Final Say

The smoke cleared up, and Dachi stood there unharmed, not a single drop of blood or scratch on him.

"you should work on your timing and aim," Dachi commented as he cracked his neck. "Maybe then you would have done something to me." He added.

The Guardian looked at Dachi, confused. "So it is true, you haven't lost any of your power. I assume you fought in the Union every day like it was survival to remain in your condition."

"You'd assume wrong." Dachi jumped toward the Guardian again, leaving a crater behind where he stood.

The Guardian's eyes began to glow brighter. More Angels appeared out of the Guardian, and all sped toward Dachi.

"The puppet has his tools," Dachi said as he ceased movement midair and glanced at the thousands of angels soaring toward him.

"he began moving again, cutting through the angels one by one. He struck some down and killed others, all with his hands, blood covering his arms, and he looked at the rest remaining.

They all hastened toward him.

He jerked the blood off his hands and continued movement again.

The soil and air started to tremble again, and Dachi glanced toward the idle Guardian, whose eyes gleamed more light.

"I have to defeat him first." Dachi thought.

He passed by the angels, still killing the ones that approached him.

Dachi made his way back up to the Guardian.

The Guardian understood Dachi's motive, so he flew up and shook his wings. He was creating a gust of wind all around him to push back Dachi.

"You will not move any further." The Guardian said with its strange voice.

Dachi landed and dashed to the Guardian again. He closed the distance quickly and landed a devious blow to his gut, sending the Guardian flying upwards.

The Guardian looked down at the ground, and Dachi wasn't there anymore. He analyzed the area but couldn't see him.

Dachi kicked him in his back and sent him toward the ground creating a Guardian-shaped dent in the floor.

He looked back up at Dachi, who was preparing another attack, but he shrunk, making Dachi miss.

The Guardian flipped over, landed on one foot, and pointed the other at Dachi.

Dachi looked toward the leg in front of him.

The Guardian smiled as his leg extended into his giant form toward Dachi.

The Guardian returned his feet normal and flew into the air.

He moved his hand to the sky, and everything cleared up. Light started illuming from his palm again.

Heavens Light Core: True Light Judgment.

Six needles of light appeared out of the atmosphere, and then a massive light sword appeared in his hands.

He scrutinized Dachi, getting back up from the kick, and spoke. "It was nice knowing you, Dachi." His eye began to glow again. "But our Gods have given me the power to judge you."

"Remember back during Heaven when we both stood at the gate," Dachi said. "Everyone always applauded us for keeping them safe. By everyone, I mean the good humans who made it up."

The Guardian still looked down at dachi with the sword in his hands. "Are these your final words?"

"But at times, there were Messengers or Angels who questioned who was the strongest. Some would say you, some me, some Carson, and some even thought Moses and Senzu." Dachi added and ignored the Guardian.

"What are you getting at.' The Guardian said.

"I don't know. I just wanted you to remember that out of everyone listed. You were the odd one out."

The Guardian slammed the light sword toward dachi and cut through the ground.

Dachi appeared on top of the sword.

"I had you all planned out." The Guardian chuckled.

The six light arrows at the top slammed down on Dachi, forming a circle around him.

Heavens Light Core: True imprisonment

The Light prison started to glow, trapping Dachi inside it.

A light bowl emerged from the atmosphere and sealed it from the top.

"So your true judgment was a weaker sealing than what the Gods gave me?" Dachi mocked.

The Guardian, still in miniature form, pointed his palm toward Dachi.

"No, My true judgment is your death. This was to keep you from moving." The Guardian added.

The Phantoms appeared at the fight, and all looked at Dachi trapped and the Guardian floating and loading up another attack.

"Seems Dachi isn't as strong as I thought," Carson said.

They all looked at Carson and laughed.

The Guardian's body started to glow, and his form changed. He gained white robes around his body and a halo that looked like a crown. On his back, white markings started to appear, and a tattoo of a white sword arose on his back.

"His third form." They thought.

The Guardian pulled on his robes, revealing his body. He then extended his arms and looked down at Dachi again, who still hadn't moved. His core began to glow white, and his body began to break apart.

Dachi noticed this and held onto the light arrays that held him back.

Heaven's light core: Sacrificial Judgement.

"One cannot escape this." The Guardian said, "Everything prior was just buildup to both of our deaths.

The Guardian looked up to the sky and smiled.

''I hope you guys are happy with me."

The light lit up hell. All the darkness and agony disappeared in that instance.

The demons and sinners in the distance saw the light pure light and not ones like flames.

The light disappeared, and the Guardian fell from the sky and landed on the floor.

The Phantoms walked toward The Guardian's body, and blood leaked to their shoes. He was headless.

They all looked toward the light sealing The Guardian created and saw a hole between the arrows.

"That was a close one, wasn't it."