Chapter Seven

The nearby church bell chimed six, ringing through the mostly empty police station. Both Daniel and Andy jumped.

"You ok?" Sawyer asked out of politeness, she had risen from her chair and was heading to the door.

"Fine, yeah. Where are you off to?" Daniel frowned at the sergeant as Sawyer donned her jacket.

"Don't you eat." Sawyer said checking her purse "I'm going to get dinner of course." She fixed him with a steely glare "You should take your daughter home, don't you think she's spent enough time in police stations given the last year?"

"I know I said to be more relaxed sergeant but how I raise my daughter is none of your business" Daniel glowered at her. For a moment Emily Sawyer saw the anguish and grief in his eyes.

"Sorry Sir, that was out of line. I simply meant that perhaps you both need some rest." Sawyer bowed her head briefly as she apologised. Just as Lynch had begun treating her as a real colleague she put her foot in it.

"Hmm…" Daniel sighed, his shoulders relaxing. "I'm sorry too, I overreacted. I know you mean well. Please don't go back to calling me Sir." He held out a hand in a gesture of peace. Sawyer shook it.

"Thanks Lynch" she nodded slowly, grateful that his temper was short lived. "Want me to pick ye up something?"

"Sure, yeah. Just check with herself when you go past my office?" Daniel took out his wallet and pulled out a twenty pound note.

"There's no need" Sawyer waved his hand away and strode out the door. Daniel turned back to Andy and the assortment of evidence.

"Feeling better now?" Andy looked him up and down, examining his demeanour. She was still wary of coming to close.

"For the most part yes. Need to figure out what in the hell happened but sure be grand for now" Daniel turned over the box containing the berry slowly in his hands. "This bothers me."

"The berry? Or the whole weirdness" Andy frowned, sitting up on the table as she watched him make his way over to the pinboard.

"Well both. But for now let's focus on one thing. Judging from the notes they figured the berry was an important clue" Daniel scanned the evidence and notes, continuing to turn the box over and over in his hand. "I suppose a local horticulturalist would know where to find yew and hemlock. It's pretty obvious he didn't do it though." Daniel tapped the mugshot of the previous suspect. A slim built old man, long lank grey hair and unkempt beard attempted to hide his weathered skin. Years working in sunlight showed on his face, freckled and dry, his brow furrowed like a newly ploughed field. Blue eyes framed by laughter lines betrayed his nature, although stern in appearance Andy had known Mr Mulcreevy as a kind hearted prankster. The arrest had shocked the community at the time.

"Sure seemed pretty farfetched at the time" Andy agreed " they said it all started with a prank gone wrong. But that didn't really make any sense. Mulcreevy taught science in the boarding school back in the day."

"Really?" Daniel turned to her abruptly "that's not noted."

"Yeah, but it's fairly obvious the investigation was incompetent" Andy shrugged "He might have taught Tommy's sister, eh stepsister I mean."

"The batista in that cafe?"

"That's the one." Andy slid off the table, joining Daniel at the board. "You could ask her if you plan on going there."

"We can head down this evening after I drop Jaimie home."

"We? You mean you and Sawyer right?" Andy stepped back from him as he turned.

"No." Daniel stated " I mean you, might jog your memory. Now Sawyer should probably be back pretty soon. I'm going to go check on Jaimie, I don't know do you eat so…" He looked at her apologetically.

"Yeah, no I'll pass on watching you guys eat. I might try and take a stroll. See how far I can go if you want to bring me around with you" Andy walked towards the window at the far end of the room, the one that faced the street. Daniel waved her off as she passed through the wall. He stood in silence for a moment before taking out his chunky black Nokia. Daniel paced as he dialed, it rang twice before someone answered. "Hello, Father Michael? Yes, we're doing well. Look Father, I was wondering would it be possible to get your opinion on something…" Daniel watched Andy's form head down the road out the window as he spoke.By the time they finished the dinner Sawyer purchased, she had picked up three fish suppers at the local chipper, Andy still had not returned. Daniel had a quick discussion with Sawyer filling her in on his thoughts regarding Mulcreevy, the berry and this barrista. At this stage it was getting on in the evening, almost eight o'clock and Jaimie was getting bored. Sawyer offered to give Jaimie a spin home as she wanted to shower and change if Daniel was planning some more investigation that night. Daniel triple checked it with Jaimie before eventually she grew tired of his coddling and hopped in the car. Daniel watched them drive off and locked the station door. He sat into the driver's side of his own car and drove off to the local Catholic Church first. Halfway down the road he passed Andy's apparition, seems they were on very similar wavelengths after all Daniel thought. Andy had stopped outside of one of the cafes and was watching people through the window. Daniel drove past, he didn't want to disturb whatever introspection was probably happening. The tires crunched over loose stones as he drove into the churchyard. Daniel shivered when he stepped out of the car, the shadow of the spire blocking the heat of the sun. Daniel pushed open the wooden double doors of the church and grimaced as they creaked loudly, echoing through the empty pews up to the alter. A tall thin man dressed all in black, sporting the telltale dog collar of a priest, looked up from a hymn book in the choir stalls.

" Can I help you, my child?" In a deep calming voice with a melodious Kerry accent he called over to Daniel.

"Father Luke O'Flagherty?" Daniel called back walking down the aisle to meet him.

"The one and only." The priest smiled down at him "and who might you be?" He shook Daniel's hand as he approached.

"Detective Lynch Father. I spoke with Father Michael of St.James cathedral earlier, he said you might be able to help me with something."

"Ah Mickey how's he gettin' on? Nice lad." Father Luke nodded as he beckoned Daniel in to his chambers.

"Yes Father, he's well Father. He did mention you're a bit of an expert in certain aspects of the church." Daniel followed him warily, it was always strange going into the back rooms of the church. Felt like he was intruding on something sacred.

"Ah Mickey, still a man for the gossip I see. I'm a learned man Detective, don't know now would I call myself an expert but sure tis nice to be flattered all the same." If Father Luke noticed Daniel's discomfort he didn't show it. Prattling on so quick it seemed he didn't need to breathe.

"I'm sure you're the right man for the job Father. I was wondering what your experience is with local haunting?"

Father Luke eyed Daniel suspiciously for a moment. "What exactly is it you want to know Detective?"