Angered King

The room starts glowing and a straight line of purple going from one wall to the one Shin destroyed appeared on his hand.

"Condensed Stroke: tracking"

The glowing got even brighter and Zenkai backed up he saw the attack coming toward him and he ran away from it he turned around and it was still on him he kept going but it wouldn't budge he made a left turn but the attack also turned with him.

Jx and Shin stood in front of Moncler and turned around and tried to walk away but Moncler appeared in front of them.

"You think you can run away after doing this to my castle?"

"We weren't running away but if you think we are scared of you think again"

Jx looks at his hand

"Seems we have no control over ourselves and can only do what Zenkai askes us to do," Jx says.

"But he shouldn't care if we kill you," Shin says as he blows the roof off the ceiling and floats over it.

*Gravity Attraction: asteroid rain"

An asteroid like the one from the Region games came down. Jx made an ice trail to Shin and stood next to him they look down at Moncler who's just looking at the floor laughing.

He starts laughing even louder and his eyes start glowing purple.

"Guess the fun is starting," Moncler said as he ran up the ice trail Jx made. Jx jumped down and threw ice spikes at Moncler who stopped all of them with his hand.

"Pure fist"

He made a huge blow into Jx stomach but the gravity from Shin stopped Jx from flying away Jx coughed up some blood but grabbed Moncler's hand and froze his whole body.

Shin pushes the ice statue back.

As the ice sculpture is flying through the city it starts glowing purple and an eruption comes from it and the spikes from the ice start flying through the city destroying some properties and it even hurt some people.

Moncler looks up and sees Jx and Shin coming toward him and he closes his eyes and gives three quick strikes to their heads and wipes the dust off himself as they fall over and disappear.

"Disgusting filth," Moncler said.

The asteroid Shin brought down fell and made a huge dent in the city.

Moncler watched his capital burn and the destruction which was even worse than what he caused at Jadia he clenched his fist and called forward a meeting.

Zenkai turned around stopped and put his hand up he had a plan but he needed to wait for the attack to catch up.

The attack got closer and closer and as it came toward Zenkai hand he activated another ability.

"Cool breeze" + "forest flood"

He caused a flood and made the winds pick up and it got chilly the water froze and became ice.

"Fimos: God of the earth: Wall"

The iced floor came up and formed making an ice wall that stopped Moncler's attack he then walked up and touched the ice that was trapping Moncler's move.

"God of Destruction Xodan: Demolition Fist"

And the whole area disappeared the grass and trees all of it gone it looked like a desert.

Zenkai landed and sat down.

"Damn that was annoying it's a move that tracks you unless its course is blocked but since I didn't turn and was in front of it, it didn't sense the ice blocking its path good ability for a fighter."

Zenkai looked at his hand and the two marks on it faded.

"Guess he defeated Jx and Shin time to head back to Jadia and grow my army" Zenkai got up and flew back to Jadia.

"I'm back"

Vannox turned around.

"How did it go."

"I think he got the message," Zenkai said as he got something to drink.

Anbu came walked out of his room and came down the stairs.

"I'm gonna head out now Zenkai and Vannox you guys are much stronger now so you'll survive but I have to get going."

"Wait where are you going?" Zenkai asked.

"Well this place is about to be destroyed and I did what Dr. Understand asked me to do also since I'm not allowed to fight no point in being here anymore and I have my reasons that made me get stronger through the years so I'll go looking for someone we'll meet again if we both survive what's ahead of us live a good life Zenkai."

Anbu walked out the door and headed out but what Zenkai didn't know was hell was about to fall on Jadia.

Moncler was on his way.