Chapter 19: Let's Do A Play 1

(PerspectiveYuka Izumi)

All my life I have been attached to the mindset of being a proper woman.

Being a suitable student, a suitable daughter, a suitable citizen, I have always followed the rules to be a suitable person.

It was when some underdeveloped pieces of garbage tried to abuse me that I realized that all my effort to be a proper woman was worth nothing.

What was the use of following the rules if others did not?

Why should I admire righteous and noble people if they didn't help me when I needed it most?

I felt so stupid that I wanted to die.

Fortunately, he came into my life.

Ah, Luis-sama ♥

He is so handsome, intelligent, strong, majestic, wise, protective, kind, the way he touches me is addictive, his voice is so charming…

I love everything about him!

What I enjoy the most is the great confidence he has in me and he is a willingness to forgive my stupidity.

When I threatened Chihiro Takashima, I only thought of pleasing Luis-sama, I did not consider the possible consequences of my actions and the problems that I could bring to Luis-sama.

When Luis-sama explained to me what could happen if Chihiro gave me away, I was so sorry that I wanted to commit suicide, the idea of ​​causing problems for Luis was something more horrible than death, I don't want Luis-sama to abandon me, I couldn't take it

Luis-sama is so kind to an idiot like me… I love him so much ♥

I have to try harder not to be a burden, that's why I can't ruin Luis-sama's plans, I have to show that I am useful so that Luis-sama gives me a reward, I love his rewards, I would do anything to be rewarded.

The way his hands run over my body, the feel of his lips running down my neck before he begins to penetrate my ...

Oops, I'm fantasizing again, I have to focus.

I went shopping with Miu so Luis-sama would have his stage-ready. Luis-sama always emphasizes timing, I think he has an obsession with punctuality and timing everything, I love that obsession of his.

I do not like Miu, she is an irrational and violent woman, I admit that she is the most beautiful girl in school but that does not diminish her stupidity.

Did her brain go to her huge breasts?

I do not know, maybe I am smart since I have small breasts, I would have liked to be stupid to have large breasts. Luis-sama doesn't seem to care about the size of the breasts but I would like to be more attractive to him.

I don't understand why Luis-sama wants to get Miu since he mentioned how troublesome and annoying the busty blonde is. Maybe it's because she's beautiful and strong, as long as she's useful to Luis-sama then she's fine.

What bothers me is that that stupid blonde cow still has some feelings for Kenichi. I was once also interested in him, but those feelings died when I met Luis-sama. The fact that Miu still has feelings for Kenichi is unforgivable.

That stupid woman should die. That is not enough, they should cut off her limbs while she watches as her family is killed, she is a garbage that ... Control, I must control myself.

Luis-sama has taught me to disappear the murderous desire and thirst for blood, in this way not even the martial arts experts will be able to notice if I have a weapon pointed at their head.

Luis-sama is amazing, the mind training was hell as I had to submit to Luis-sama's bloodlust and a bit of torture, but at a certain point, I started to enjoy it.

Feeling Luis-sama's murderous desire, his hands on my fragile body that could kill me in an instant, the sensation of the knife caressing my neck ... I love him ♥

Ahem, I'll stop thinking about it or I'll get wet.

It was easy to become friends with Miu and the dojo masters, I also got acquainted with Kenichi's mother and younger sister. Now I just have to wait for Luis-sama's plans to start to move.

It saddens me that I won't see him for a while. I wanted to go with him, but Luis-sama said that if I ruined this then he would abandon me. I don't want to be abandoned.

While I was lost in my delusions, Miu received a call. Seeing the time meant it was time. Luis-sama's plans were marked by a schedule, according to the time he will mark meant that I had to follow a certain script.

This hour means that I must accompany Miu and act according to Luis-sama's attitude.

If Luis-sama shows regret and guilt then I must side with general morals saying that even if he was in self-defense murder was not an option. Thus I will attack the beliefs of Miu and the dojo masters preventing them from forgiving Luis-sama.

If Luis-sama does not show guilt, I must take the path of emotions and say that protecting loved ones is the most important thing. So Luis-sama's attitude will not be seen as a complete murderer and he will only be someone who does what is necessary to protect the weakest.

If Luis-sama takes a middle point of guilt at the same time that he would do it again even if it goes against his ideals, I must not attack or support and I will only be next to Miu and Shigure to give them moral support while Luis-sama is abandoned by the dojo.

That way I will gain the complete trust of both of them so it will be easier to guide their hearts, I cannot forget to give Saori clues so that she realizes that the dojo and her son were the ones who turned their backs on Luis-sama.

I'm glad I trained to get rid of my bloodlust or I could show my killing intent when the dojo masters kick Luis-sama out.

I convinced Miu that I wanted to go too, others see me as a friend of Kaname, the Valkyries, Miu, Kenichi, and Luis-sama so it is not uncommon for me to get involved if problems arise. I started training assassination martial arts with Luis-sama and the others just think I started exercising.

Miu carried me on her back to get there faster, this woman is similar to a gorilla due to her absurd strength.

As we were heading towards Luis-sama, Miu sent a text message asking the dojo masters for help.

After a while of running between streets and rooftops, we finally reached a bus stop.

Seeing the sleeping Saori and the scared Honoka I marveled at how smart Luis-sama is, this perfectly describes scenario 4 of plan C.

There are no traces of sexual relations in Saori, if it weren't for the small sign that Luis-sama made me with her hand, I wouldn't realize that they did it.

"What happened?!" - Miu was in a panic.

She's not good at managing her emotions, my job is to keep Miu from doing something impulsive while she regulates her temper.

Luis-sama did not answer and only made a gesture of silence while he pointed to Saori and Honoka. I calmed Miu down so she wouldn't make a fuss.

Luis-sama told us that a group of gangsters kidnapped Saori and Honoka. Luis-sama tried to rescue them but things got out of control.

He did not specifically say what happened but he gave us the location of the warehouse. We didn't go to the warehouse as Luis-sama wanted to take Saori and Honoka to a safe place so they could rest.

We took a taxi and went to Saori's house. Miu sent the location of the warehouse to the dojo masters and told them where we were.

Once at the house, Luis-sama took Saori to her room and made sure to let her rest. Honoka wouldn't let go of Luis-sama so he had to keep her on his lap.

Saori's husband was not at home since he had a business trip, Luis-sama had been waiting for this day to start planning her.

We sat in the living room in silence, the atmosphere heavy and depressing which was ideal for the dramatic scene that was about to take place.

After 10 minutes of waiting, there was a knock on the door. Miu went to open it as Luis-sama was taking care of the trembling Honoka who seemed to have fallen asleep while she was crying.

Akisame and Shio entered the room, their expressions were not good.

Behind them Hayato entered while carrying an almost unconscious Kenichi, it is possible that that old man came running from the mountain when he knew that a problem occurred.

"Luis explains what the hell this is!" - Shio yelled furious as he showed an image on his cell phone.

It was a photograph of a warehouse with bodies and blood strewn all over the place. It could be seen that there was an intense fight as there were gunshot marks on the walls and floor.

Akisame kept calm but was staring at Honoka in Luis-sama's arms, he seemed to be guessing what happened. Hayato was silent as Kenichi tried to compose himself, he seemed totally clueless about what was happening.

Luis-sama kept his head down as if he were a child who did something wrong, I wanted to hug him but I restrained myself with all my might.

"I went to Saori-san's house to have dinner and accompany Honoka, it was already late so I was worried that Saori-san had gone shopping ..." - Luis-sama began to narrate what happened.

How he saw Saori and Honoka in the distance when a van rushed to kidnap them, how he chased the truck, who in desperation to save them lowered his guard and was shot so he could not reach them, as he continued to chase them until he reached a warehouse on the outskirts of town.

At this point, the teachers had a serious expression as Kenichi clenched his fists tightly.

Luis-sama said that he arrived at the moment when they began to shout that they would abuse Saori so he rushed to save her. Luis-sama did not think of a strategy and only entered the warehouse, they began to shoot him so he had to step back for fear that they would hurt Saori.

One of the gangsters put a gun against Saori while yelling that they would rape and kill Honoka if she didn't give up.

At that time Luis-sama lost his head and used throwing weapons to kill the gangsters.

"Those bastards!" - Kenichi slammed the wall in fury knowing that his family was almost abused, but even when he was furious he showed no killing intent.


Luis-sama would not forgive someone who wants to harm his loved ones, Luis-sama is definitely the best ♥

The dojo masters continued to stare seriously but lowered the intensity of their gazes. It seems that they could understand Luis-sama's actions, young people can be impulsive and it is normal to lose your head if you see who you care about in that kind of situation, at this rate they could forgive Luis-sama's actions as a mistake that will help he to grow.

This is where I come in ~

"Luis-san, even if you did it to save Saori-san and Honoka, killing is still a crime" - I showed a serious expression like a proper student talking to a student who skips class. - "If the situation were to repeat itself, would you do it again?"

They all looked at Luis-sama carefully. If he denied it meant that he felt guilty and it would not happen again, if he accepted it then he would sever all ties with the dojo.

And as always Luis-sama took the best option, a middle ground.

"What I did is horrible, I hate myself for my actions and I regret ..." - Luis-sama showed a painful expression before clenching his fists and showing an expression of resolution that touched my heart. - "But I don't want to lose someone I love, even if I live hating myself and in regret, I'd rather die than allow them to harm the people I care about!"

Sasuga Luis-sama! ♥

I had a chill of excitement upon hearing Luis-sama's passionate words, even if this is an act I'm sure those words are true. Luis will always be there for me, I will not be alone since he will protect me.

Luis-sama ♥