
A day had passed, and Jadia was returning to its former glory.

"Do you want us to go with you?" Lyssa asked Zenkai while she tied his hair in a bun.

"No, they wouldn't try anything. Nobody wants another war." Zenkai got up and headed out the door, and the carriage waited there.

"Who are you?" Zenkai asked.

"King Kazuha has sent me to get you." The man in the front spoke.

"I'm good. I can walk tell Kazuha I said thanks, though."

"Please, sir Kazuha wants me to bring you in the carriage. If I fail such a task, I don't know what will happen to me with the way Feronia runs.

Zenkai sighed as he entered the carriage.

"Try anything, and you won't make it to Feronia."

Zenkai looked out the window as the carriage started moving.

The mark on Zenkai's palm disappeared, showing that Darling had returned to the dead.

Hours have passed until they finally made it to Feronia.

The scene looked empty, so Zenkai was on his guard.

"It's just me and you again, Kazuha. They won't show up." The King of Bulcroaria said.

Kazuha tapped his finger on the desk "they'll be here. It would help if you gave them some time. They did lose a lot, you know."

As the King continued complaining, Zenkai walked through the door.

"Which King is this? He's only a child." Bulcroarian King spoke.

Zenkai ignored his remarks and took a seat across from Kazuha, looking at him.

"That would be the Jadian King," Kazuha answered.

"So, where's the Hiroshima King."

"Is all you do complain," Zenkai said as he stared at the King of Bulcroaria.

"What did you say you-"before the King could speak, a masked man with an all-black outfit and a sword on his back entered the room.

They all looked at him as the dust of sand entered the room, and he sat down.

"Seems as we are all here." Kazuha stood up and touched a button on the table, and a hologram appeared out of it.

A number appeared in the hologram.


"That's how many people have died in the last week."

"The battle between Zenkai and Moncler tore through countries flooded everything and caused many deaths."

The moon appeared in the hologram next.

There was a giant hole through it.

"Somebody also created this somehow, but I don't know if you guys did it or if it was just a meteor."

"Did you call us for a recap, or are do you need something," Zenkai spoke.

"I want us four to come together as one; I promised my people things will change, and if we get into chaos again, I'm no better than Lugh."

"I'm all for that." The King of Bulcroaria said.

The King of Hiroshima looked at Zenkai.

"Zenkai was it?" He asked.

"Yes, it is."

"Were you raised in Jadia?" He asked again.

"How can you ask questions when you haven't said anything about yourself yet."

"Then I take my question back."

He looked at Kazuha, expecting him to continue his talk.

Kazuha touched the table again, and the earth appeared. It disappeared right after, and the room started lighting up, then it went dark.

Stair like shape has appeared, and it moved up. they went to the side, and universe figure appeared

"This is our universe," Kazuha said.

The figure moved back, and the stairs moved toward him.

"As most of us may know, we live in a multiverse made up of the infinite amount of universe, all of it constructed by our Gods. Our Gods stay in their home called Heaven created by them, but let us ignore that for now, we have something below it, conceptually transcending our universe, known as hell outside of space and time. There's the fact that we all agree that there's a quantum reality in which all alternative possibilities are actual, which is also made up of dimensions infinitely transcending the one below it." Kazuha touched another button, and the heavens disappeared, zooming in on it.

"A realm within the heavens, there's this place known as the phantoms union demons who were cast out for their actions and were originally The Gods helpers hell wasn't strong enough to hold them, so the Gods created the Phantom beyond hell where they stay."

Kazuha moved up

"every one hundred years, the seal becomes fragile, but this time the seal has leaked so much that a demon could escape. If any demon within the phantom ever fled, the universe no, the multiverse will all crumble."

Zenkai spoke out.

"So you want all of us to be on the same side in case this next leak will let a demon escape." He said.

"Correct." Kazuha touched another button countries showed, each with a different name.

"Jadia ruler Zenkai, Bulcroaria ruler Meinu, Feronia ruler Kazuha and Hiroshima ruler ???"

The question mark appeared on that country, and they looked at him.

He took off his mask, revealing his newly dyed hair red and the cut on his cheek.

"Tsuki" "my name is Tsuki."