Murder of a King

Zenkai returned to Jadia and put the pictures in his closet. He then walked into the bathroom to wash up.

Someone knocked on the door. Zenkai wrapped himself and opened the door, and Hikari's father stood there.

"Hello, I wanted to talk to you about how everything was going." He said.

"Come on in," Zenkai said.

He sat down and asked Zenkai how he was doing with everything that's happened so far.

"I'm alright, thanks though, but I have to get ready for something. Can we talk later, please?" Zenkai said as he reached for a kimono and tied his hair up.

"Sure, but I was wondering when you'll marry Hikari. You know it's been almost two years since you took the throne, yet Hikari still holds no power."

"Is that what you are worried about at a time like this? We just came out of war. We don't have time for such things."

"Yeah yeah, I know. I don't want you to end up like the last King, you know." He said.

Zenkai looked at him "what do you mean by that."

"Nothing, it's just a country can't function without a symbol, and a King can't be a symbol." He then walked out and closed the door.

Zenkai got on his bed and closed his eyes.

"Come to me." He yelled.

"I said come, you shitty lady."

"That's not an excellent way to call for someone." The lady with her rags and dripping blood appeared.

Listen, remember when you showed me Sin and Kuzan in the past as kids."

"Yeah yeah yeah, you want me to show you the Kings death, huh."

"Yes, now do it."

"Well, well well, a party, and I wasn't invited." Argonus appeared and stood in front of Zenkai.

"Who may this be." The lady said.

"He's just some annoying person that's been bugging me lately, talking to me in my sleep, changing my eyes without me asking."

Zenkai then walked toward Argonus.

"Listen, I've already beat you, so you do what I say, not going to get controlled like Moncler."

Zenkai walked back, and she grabbed his shoulder. They were outside of the castle now many years back. He saw young Darling and Hikari run past them.

"If I remember correctly, they went out to play, and Darling returned to his father dead, then he made a run for it to Naslands after he got accused.

They walked into the castle and saw Hikari's father making food. He then pulled out a purple potion and put it in the drink. He then walked upstairs with the tray and took it to the King.

Zenkai followed him, and Hikari's father walked into the King's room.

He handed the King the food. The King sat up and sipped from the cup as he took a bite from the food.

Hikari's father walked toward the window as he pulled the curtains and looked at the sun setting.

The King started coughing, and Hikari's father looked back at him.

"Throughout all the years, I've always been by your side. I thought you were a brother to me, but you looked at me like another servant. It hurt me."

Hikari's father walked closer.

"You'll regret this." The King said as he grabbed his throat and laid back on the bed.

"Your son, I've sent a maid to go get him "your father is looking for you." He laughed.

"The King and his son get into another heated argument. The King hits his son, and the Devil corrupts the son using his power to kill the King." Hikari's father smiles "how does that title sound?"

Hikari's father walks out when he notices the King is dead.

He walks into the restroom, closes the door, and waits.

Zenkai walks out the door, and he sees Darling and Hikari running through the castle door.

They run up the stairs and run into the King's room.

"Father did you call for me," Darling said. "Hello, Father." Darling then ran toward his dad as he saw his lifeless eyes lay there with no pulse."

Hikari's tears rolled down her eyes as she noticed the guards running up the stairs.

"Darling people are coming." She yelled.

Darling lifted his hand, forced the door shut, grabbed Hikari, and opened the window.

"Go hurry before they get in. It's a setup."

Hikari jumped over and landed on the floor safely.

"Come, darling." She yelled.

"He looked at her and then closed the window.

She yelled for him, but the soundproof room couldn't hear the outside and couldn't be heard either

The door got broken open, and they came rushing in with their weapons.

They pointed a gun at Darling, who had his hands in the air.

Darling then looked at them and put his hands down.

They let out some bullets, but Darling ran on the wall dodging the shots and ran toward a guard punching him in the face.

"Who else wants some," Darling said as he grinned.

The room got lit up, and Darling remained without a scratch. He then kicked one of the guards near the door and closed it as he ran out.

They ran after him and chased him into the woods.

Zenkai ran after him and watched Darling get surrounded.

"You're trapped now, you devil."

Darling shrugged and punched the ground, causing all the guards to fall. He then hopped on a tree and jumped into the air so high he could see his castle again.

Hikari looked up and saw him in the air. She then tried to run after him, but someone grabbed her shoulder.

"Hikari, it's not safe to be out right now." Her father said as he pulled her into the castle.

Zenkai then returned to the castle and watched Hikari's father hugging Hikari.

"Well, that's all you gotta see." The lady said as she returned Zenkai to his time.

"That son of a bitch." Zenkai clenched his fist.

The doors busted open, and everyone stared at the person who walked through it.

"Is that? It can't be, didn't he die."

The man walked past them with his black dreadlocks styled in a half-ponytail and his sword floating behind him.

He then bumped into someone.

"Welcome back, Anbu. We thought you kicked the bucket." He said.

"I've been laying low my mission messed me up, but thanks, Hago, it's good to see you again too."