
Sin is heading back to where Kuzan stayed.,

"That was kinda boring. Nobody fought back; I expected at least one or two specials in the town. Guess I was wrong."

The smell of a furious aura rushed past him; Sin frozen grew a smile on his face.

"I guess me coming here wasn't a waste of my time."

Covering his arm with lightning, he zooms to where the power is rushing from. Sin sees a man with a white cloak and a Sword who looked at least in his 20's.

"It's you. I wonder what power you have."

The man turns around and looks at Sin and spoke

"You seem strong."

"I seem strong? Why don't you test me."

"Normally I would, but I have to head somewhere so we can finish this discussion later."

Not taking no for an answer, Sin rushes toward the man only to pass right through him.

"What is this? Are you a ghost?"

"Maybe, but as I said, I have to get going."

The guy teleports out of the area

"Man, I was hoping for him to fight back imma Just head back to where the rest are."

"Man, that lightning guy was weird. He was strong though I could feel it. That attack he rushed at me with wasn't even a bit of his power; it seemed as he was testing me the next time we meet, I won't hold back either."

The man is walking, wondering about sin bumps into a stranger.

"Hey, watch where you're going. Do you know who I am?"

"Um, no?"

"I'm Oden, and I'm the afeared guy in this town, and I've never seen you here."

"I'm just passing by, don't mind me."

Oden punches the man in the face

"I don't care if you're passing by. This is my town. What's your name."

The punch doesn't hurt the man then looks at his watch.

"I go by Hago, and as I said, I'm passing by. Touch me again, and I might have to kill you."

Oden laughing at Hagos's threat, tries to punch Hago. His arm passes through his face. Shocked by this, he falls backward.

"You're one of those freaks, aren't you? One always comes here to start trouble."

Hago shoves his hand through Oden's chest.

"To me, it seems like you're the one causing trouble."

Oden falls to the floor and is bleeding out. Hago stares at his body and watches him die, but Oden's body gets pulled through a portal by someone.

Hago stares at the open portal but walks away, not minding it.

"Damn, it's been a while since I felt this pressure, but there was something no someone behind that portal which was dangerous."

"So darling, do you know where we're going?"

"Uh, not necessarily, but the note did say just keep walking through this forest."

"How do you know we should trust the people who told us to come here?"

"Because there are some things I wanna know, and I assume you do as well since you're here."

"Yeah, I feel I lost many memories. I can't remember anything from before the middle school, but until my dreams started happening, I never questioned anything."

"Yeah, I understand. Well, my memories aren't gone, but I do have my reasons here as well."

Darling looked around gave off an aura as if he was expecting someone to appear.

Three people come out of the bushes, so you noticed us. Huh, I can't say the same for the other guy.

"Did you not notice them Zenkai"

"No, I didn't."

"Okay, lemme handle these people according to the tension in the air. I assume they plan on killing us."

"It's ok. I can fight as well."

"Are yall done speaking? We're here to fight, not to chat."

Darling laughing

"I feel you, now why don't yall show me what you can do."

The three people are showing their power rush toward Zenkai and Darling.


A large black bird appears behind one of the enemies summoning it to attack them. The phoenix is rushing toward Darling, and Zenkai suddenly stops.

"Phoenix, go home."

The bird flies away.

"What just happened" the guy who summoned the Phoenix was surprised.

Darling, who started laughing, stared at the three people.

"Was that all you had all the just for your weak bird to run away."


"Stop getting worked up over something so small why don't you summon it back? Go ahead; I'll let you."

Angrily the man yells for his summoning to return. Surprisingly the bird didn't come to the guy's aid.

Darling staring at him

"Poor thing ran away now. Why don't you use something else."

Zenkai stares at Darling, noticing what happened.

One of the enemies comes toward Zenkai and tries to attack him Zenkai dodges the attack and gets into hand-to-hand combat with him."

"You handle that one. I'll get the other two."

Darling suddenly appears behind them and stares down at them.

The two turn around and look at Darling, who suddenly seemed much more significant, and his eyes staring into their soul.

They fall on their knees and say they give up.

Darling turns around and finds the third guy beaten by Zenkai.

"I guess you aren't weak, huh."

"Why would you assume that."

Darling laughs while he and Zenkai continue down the path and head to their location.

"Kuzan, who is this man."

"He's someone who just got killed, and we're gonna bring him back to life," Kuzan replied

Kirin listened to what Kuzan was saying but wasn't surprised by it. There isn't much Kuzan couldn't do

Sin returns:

"You sure took your time, didn't you."

"Yeah yeah, my bad, Kuzan. I got distracted by someone else. What do we have here."

Sin approaches Odens dead body

"Who killed this guy."

Kuzan stares at the body

"Someone strong"

Kirin walks away and heads to get things for kuzan to bring oden back to life

Sin stares at kirin and yawns

"Why do you keep this weakling with us."

"Kirin may not act it, but he's strong, just as strong as the rest of our members."

"I don't see it, Kuzan, but ok if you say so."

Sin, suddenly remembering someone else, grows a grin on his face

"Hey, Kuzan, what about Hir-

Kuzan suddenly bring a sword out and points it at sins neck

Sin, who didn't even see Kuzans hand move, was shocked about the sword suddenly in front of him

"Don't speak his name. I don't care how strong you are; I'll cut you down. Everyone here is replaceable."

Sin stares at Kuzan then walk away

"Yeah, whatever, I didn't think you'll get so worked up over a name"

Kuzan's weapon disappears, and he forces his fist into the open chest and fills it with power

"Now we wait till he awakens when he does invite him to the team

Kirin, who brought supplies, just stared at the body and returned everything he got"

There's a building up there should we go in."

"Well, there's not many options, so let's go."

Darling and Zenkai enter the building. From there, they see eight others inside

"That's it?? There are only ten specials here in total. Wow, I expected way more."

Zenkai looks around, noticing the three people that attacked them. They hide their face hoping he doesn't walk toward them

"I don't see many strong people here. Guess these specials ain't that big of a deal, huh."

While darling was speaking, two more people entered the building. The power that was coming from each of them was crazy

"Now they are powerful people. Let's go talk to them."

Zenkai and darling approach the two that entered the building

"Hey sup"

One of them responds


"Y'all strong ever thought of sealing your presence?"

"We did, it didn't do much, but you're one to speak its as if you want people to feel your power. You're just letting it all out."

Darling surprised they noticed just laughs

"Yall are funny im Darling, and this is Zenkai whats your names."

"I'm Shin, and this is JX"

"JX? Is that short for something"

Jx looks at darling

"It's just Jx."

Shin stares at Zenkai

"Have we met? You seem familiar."

"I don't think so. If we did my bad, I'm not good with remembering stuff."

Shin stares at Zenkai then walks away Jx follows him

"Well, they were weird."

Before Zenkai can reply, a body falls to the floor. Everyone in the room stares at the person who died

Another body drops now everyone is tense

"One of yall is doing this, aren't you with your ability."

A random person yells that and gets everyone worked up. Soon everyone turns on their ability

"If this goes on, a fight will break out."

A dart gets shot a Darlings neck, but he grabs it before it touches him

Zenkai dodges the dart shot at him, and it hits someone else. People started dropping left and right the 12 members in the room number suddenly reduced to 6

Some girl walks away from the other 5

"It's one of you five, isn't it."

Zenkai stares at her and walks toward her

She activates her ability forcing him to stop

"Come closer, and I might have to end you."

"Look, listen, it isn't us. We already figured it out."

"Wait, huh, what you mean figured it out."

"The people who invited us here are shooting deadly weapons at us. If you look around, there's a hole in the walls that are big enough for weapons but not a person, and that is how the darts are coming through here."

The girl calms down apologizes for blaming them

"My name is Jasmin. Nice to meet you all, and I'm sorry about that."

"It's ok I'm Zenkai. This is darling. That's Shin that's JX, and I don't know who that is."

The 6th person walked up, carried a large wrapped weapon on her back, and wore glasses states her name

"I'm Rai. Nice to meet you all."

The door opens, and six big men walk in. Behind them comes another guy who seemed like he led them Zenkai noticed this guy. He was the man from the Coffeeshop who invited him here

"As some of yall may remember me, I'm the one who invited you here. Call me Dr. Understand, and congrats, you six passed the test welcome to Kaizen High."

"Wait, all these people died for a school. What kind of bullshit is that."

Dr. Understand walks toward Rai

"You're specials, stuff like Darts shouldn't have killed you only the strong survive, and for the Coming Chaos, we only need the strong, and you six are the strong in the group that came here."

"Wait, the Coming Chaos?"

Dr. Understands ignoring Zenkai, hands out an address to each person, and walks away along with the people who came with him

Everyone opens their note finding the address of their training school and the new place they'll be staying together

"Wow, this was kinda lame imma dip see y'all at the place tomorrow."

Darling took off from the area. Jasmin and Rai, who was talking to each other, walked away as well Jx and shin also walked away

Suddenly it started raining with the rain followed thunder Zenkai who was walking back home suddenly felt light-headed and was losing balance his heart beating fast


"Zenkai, don't mind me. You must live on that man is here seeking you run away Zenkai."

Screaming yelling all this over one guy the Saito clan was a feared clan due to the amount of power they were born with, so they wouldn't go down without a fight, but this man treated them as if they were regulars the way he cut down each Saito they were powerless against him

"Zenkai, the son, listen once every 2000 years a special within the specials is born the power of the gods land on him that power chose you so you must live and end the Coming Chaos."

Zenkai suddenly awakens in the forest, where he blacked out

"Huh, what happened? Where am I, gosh I just had a weird dream sadly I can't remember much from it gotta head home im soaked in the rain"

"A special within the specials" is all he remembered from that memory recall


"What does it say."

"A thunderstorm hit the whole town but there were no storm activities that were recorded that day, so we can only assume a Special did this"

"I see, a special who's going around destroying things just because will be a nuisance mark it down as being handled." Dr.Understand said

"If you find this man will you engage with him"

"I don't have a choice. If we do end up crossing paths, I'll make sure he doesn't walk away safe, and he dies with the sin he committed on that town."