alpha Father and Omega Mother. Sato is an omega, Reika and Reito is Alpha. Abe is still an infant but they speculated that she's an omega. Why? because she looks like her mother. So adorable like Sato.

They fit to what we call middle class family.   Not rich not poor.

Sato didn't even step out on his room since yesterday. He also didn't eat anything. They are worried that he might get sick but Sato wouldn't talk with them so they can't do anything.




Its already morning. I don't feel fine everytime I remembered what happen I felt puking. I still asked myself "Why did it happen to me? Why did I born in this world where there is OMEGA ALPHA BETA!." I don't want to go to school. I don't want to see him. I don't want Sakura to know what happened to me but I can't just stay here forever. What do I do?!

**ding ** ding

When I open my phone Sakura's name pop up. She calls a lot and leave me a messages. I don't want to talk to her right now but I'm stuck between calling her back or ignoring her. She's my best friend, how can I just ignore her.

Highlighted text of Sakura.



Hey! You left without even telling me! Argg I did promise you I will treat you right? Are you home? You weren't in the gym. -2:09pm

Sato? Are you home right now? Reika said I can't meet you. I am outside. Are you mad at me? Please answer my call. - 3:45pm

Sato? Call me once you read this. You're my best friend. If you have any problems just talk to me. I am really worried right now. Mom's say they saw your dad with a cranky face. I know there is something wrong. Call me alright?. Goodnight Sato. See you tomorrow, promise call me. - 9:18pm

Reading her messages Sato began to whimper, how can she just ignore her.

Sato Typing~ ....

Sakura, I'm sorry I didn't know that you texted me. Don't worry about me, I just go home early yesterday because I feel sick. Can you also tell our homeroom teacher that I will excused myself for a day? Just tell him that I have a cold.

Sakura Typing~ ...

Eh? Are you really sick? Do you want me to visit you?

Sato Typing~...

No need ü I don't want to pass this on you. I'll text you once I recover.

Sakura Typing~...

Oh? Okay, be good and drink plenty of water okay? Your making me worry but thank God I thought your mad at me. See you shortly. Tell me when I can see you I'll bring ponkan.

End of conversation.

I giggled. I am really grateful that I have Sakura as my best friend.

I need to get up. By now I know that my family is worried. As soon as I open the door and go to our living room I saw my dad flipping through newspaper. Mom is sleeping in the sofa while Reika and Reito busy with there phone. Abe on the other hand started to cry when she saw me. Maybe she's worried about me too.

When they hear Abe crying and saw me they all hurried to hug me. I held my tears but it keeps on plopping.  We all became emotional. It's like I locked myself for about a year without seeing them.

Son, I know that we wasn't able to protect you father is really sorry for what happened to you.. father said while wiping his tears.

Reika and Reiko biting there lips, they really are twins. They do this everytime even when they fight each other.

Mom, Dad? Can I take some time off to school? Like for a week? I don't really want to go to school.. I asked them.

Take anytime you want son. This time we will surely protect you.. Mom said.

•• 2 week past and I still don't want to leave the house. It's like I only wanted to eat and sleep. I feel tired every now and then.

Sakura kept on sending me a message that she's mad at me for not saying anything about skipping school for a week. She said she will visit me today so I agree. I can't always reject her, she's important to me.

Sato!!!... Sakura waving at me from the gate. Come upstairs!.. I waved back.

*click* lock* plop*

Sakura jump on me and hug me. She's now crying with snots on her nose. She's like a child who were abandoned by her parents. "Why are you crying now? .. I asked her while patting her back.

I, I thought you hated me!! Wahhhh... She continue to cry. I giggled on what she says. Why are you laughing now ha! You made me worry you know it's been 2 weeks ,the event also started without you.

I shivered which makes her hazy. "Why is there a problem?" she asked. I shrugged off her question and ask her if she brings ponkan. Ponkan is my favorite fruit.

Ahh, yeah wait here. You sure love ponkan huh! .. she smile while peeling me ponkans.

Here eat this ~ when I'm about to eat the fruit.

** blurrrrgh!
