
Axel grabbed onto Moncler's leg and pushed him back. Moncler did a flip in the air and landed on his feet, Axel got back up and ran at Moncler grabbing him by the face and slamming him to the wall.

"I made my legs and calves bigger to move faster but even after doing nothing but just sitting there for a year you managed to get the jump on me." Axel clapped his hands complimenting Moncler for such a feat.

Moncler sat there and stared at the ground he looked up seeing Axel rushing at him again he moved his head and Axel put a hole through the wall the light shined in through the wall and Moncler felt the touch on and he rushed toward it.

Axel grabbed him and threw him back.

Moncler screamed, "let me go this stupid eye means nothing to me I'll even stab it out just let me leave." Moncler dropped to the floor and looked at Axel.

"Only your death can give me that eye," Axel replied, "but I have a question how come one moment you are slamming me into a wall with a sense of bloodlust then the next you are on the floor begging to live."

"Argonus Carries a soul within itself. Currently, the real Moncler is having a mental battle with me, and whenever I seem to overcome him he finds a way to stop me again." Argonus replied.

Axel looked in confusion and then smiled. "You're him right the first holder of the eye."

Argonus got up and grinned "yes I am why does that matter."

"Just makes killing you easier," Axel said.

"If I die I'll just take over your body this eye is a curse, not a gift."

Axel tried to perform an Elbow Strike at Argonus but missed and got punched to the wall. Argonus rushed toward him and grabbed his face and slammed his knee in his face.

"I hate overly confident people."

Argonus was planning to finish off Axel when he grabbed his head and fell to the floor he appeared in his head and noticed Moncler sitting in front of him.

Moncler looked up and begged Argonus to let him free.

"I won't use this power ever just let me out of this."

Argonus bent down being eye level with Moncler.

"After I kill this guy ask me the same question." Argonus woke back up and kicked Axel in the head knocking him out.

He picked up Axel and walked out of the chamber guards approached him and he sent the purple beams killing them after a while the rest of the guards gave up and let him through he walked out of the castle and called a meeting.

Many citizens appeared and watched Argonus in the body of Moncler stand in front of them with Axel's body over him.

"One year ago the symbol of Hiroshima died the beloved queen Ava to the country it seemed like she had a heart attack but the truth is this man you guys call a King killed her he killed his wife simply because she didn't want to sleep with him."

The crowd was quiet then they started whispering.

"Why should we believe you." Someone yelled.

And the crowd started agreeing with him. "Yeah why."

"Well, why would I lie on my father's name? He killed our mother and locked me in the castle for a year. People who act like this don't deserve the title of King or even be alive." Argonus put Axel down and woke him up.

Axel looked up seeing Argonus's hand in his face.

"Bye-bye shitty filth." The purple beam emitted from his hand and took off Axel's head.

Blood gushed from him and the blood made its way to the people's feet.

They started screaming and Argonus started floating.

"I am your King and anyone who defies me can die like that fucking filth right there."

Everyone started running and Argonus landed walking back into the castle.

"Go clean up the dirt." He said as he sat on his throne and returned to his head.

"You see Moncler anyone who harms you I will handle them all you have to do is sit still and enjoy the show."

Moncler just sat there and Argonus got up from his throne.

Zenkai and Moncler stood in front of each other

God of the ocean Ryujin: Great Tsunami

A giant wave appeared and flooded nearby towns Moncler kicked through them and rushed at Zenkai with his eye glowing.

"DIE" he screamed

He started using Wing Chun a style of martial arts.

"Gum Sau" he slammed his hand into Zenkai's chest sending him flying back and falling through the water.

Zenkai looked up as he started sinking and noticed a shadow appearing from the sky. Moncler jumped through the water and kicked Zenkai lower.

Zenkai got up and started swimming in circles causing a whirlpool.

Moncler got sucked in but he flew out and Zenkai went after him.

"Moncler why don't we just end this war it's pointless."

His yellow eye faded and Moncler's voice changed with a sadder tone.

"I'm not in control of that Zenkai but you have no idea how tragic my life has been I've fought with the darkness endlessly all my life and the ones I held dear just perished in front of me."

Zenkai looked at him and didn't say anything.

"Tell me Zenkai do you know how it feels to watch the ones you love die in front of you?" Moncler asked.

Zenkai got angry and spoke "that corpse out there fighting your people are my friends who died and my family died, my teacher died, you wanna talk tragic? You haven't been through half the shit I have."

Moncler's eyes turned yellow again and he looked at Zenkai.

"I see, well let me add you to the list of corpses ."