
He flicked his finger and Robespierre's arm came off.

"What is happening," Robespierre screamed.

Zenkai flew toward him and grabbed his face and flew with him through an asteroid belt and took him to different solar systems he let go of him and went higher and put his finger up.

A small black orb appeared in his hand and got bigger and bigger and got as big as the solar system. Zenkai went higher up and looked at Robespierre.

"Guess the Coming Chaos is already over huh.?" Zenkai mocked him.

Robespierre looked up at Zenkai. "So this is judgement from a divine being."

"God of destruction: large scale annihilation"

He dropped the move on him and erased the solar system along with Robespierre he flew back to Vannox and The man touching their backs.

"Motion switch."

The asteroid in the city went back to space and they returned to the floor they were surrounded by a bunch of citizens with spears who looked scared when the asteroid disappeared and three kids took its spot.

They all went back to their regular clothes and pushed through the people in front of them after taking a turn they bumped into Lyssa and Flakes.

"So where have y'all been?" Flakes asked.

"Taking care of Robespierre he should be out of our business for now and the Revolution will die out without a leader."

Flakes looked behind Zenkai and saw the guy behind them.

"Isn't that?"

Zenkai cut him off. "Yes it's Darling, yes he died and yes I brought him back to life let's skip the questions we will be heading back to Jadia what about you guys.

Lyssa and Flakes looked at each other.

"Guess we'll be joining you," Lyssa spoke out.

"Great" Zenkai replied and they started walking when they got stopped by a mob.

"You are a part of this mess arent you we've seen you guys get attacked by revolutionary soldiers and now Robespierre is missing what did you do to him." Someone in the crowd said.

Lyssa stepped up and pointed to the sky but made sure Zenkai, Vannox, and the rest kept their head down. The mob looked up and a giant eye was in the sky.

"You'll rebuild Naslands and forget all about this revolution but you guys will no longer live under an absolute monarchy from now on Naslands and every region in it is a republic," Lyssa spoke with a soft tone.

The mob got quiet and dropped their weapons and walked away.

They looked at Lyssa.

"What? I can keep up with you guys don't worry." She said proudly as she walked forward.

Zenkai smiled "they all got stronger wouldn't be surprised if they could beat me from the region's event."

They ran to Jadia and arrived there to find it destroyed even more.

"Did Moncler return?" Zenkai asked as he picked up the roofs on the floor and found crushed bodies."

Zenkai walked through Jadia and looked around then remembered Hikari he then ran toward the Castle and surprisingly it was still standing. Zenkai walked in and went into his room it was empty then walked into Hikari's room it was also empty he checked every room but Hikari wasn't in it.

Lyssa, Darling, Vannox, and Flakes came into the castle and watched Zenkai check every door he came back down the stairs and entered the throne room.

"Welcome, I've been waiting for you." The strange person sitting on the King's throne said.

Zenkai looked at the guy who sat there.

"Who are you?" Zenkai asked as he walked forward.

"Where have you been King of Jadia." The strange man asked as he stayed in his spot and ignored Zenkai's question.

"I asked a question first."

The man got up and stood in front of Zenkai.

"Just someone who enjoyed the idea of war it's been a long time since countries went all out against each other should have expected King Moncler would be the first to start a war again."

The man walked out of the castle and everyone followed after him.

He looked around and snapped his fingers, many specials and soldiers appeared out hiding and stood behind him.

"You'll regret trying to join this," Vannox said.

The man smiled.

"There are five of you guys what army could you possibly bring to take down a whole nation."

Zenkai closed his eyes and laughed.

"What army you say?" Zenkai looked the man in the eyes.

Three hundred shadow soldiers, ten giant trees with hands and arms, and Jx and Shin appeared behind Zenkai.

"Repeat that."