The Dragon Ranker

Day 97: I've been traveling for over three months now and I can tell I'm getting closer to where he was. I faced hardships and battles but it wasn't much I couldn't handle, using my sense of time I can see this was the last place the Number 1 ranker was but his existence in time disappears here like he just got deleted here but if it's the same guy I remember from back then he won't go down without a fight and I can sense traces of a fight going down I wonder if it was the demon level threat. Dr. Understand walks around touching everything than sitting down and crosses his legs and closes his eyes.

Chronokinesis: Time visit, two years first contact

Suddenly the area in front of him was rewinding in time but he was seeing it break down in his head so he couldn't get involved in what was taking place he then stopped when he saw a young man with black dreadlocks styled in a half-ponytail, and golden eyes he wore an all-black kimono with a dragon symbol on the back he carried a black sword with a golden dragon on it. Dr. Understand smiled as if he knew the person but he didn't say anything and let time flow from where he stopped it

The man started walked around and touching the trees he took out his sword and sliced the tree in an instance and continued looking around when a portal opened in front of him and out came a man who looked in his thirties who had his hands together as if he was praying and his eyes were closed, behind him came out some beasts, animals he must have made a pact with them and they growled looking at the man. The man in the Kimono took out his sword and stood before them

"Who are you"

The man kept his eyes closed and smiled

"My name is Hiro, I don't usually leave my home but I sensed your power even from a different universe so I came to get to rid of a threat like you"

"You can try," Anbu said

"Before I kill you though tell me your name I've never seen someone quite strong as you well actually you versus my son might be closer than it would be if anyone else tried to fight him."

"You talk a lot you know, but my name is Anbu ranked #1 one in the world, and" he grins "you just met your match"

"Dragon summoning" a giant black dragon with golden eyes that matched Anbu's eyes appeared out of the atmosphere and let out a rumbling growl, bone-chilling screeches.

"Go my beasts" they all ran toward Anbu and got fried by the dragon they laid there soulless

"Is that it? You bring some animals and they become one-shot food for my dragon"

The man laughs as he slowly opens his eyes and runs toward Anbu "those beasts weren't even a fraction of my power"

"Creation: Sword"

He then clashes blades with Anbu as they swung their swords for a while nobody was being pushed back. Anbu moved and made his dragons move at Hiro but missed Hiro kept jumping and doing flips over the attacks when Anbu brought out a second one

"Summon: Golden Dragon" out came a dragon bigger than the last which was Gold and had black eyes it let out a roar and the ground shook, Anbu leaped on top of the dragon and let go of his sword and it started floating and went behind him the dragon started flying in circles and Anbu stood on it and pointed to the sky and jumps down putting two fingers to his face.

"The difference between you and I is reality can be whatever I want it to be"

"Reality alter: Clowns mansion - infinite space"

The world itself started changing and everything that was before them was gone mirrors floated in the air Hiro stood on a cloud everything was just different and then it shifted again planets were before them and stars and the galaxy's all of it was there before Anbu and Hiro. Dr. Understand sat there still watching what was happening. Hiro flew to a planet and threw it at Anbu but missed.

"Seems most of my power is still sealed away but I can still do this"

Hiro clapped his hands and everything went back to normal and Anbu was falling but the dragon saved him.

"What did you do."

"Just clapped my hands nothing much"

Anbu never met someone so strong but he didn't let it bother him and took out a rubber band and tied his hair back.

Dr. Understand was surprised how Hiro deleted Anbu's world in an instant "they were both testing the waters no one was trying now it's getting serious."

"So you have more powers or is that your limit?."

"Anbu ignored what he said as he tied his hair back" and grabbed his blade which was still floating behind him and put it to his face

"Reality aftermath"

After he looked into the future and saw no matter what he did he still ended up getting sealed away he laughed "so that's your plan huh, sealing me away"

"Like I said I haven't met someone as strong as you are on the good guy side so I wouldn't wanna risk you getting in the path of what will come down in four years"

Anbu didn't know about the Miracles and Hatred because he was always out on missions so he didn't take in students to train or ever come to Ranker meetings

"What will go down in four years?"

The man closed his eyes again "hell, chaos, fire, devils, Gods and two children who will set our course after that the world itself will be reset and the losing team will disappear from reality"

Anbu didn't know if what the guy was saying is true but he didn't wanna risk it so he decided he will take himself along with Hiro out both at once he ran at him and swung his sword almost hitting. Hiro tries to hit Anbu in the chest but Anbu grabbed his arm did a flip over Hiro's body and slammed him to the ground lifted his sword and before he struck the beasts he took out earlier came running toward him and bit his arms and legs. Anbu dragon came down and lifted Anbu.

"I thought they were dead"

"They were I just returned its soul to its body and reset its corpse"

Anbu's dragon went higher and higher and stopped Anbu sat down and closed his eyes when he opened it he stood up and jumped face forward off the dragon."

"Everyone has a weakness Hiro and I'm sorry to tell you this but your one weakness ended up being me"

"Reality shift: Universal Lock"

Anbu opened back the portal Hiro came from and both he and Hiro went inside of it and locked the universe never letting Hiro leave.

Anbu whose dreads were red from the blood and his Kimono ripped up smiled as he looked at Hiro.

"Like I said reality can be whatever I want it to be and the one I chose was the one where you can't leave unless given outside help by a Ranker himself which will never happen"

Hiro moved his hands and seemed as if he was pissed

"Reality can be whatever you want huh well reality for me will be you gone forever."

"Eternal Imprisonment: True Sealing"

As chains appeared on Anbu's clothing and started holding him in a place he looked at Hiro and smiled.

"An eye for an eye, but remember this I still win and I'll never lose " he then closed his eyes and his body became confined as the chains covered his body and a solid-like figure covered his body he was truly locked inside of it.

"Don't worry you'll never age inside of it and you won't get hungry you'll wish you died instead"

Hiro looked in the direction Dr. Understand was sitting in and grinned then turned around and walked away.

Dr. Understand opened his eyes and returns to the present.

"So that's what happened to Anbu"