Happy Valentine

The wind whipped through the trees, rustling leaves and shifting shadows in the twilight. Here and there the beam of a torch broke through the gloom. Twigs snapped underfoot as a small group wandered the wood, desperately searching for a missing friend. Fear threatened to overcome them as one by one they strayed from a barely visible path.

A tall athletic girl stepped out into a small clearing between the trees, her short blonde hair shining silver in what natural light there was. Leaves crunched under her heavy boots as she pulled her denim jacket tight around her, shivering in the cold. She scanned the area around her, trying to judge which direction to head in, listening to the calls of her friends as they carried through the wood on the breeze. The snap of a branch sounded behind her and she swiveled around sharply.

"Tommy?" she called out hopefully. Something glinted in the moonlight a few yards ahead, she ran towards it "Tommy is that you?" she almost crashed into the figure standing concealed in the shadows. She fell trying to avoid them, pushing herself to her knees, she looked up "oh. Hi, I didn't know you were here. Have you seen him?" she grinned up at them "you should be more careful you know" she teased, her green eyes reflecting the light of the moon "there's a killer out here."

"I know," the cold robotic voice resonated as the gun flashed forward. The shot rang out clear and swift. It was done. The girl lay sprawled across the woodland floor, her blood glinting crimson on the leaves and trees behind her, her last smile still hanging on her face.


Detective Inspector Daniel Lynch was eating breakfast with his sixteen year old daughter Jamie when the call came in. He ran a hand through his short black hair as he eyed his phone, choosing to take another bite of toast instead of picking it up .

"You going to get that?" Jamie asked looking up from her bowl of porridge.

Daniel just shrugged, "It's probably just your grandmother checking we woke up. Shouldn't you brush your hair?" Jamie cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Says the man still in his pajamas." She snatched the phone from the table as it began to ring for a second time "Detective Lynch's phone, one moment please!" she tossed the phone at him, sticking out her tongue. Daniel rolled his eyes.

"Lynch… Right. Yeah. I'm on my way."

Jamie pulled her auburn hair back into a ponytail, grabbed her school bag and kissed her father on the cheek before running out the door to catch her bus "Bye Dad! Love you!"

Daniel yelled out after her, "Love you too! No not you, Sawyer! Forget it, I'll meet you at the station in fifteen minutes. Bye buh-bye!" Daniel sighed deeply and went to get changed.

Fifteen minutes later Daniel strode into the local police station in a well worn blue suit, rubbing his newly clean shaven chin in irritation. It looked much like his last station, grey walls and cheap grey-purple carpet with dark stained wooden benches and notice boards either side of the reception. It was much smaller though. The double doors to his left opened abruptly

"Excuse me sir? Can I help you with something?" A tall blonde woman in uniform stood facing him, a thick yellowed file in her arms. Daniel held out his credentials.

"Detective Inspector Lynch." She smiled, shifting the file to her left arm.

"Sargent Emily Sawyer, Sir. It's nice to meet you."

Daniel shook her outstretched free hand, "And you. I take it that's for me."

"Eh, yes Sir. It's the compiled casenotes from the investigation last year," Sawyer pushed open the door behind her and ushered him through.

"Is it possible it's a copycat?" Daniel asked walking beside her down the hallway. "I don't remember much about what they covered in the news last year, but this is the first shooting correct?"

"Yes, Sir," Sawyer stopped about halfway down the hallway. "Um, Sir?"

"Yes?" Daniel stopped. Sawyer nodded to the door on their left.

"Your office," Daniel opened the door and took a brief look.

"Hmm, acceptably dreary. Where do I find coffee?"

Sawyer smiled, "The kitchen is at the end of the hall." Daniel nodded curtly and headed off. Sawyer followed and sat at the table while Daniel made them a cup each.

"Right so, what do we have?" He took a deep drink and frowned, "Ugh, it'll do".

Sawyer knocked back her coffee quickly. "Sir, there are two people waiting to be interviewed."

Daniel nodded, "I know, I'm just not very pleasant before coffee. So fill me in."

"Andrea O' Malley, nineteen. Known locally as Andy was found at four forty eight am, shot in the head in Hodder's Wood. She was first found by a friend who was out with her in the woods last night, Tyler Keane. She was found with markings on the palms of both her hands consistent with the case last year."

Daniel swirled the dregs of coffee in his cup. "Why were they out there?"

"From what Tyler and the others have said so far, they were searching for Thomas Ryan. The previous detective in charge liked him as a suspect. Ryan went missing after questioning. We couldn't hold him, lack of evidence. Tyler is in interview room two."

"Who else?"

"Christopher Riordan is in Interview room one. He was also at Hodder's Wood last night. Riordan was the one who contacted the police" Sawyer stood and picked up the file, looking at Daniel expectantly.

"That's it?"

Sawyer shrugged, "We only have two interview rooms, Boss. Umm, I mean Sir."

Daniel rose, not finishing the substandard coffee. "Let's go then."

Daniel took the case file from Sawyer and strode down the hall. Sighing deeply he turned the brass handle and walked into the dull room. Instantly he adopted a hardened expression and dropped the file on to the hard wood table. Daniel felt a swift wave of pity as the pale boy in front of him jumped at the sudden noise.

"Tyler, is it?" his deep voice echoed in the small room. Tyler nodded. Sitting opposite him Daniel spoke softly, attempting to reassure Tyler. "When you're ready, could you tell me what happened last night?" Tyler cleared his throat.

"Sure.." Tyler's voice shook slightly as he spoke. "We were in the woods looking for Tommy. He used to camp there with his dad so we thought he might be there. When we started out we were all together but the further we walked into the wood the more lost we got. I stopped to tie my shoelace and when I looked up everyone was gone. Then, I thought I heard someone talking close by so I walked that way." His voice cracked. Daniel knew better than to interrupt.

"When I heard the shot I ran. Andy was just lying there… Her eyes staring up at me. I remember saying her name. I walked forwards a bit and there was something sticky... Her blood was on my—" Tyler heaved and reached for the bin.

"It's all right, Tyler. That's enough for now, okay. The sergeant here is going to fix you a cup of tea and I'll call your parents, alright?" Tyler nodded, still clutching the plastic bin.


Daniel stopped and faced Tyler, continuing to hold the door open after Sawyer. "Yes?"

"Will you promise to treat Andy well?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, Andy would never take anything lying down. Just don't treat her like she's not real I guess…" Tyler stared down at the floor, Daniel suspected because he was crying.

"Tyler, I promise I'll do everything I can for Andy, okay? We'll keep her here for a while and see what she can tell us. Then you and your friends can say a proper goodbye, but for now I need you to trust me." Tyler nodded.

Daniel made his way back to his office as Sawyer made Tyler some tea. He pushed open the door and stopped in his tracks. Sitting in his chair, with her feet up on the desk was the young woman who had died. Daniel closed the door behind him.

"You're dead."

"Well Done Lawman." Andy grinned, "So you can be safe in the knowledge I'm not actually here." Daniel shook his head roughly. The apparition was standing in front of him now. "You can ignore me you know," Andy pushed a hand through her short hair. "See? No trace of a bullet wound. Not so creepy."

"Nope! Not helping." Daniel sat down at his desk and studied the figure before him. "So what you're saying is you're basically a fabrication of my subconscious."

"Kind of, you probably shouldn't have stopped taking your medication though," Andy chided. Daniel sighed and opened the case folder on his desk.

"Well, if you are sticking around, you should make yourself useful."

"Huh?" Andy gaped at him, confused. Daniel glanced up at her, smirking.

"Help me catch your killer."