My strength has been developing at a terrifying speed since I came to this world, instead of being happy about this I started to worry.
Each person is born with a certain amount of potential, this is what defines how high your talent will be in what you do.
Beethoven was a genius when it came to music, no one can deny that he put in a great effort from his childhood and that effort was what shaped his talent, but in the same way, it cannot be denied that innate talent had an important role in its development.
If Beethoven did not have a great innate talent then he could not have remained one of the most outstanding figures in the history of music despite his deafness.
Effort and talent are two sides of the same coin, great talent complements constant effort, if you only depend on talent without making an effort then you will only be someone a little better than others, but never a genius.
The effort is more important than talent, a person without talent can achieve wonders as long as he puts in enough effort. In turn, a talented person who makes the same effort as someone without talent will become an absolute genius.
Hayato Furinji is an example of this, not only does he possess absurd innate talent, the amount of effort he has put into his life as a martial artist could break the will of most people, it is no exaggeration to say that Hayato is a monster with a will of iron.
Hayato has grown very fond of Kenichi due to the determination he saw in the boy. Even if Kenichi doesn't possess any martial arts talents, his willpower can make up for his shortcomings.
With Hayato's good impression of Kenichi, it wouldn't be strange if the strongest superman not only trained him as his main disciple, he could even groom him to make him the ideal match for his granddaughter Miu Furinji.
Hayato is a man who loves her family and will respect Miu's wishes, if the blonde wanted to form a relationship with a mediocre person then Hayato would not stop her but would make sure to train that person to become someone worthy of his granddaughter.
Despite Hayato's good heart, he is still a traditional martial artist who wishes to see his offspring grow stronger.
Why am I saying all this?
Because the fucking old shit has been promoting his granddaughter like she's a late-model car.
It seems that my display of innate talent and superhuman effort was enough to see me as a good specimen to enhance his family lineage.
Hayato was not someone who put the good of his lineage above the happiness of his family so he would not get involved in his granddaughter's love life and at most he would act as a protective grandfather who would beat up his suitors, the problem is that Miu seems confused with her own feelings.
On the one hand, Kenichi has been her first friend and has shown an obvious interest in her, even if Miu isn't the brightest lightbulb in her room, she still has the slightest brain to notice Kenichi's feelings.
She doesn't think much of him since in her opinion Kenichi is just a good friend. Considering that Kenichi is a magnet for trouble then it will only be a matter of time before they engage in an absurd event that will bring him closer to Miu and love will blossom.
I don't have to be a fortune teller to know this, if you want to work with the yakuza then you must have a good head as only the muscle will make you die early, I pride myself on being a paranoid who pays attention to detail.
Miu has been forming a good impression on Kenichi by seeing his efforts to be stronger, the problem is that there is a handsome idiot who tries even harder than Kenichi.
My luck with women has always been good as well as a headache, I have never been short of candidates to spend a night, the problem comes when some of them are not right in the head and you do not know what they are willing to do.
One piece of advice, bring your own condoms as you never know if the crazy woman made holes in them.
Adolescence is a time of instability with the whole issue of hormones and mood swings so it is not uncommon to feel attracted to more than one person at a time.
Sometimes I think I'm the weirdo as instead of being happy to gain the attention of a cute busty blonde, I find it troublesome.
I've been focusing on improving my skills and talents so things haven't reached a trouble spot, the Ryozanpaku members think I'm a training-obsessed guy so I don't see Shigure and Miu's feelings.
I have tried hard to maintain the dense idiot image, I am imitating Kenichi a bit but my biggest role model is the son of the yakuza leader in my homeworld.
I have met him a couple of times and I must say that he is not cut out to inherit the position of leader of the mafia, it would be better if he became a pastry chef.
So far I have been studying weapon handling and stealth with Shigure, acupuncture with Kensei, and chiropractic with Akisame.
To begin with, my strength has improved to the human limit of 50%. My Will also reached 50% and Rasen reached 4%, which is surprising considering that I am still trapped in my own common sense.
Hayato wanted to teach me the use of internal force, also called Ki, but Shigure was the one in charge of doing it. She has actually gotten quite sticky with me, not that I complained as her body is to my liking and I finally found clues about an evil organization so I can put my plans in motion to make Shigure part of my harem.
I'm secretly relieved that my assumption about an evil organization was true or it would be embarrassing to make assumptions based on spy movies.
A few days ago Kenichi brought in a guy named Ikki Takeda after they fought. Apparently, he is a former boxer with an arm injury and came for Akisame to repair his nerves.
I really don't give a shit about that guy but I'm the temporary assistant at Akisame's clinic, the best way to learn is through experience. This also helped bring my improved learning ability to 35% and agile hand ability to 20%.
My advanced first aid talent reached 40% by combining acupuncture and chiropractic. More than first aid it should be specialized medicine, but I do not write what the system says.
My skills and talents for combat were also strengthened.
[Combat instinct (42%)> (50%)], [Will of Steel (15%)> (20%)], [Ryusui Gansai-ken intermediate (40%)> (80%)].
The biggest improvement was in advanced gun combat where I hit 55%, which shows how long I've spent with Shigure.
While treating the boxer, I was able to hear some interesting things about a group called Ragnarok.
They are just a gang of teenagers who want to act tough, they are no different than kids as they even use names from Norwegian mythology as pseudonyms.
I wouldn't have paid attention to them if it weren't for the boxer mentioning that the leaders of that group possess monstrous strength.
I asked him a couple of low-key questions with innocent curiosity so that Akisame would not be suspicious and now I have a theory that there is a martial arts master behind this group.
I don't have proof yet, but this was the only clue I have at the moment. If it turns out its just kids playing at being a gangster I'm going to break their limbs for ruining my expectations.
The fact that they should be my age doesn't change the fact that they are just stupid kids.
I am anxious, I want to put my plans into action as soon as possible since I have not been with a woman since I came to this world, and having Shigure around all the time is too much temptation.
In fact, my Will stat didn't grow from training, it did from resisting Shirure's advances as she started bathing with me despite my objections.
I could sleep with her and send my plans to hell, but that would make it more difficult to form a harem, I need Shigure to be willing to accept that I have other lovers as well as prevent her from becoming my enemy after knowing that I am a murderer.
For the moment I must continue to strengthen myself in case things get out of control.
I still haven't broken the High-Class Disciple limit, but I can fight at the Expert level if I use knives and daggers as they are my weapon of choice.
Now I can use Ryusui Gansai-ken with daggers instead of my hands which has increased the destructive power of my techniques.
Shigure turned out to be a master at weapon forging and she made me a custom pair of daggers.
I hate to admit it but I am really falling in love with this expressionless beauty.
With the advent of the system, I stopped hating the idea of forming a lasting relationship, which has loosened my self-imposed limitations.
I would like to form a relationship with Shigure, but the harem issue makes it impossible to have a normal relationship so my plans are a necessary evil.
Since Shigure will suffer greatly from my actions, the least I can do is swear that I will make her happy after she is in my harem.
In order not to lose the few human values that I have left, I promise that I will make my harem happy. Even if I don't love all my future lovers I will still give them a good life, of course, I will give priority to the ones that I find the most pleasant since favoritism is inevitable, but I will make sure that they are all happy.
Oh shit.
Did I just take an oath?
… Ah whatever.
It's stupid to cry over spilled milk, I just have to go ahead and make sure I don't put problem women in my harem.
"What do you think?" - Speaking of my future harem, a pleasant voice interrupted my thoughts.
"I think about the future and what should I do with my life" - I spoke in a tired voice as I returned to eat my bowl of ramen.
One day Miu and Kenichi were busy studying for their exams and the Ragnarok teachers were busy training so I took advantage of that free time to take a walk while looking for information on the group of teenagers with chuunibyou syndrome.
While searching for information, I came across a group of strange girls in colorful uniforms that made them look like cheerleaders.
They told me that was their territory and to get out.
I am a civilized person so calmly and courteously I told them to fuck off ... So long without sex has put me in a bad mood.
Those crazy women took out weapons from I don't know where and started attacking me. It was bizarre when one of them pulled a whip from under her skirt but I'm not going to question her hobbies.
As the civilized person that I am, I tried to reason with them by beating them until they could not get up, I did not break anything since I am civilized, but their bodies will hurt for several days.
While I was lamenting how violent girls are these days, a beauty with dark skin and big breasts came along that suited my tastes.
She looked at the girls on the ground and pulled a stick out of her sleeves and then landed a blow at my head without saying a word.
Even if she was attractive I have no masochistic tendencies so I held the cane, pulled her hard to get closer to her, and hit her stomach to get the air out of her.
After beating her I left as my free time was ending, I had to go back to Akisame's clinic to learn how to manipulate a person's nervous tissue using only my fingers.
The next day I accompanied Miu and Kenichi to their school as usual. While I was returning I met one of the girls that I had hit, she was the weakest so she lasted less time and that is why she did not end up as hurt as her friends. Who said only the strong survive.
She asked me to follow her since her leader wanted to talk to me, it could be a trap but I still followed her since I carried my weapons in case of a fight, plus Shigure was watching me so even if a martial arts master appeared We could come together to fight
My cute weapons master follows me every time I go out with Miu and Kenichi. Even if her low emotional intelligence prevents her from knowing of Miu's growing attraction to me, her instincts are as sharp as her blades and she seems to know something is wrong.
Shigure's instinct is a problem if I want to conquer other women in this world so my departure from Ryozanpaku is getting closer, although Shigure maybe being more assertive with me because she senses that I am about to leave, how troublesome.
After following the cheerleader girl I ran into the busty brunette in a warehouse. There were no explosives in the best places to destroy the place, there were no sniper tracks on the windows so this didn't look like a trap, I still stayed close to the entrance so I could escape if something dangerous came up.
In general, I had a little chat with the brunette named Kaname Kugatachi. My abilities left a deep impression on her as the gap between our strengths is too great even though I am younger than her.
Kaname wants to show that women are as strong as men, apparently, her confidence was damaged by how easily I defeated her with just my hands.
I told her that I am actually a fighter with weapons that did more damage to her pride.
Despite looking so would be she is actually cute when she makes a sad face like an abandoned puppy. I wanted to pat her head but that would completely break her pride and I did not want a useless woman in my harem, maybe in the future, I will add useless women who will only be there to fill in numbers, for now, I will try to find capable women.
Navi said that I will be able to bring my harem into my world so I need capable women to help me build a strong organization.
I know, what happened to want a quiet life without getting into troublesome things?
Well, I change my mind. I am going to live a long time because of Rasen and I will get bored if I am just a simple office worker or a stupid thing like that, plus I will need a lot, and I say A LOT of money if I am to have a massive harem.
I come from a macho family so I believe that the man is the one who should support his family, if my future harem wants to work it is fine, but in the end, I will be the one to solve any possible problem that may arise.
I'm drifting off-topic with Kaname, lately, my mind tends to wander between my plans, that's why I prefer to use violence instead of the brain, thinking about everything is problematic.
Kaname and I started talking about what strength is and how to get it. I said a lot of inspiring shit that I got out of some self-help books, you know, things like if you believe in yourself anything is possible, true strength comes from the heart, and my favorite, the strong protect themselves while the strongest protect others.
I felt like throwing up but I resisted it like a winner. I don't understand how Kenichi can say this kind of cheesy shit like it's natural.
My words seemed to touch Kaname's heart so we became friends, which was a good start to my new plan to make her part of my harem.
I am still working on how to include her in the war I will cause between the martial arts factions and I am not going to use the hero saving the princess technique, I will reserve that for troublesome women who are better brainwashed.
For now, things are going well, I just had to hit her and then encourage her to get close… I know I am scum, but I am a scum that will form a harem with beautiful women.
I've been out to eat and train a couple of times with Kaname, I make it look like our dates are training sessions so that Shigure doesn't go from being a clumsy and quiet girl to becoming a jealous woman who knows how to use swords.
I'm using a soft approach with Kaname, she only knows martial arts so it's easy to get into her heart if you can earn her respect and treat her as an equal.
I also have to act like a dense guy to prevent Kaname from falling in love too soon or it will only be a superficial crush, what I want is for her to be dependent on me so that she would rather die than leave me.
Ah, the things I do to have a peaceful harem, my future lovers are lucky to have me.
Putting aside the fact that I was catching Navi's narcissism, I continued to enjoy my meal with Kaname while ignoring Shigure's intense gaze that she was watching me from the top of a tree.
I also ignored Miu and Kenichi who were looking at me while hiding in a candy store. Kenichi's curious expression was acceptable, but the traces of jealousy in Miu's gaze were something I didn't see.
I definitely didn't see it, it was a mirage.