Running from Sin’s

"What are you guys doing," Xodan questioned the Angel who had fallen.

"We decided not to follow you guys. We were all tired of being tools." Dachi answered.

"Dachi... you were Heaven's greatest angel," Xodan added.

Dachi gripped his fist. "So I was the best thing in your inventory?"

"Moses, what are you doing?" Ryujin questioned.

Moses looked at Ryujin and ignored him.

All the Angels looked around and felt the lightning rumbling.

Takemikadzuchi stood in front of the five gods.

"The time has finally come." He said.

The air around them felt heavy, and the ground couldn't handle the pressure as it started to break apart.

The Gate from hell emerged from the ground and forced its way open, freeing a swarm of demons to conquer the planet.


Senzu grabbed his coin and stared at Milo.

"Well, I'm ready when you are."

Milo didn't hesitate for a second and covered the distance between him and Senzu.

Senzu flipped a coin toward Milo's face, but Milo dodged it and put his hand up as it started to radiate red.


A trail of destruction was left where Senzu stood on the ground.

Senzu appeared behind the smoke and performed a sidekick to Milo's ribs sending him flying.

Senzu tried to look at where he went, but Milo was already back and tossed a left hook at Senzu's face putting him to the ground.

Milo prepared for another attack.

Senzu didn't wait and kicked Milo in the chest and bounced back on his feet. He then tossed a jab, created a coin in his other hand, and flung it toward Milo's eye.

Senzu drove his foot forward and punched Milo with the coin.

He moved his palm up to catch the coin.

It had the illustration of a hole.

Senzu scowled. Then a hole appeared below him, and he fell inside it.

"How unfortunate of me." He said, darting back up at the six-foot pit he fell through.

Milo leaned over the hole and put his hand down, making it glow orange.

Senzu started punching the soil bed and drilling around the dirt like an animal.

Milo started to float, planning on eradicating the whole floor, but Senzu had already made his way out and was heading toward Milo.

Milo lowered his hands, performed a back kick toward Senzu, and hit a critical shot sending Senzu flying.

Senzu lay on the floor and slowly got up, holding his stomach.

"Oh man, that was a good one," He said.

"That eye, do you know what it does." The demon questioned Kazuha.

"It kills people like you," Kazuha replied.

"Essentially, yes, but do you know its origin and why it tracks Phantoms." He asked again.

"I know everything there's to know, and that's why I was so hesitant on stopping you, Phantoms."

The demon thought for a second. "No, I don't think you do, or you would be using its power more than just tracking and movement."

'What are you trying to say." Kazuha asked.

"I'll help you unlock that eye's potential if you can entertain me," he replied.

"you will help me unlock a power meant to kill you and the Phantoms?" Kazuha asked suspiciously.

The demon laughed. "I don't care for Dachi's goals or The Coming Chaos. I do whatever is fun, and right now, the most interesting thing is you."

"Alright then," Kazuha said as he lifted his sword. "Let me show you what I can do."

Sin walked around Bulcroaria, where he saw everyone fleeing, running from something.

He looked at the demons in the air but continued to walk forward, looking for someone.

He looked at the picture again and walked toward the address on the back of it.

Sin finally made it to the house and looked at his second picture. It was the house he was looking for.

A man came out of the backyard and approached Sin.

"How may I help you?" The man asked.

Sin gripped his fist and then relaxed.

"Do you not remember me?" He asked.

The man stared at Sin for a while then his eyes widened.

"TATSUYA?" The man said.

"I go by Sin now." He answered.

"You- You're alive?' The man stuttered.

"Is Hayami also ok?" He asked.

"father." Sin said.

"Yes?" He answered.

"Why did you leave us behind."

The man got quiet and then looked down.

"I've regretted that moment my whole life."

"So you decided to start over and live happily with a new family." Sin questioned again.

"It was for the best," he answered.

"For the best? While you were away, I sought to destroy the world for how it destroyed me. I assumed you were dead, but I still looked into it turns out you were living here all along, trying to forgive your sins by starting over.

"Son, I didn't know you were still alive. I assumed you and your sister had died, so I moved on and started a new life.

Sin cuts him off. "Don't start that bullshit. You created a new life even when you knew we were ran away because you were worthless and needed a fresh start.

Lightning started to form around Sin's arm. "Now I'll know you're dead."

A little boy appears. "Dad, mom is looking for you" He looks at Sin and waves. "Hello," he says happily."

The mother appears and grabs her husband's arm.

"Honey, we have to get into hiding." She said.

She looks at Sin and then back toward her husband.

"Do you know him?" She asked.

Sin's dad looks toward her. "He's someone I know from my past." He replied with a smile.

He looked back toward Sin, but he was gone.

"Oh," She said. "He kinda looks like you when you were younger." She chuckles

He laughs it off and returns to his house but looks outside one more time.

"I'm sorry, Sin." He whispers and shuts the door.

Sin sat in an alleyway and looked up, head full of thoughts.

Takemikadzuchi appeared in front of Sin.

"Forget them. They'll hold you back what you must do, and your- no our destiny is far greater than this family move forward for Hayami." He says.

Sin stands up, and Takemikadzuchi returns inside.

"I know." He answers.