A New Threat

Lyssa comes forward to the field and faces toward Yuki

"Hope y'all ready for the next match because it starts now"

3,2,1 GO

Lyssa dashes backward and swings her chains toward Yuki but he wasn't there anymore and suddenly appeared behind Lyssa he threw a punch at her stomach and sent her flying toward the walls

"My spatial awareness gives me the upper hand here you can be stronger if you want but it won't work if I can see all your attacks".

Lyssa gets back up and looks at him to put him under her illusions but she couldn't see his eyes his hair was covering it

"I knew it I made an assumption when you first showcased your skills and thought there had to be a weak point to your illusions then it hit me"

Yuki points at his eyes,

"eye contact that's the key isn't it, in other words, you can't beat me unless you can see my eyes and I won't have a problem with looking away because of my ability I can fight without looking at you as well.

Lyssa pats the dirt off her clothes "he figured all that out after watching me use my skill once, his intelligence might be scarier than his actual ability"

Kuzan sitting in the crowd feels a sudden aura of murderous intent coming from somewhere he gets up and looks around and walks into an entrance standing there he sees someone he's been looking for.

"Who are you" askes the man. "I don't think my name is relevant right now but are you Kusha one of the demonic twins?"

The man turns around and looks into Kuzans eyes

"Who's asking"

Kuzan leans back on the wall and crosses his arms

"I'm the one asking" Kusha takes out his sword and points it at Kuzan

"Yes I'm Kusha what do you need"

"I'm not here to fight you Kusha I want you and Akkuya to join my group"

"And why should we join," Kusha says curiously

"Because this world will soon turn upside down The gods will come down and cause chaos force, two kids, to fight their battles and even bet on humans lives they are very cruel beings when that day comes I want you to be on the front lines with me to defeat them because only I can bring hell to this world so for them to think they use us is absurd so will you join me Kusha"

"I was gonna ask if your even strong but I peaked into your aura I don't see a limit to it so I don't have to worry about joining a weak leader but what's it in for me"

"Most murders and thieves would be persuaded right away if I said money or fame but you don't find interest in that I assume so tell me what is it that you want"

"I want this shitty world to burn" Kusha laughs grabs his bag and walks out of the room "I have a festival to crash I'll think about your offer tho see you around"

Lyssa is now on the defense her chains are useless since Yuki can move before she swings and her illusions won't work since his eyes are covered. Yuki does another surprise attack on Lyssa and blood comes from her mouth

"Can't believe that kid from Kaijo said you could beat our whole team alone you can barely handle me and I'm not even the strongest"

Lyssa is on her knees and she tries to get back up but Yuki puts his foot on her head and forces it back to the ground "you should learn to bow to people superior to you" while he was talking Lyssa blood started floating and hardened Yuki looked at it and then it pierced him through the head Yuki dropped dead Lyssa got up and fell backward team Taeju gets up and looks in the battlefield thinking Lyssa did something But Kusha walks onto the battlefield and looks at Yuki.

"Didn't your parents teach you to respect women"

Kusha puts his hand out for Lyssa and helps her get back on her feet.

"Everyone here right now listen to this man here" -... there was a moment of silence, is dead"

The Taeju group comes running to the field and looks at Yuki's lifeless body laying there

Akiko starts crying "omg what did you do to him"

Kusha ignores her and looks back at the crowd

"Everyone who's here right now leaves or your all dead" everyone looks around for a second then starts freaking out and there's a lot of yelling soon the arena becomes empty Ranker #9 and Ranker #15 come down and walk toward Kusha

Kuzan makes it back to the arena and sits back down in his spot and looks down at the battlefield

"Well I was watching this festival but I guess Kusha had other plans I'll let it slide for now"

"Who are you identify yourself this instant" ranker #9 said with a voice full of pride.

"I'm Kusha nice to meet you", "Kusha? I've heard that name before aren't you-" the number #9 ranked head gets pierced by a blood spear and he falls backwards and dies. "Who said you could speak on who I am" the number 15 ranker backs up and reaches for his weapon but it isn't there "huh where's my blade" Kusha tosses a blade on the floor "are you talking about this one?" #8 ranker backs up "since when did you" Vannox and Flakes get up and walk toward Kusha with a angered look "you'll pay for what you did to Yuki" they said *eternal darkness take threats vision* everything went dark for Kusha Zenkai ran into the battle field and grabbed Lyssa and helped her out "thank you", "um no problem just sit here" Darling walked toward her "you put up a good fight no shame in losing", "Easy for you to say you won your fight against them didnt you" she says coughing "well yea but I couldn't win with my own power" Lyssa looks at him as if he's dumb "stealing is your power I don't know who's power that lightning was but once you use it it's yours correct" Darlings chuckles and nods his head "I guess your right about that" he gets up and walks to the battlefield where Kusha and them were standing Kusha smiles and raises all the blood in the area and hardens then pointing it toward Vannox and Flakes Darling comes from above striking the ground Kusha moves out the way before he gets hit and sighs he looks around in the air as if he's looking for something "he should be here by now where is that bastard" someone comes flying through the air and lands "why must you speak ill of me while I'm away Kusha" the guy who lands says irritated "Akkuya you finally arrived did you get the stuff" Kusha smirks "yes I did seems like you caused some chaos here but they are just children so let's not waste our time with them let's get going"