My Once Old Friend

"Traitor Carson, meet your son Carson, and little Carson… meet the man who caused your mother to die, the traitor, Carson."

Carson stopped, and his eye returned to normal but remained in his form.

"My son?.." Carson wavered in getting these words out.

He then recalled how that boy's eyes looked identical to Ella's and how he had his hair.

The Phantom Demons sought this moment and scampered toward him. They cut him up, but he didn't move.

After a while, he flew toward young Carson. "what is your mother's name?" he questioned.

Young Carson, struggling to accept all the new information, slowly let it out. "her name is Ella.''

Phantom Carson then smiled a genuine one.

His body returned to normal, and he hugged young Carson.

"I'm sorry..son," he let out.

Young Carson started to tear up as he finally saw his father before him, not as he imagined but a weak and broken man.

"Where have you been.." Young Carson said.

"I'm sorry, I pursued my own life even with a warning. I didn't care for those I was leaving behind, and hurting I couldn't be here for you, and now I won't live to be there for you. I'm truly sorry, and I hope maybe one day you and Vannox can meet and become good friends and siblings who protect each other."

Dachi kicked Phantom Carson through buildings and flew after him. He grabbed his face and dragged him through the mud."

Carson, who still hasn't lost his smile, looked back at Dachi as he sat near a building, his body covered in blood.

"Please take care of him, not for the current me but the friend you once had in me, don't turn him into a soldier and let him live a happy life, one where he won't need parents or carry any hatred." he coughed up blood, "and I'm sorry... for killing Ella."

It started to rain, washing away the blood that was spilled today. Phantom Carson has died.

All the Phantoms stood before his body, glancing over at him.

Young Carson walked past the Phantoms and stood in front of his dad.

"Vannox?" he let out.

"Who the hell is Vannox." he wiped his tears away.

"A child he raised when he should have been here with you," Dachi spoke as he tapped Carson's head.

"Don't fear, young Carson, ill raise you under me, train you to carry your hatred for that false demon, and maybe one day, when the seal is broken, if he still lives, we will pay him a visit."

Dachi looked back at the rest of the Phantoms.

"I will like to introduce our new Shadow Phantom, the 12th Phantom, Carson."

Everyone was confused, but nobody questioned all applauded. They then went on with their day.

Moses and Senzu walked with Dachi.

"You know that Phantom isn't a title to be passed around, right?" Senzu said.

"I am aware, but he carries Carson's blood, so he'll carry his sins." Dachi smiled.

"The Shadow Carson... He was always amusing and was the only angel I wished never to cross. Not because he was strong; I could defeat him anytime if I wanted, but his mind and the way he saw the world, I grew interested in it."

Moses and Senzu continued to walk with Dachi as they listened.

"Defied the gods not because I said so as their head Angel but because he didn't like their authority, and he sought to be away from it; he then ended up here no rule but still trapped; with his willpower, he found a way out, but he wasn't getting any closer to freedom so why do what he did." Dachi then laughed. "I've come to find out that in reality, no matter how smart he came off, he's stupid and was nothing but, hmm, let's say a Shadow, a mirror to his old self."

"The Shadow Phantom Carson, we never really spoke, but as you said, he was an exciting guy and one of our strongest during the Coming Chaos," Moses added.

Senzu then thought of something for him to say, "Yeah, I guess he was a cool guy, but I've grown better interested in his son. Let me train him, and ill make him just as strong if not more substantial than the power we lost.

They all split up.

"Not for the current me but the friend you once had in me, don't turn him into a soldier and let him live a happy life, one where he won't need parents or carry any hatred," Dachi remembered what Carson asked from him. "If we were friends, you wouldn't have left us here. I'm sorry but what I seek is much greater than a false dream you chased. Dachi said as he sat down in his chair.