On the way to high school, I looked for some beautiful woman worth saving, but it must be because it is work hours so there are not many attractive women on the street, or the ones that looked good are already being used as chew toys by the infected.
I don't know if I can reverse the virus with my skills so if they get infected they will no longer be useful. Then I will try using the Rasen to counteract the virus.
On the way, I found a pipe with some blood that someone must have used as a weapon before dying. This will be useful, although I can use my Ki covered hands to kill these things without fear of being infected it is better to use a weapon to save energy plus it would look strange if I can explode skulls with my hands, even use the pocket knife it would attract a lot of attention as the blade could only rip a throat, not pierce a skull.
I do not know the power levels of this world, but the fact that I am considered one of the strongest beings in the world and not the strongest means that there are people or creatures that equal to or exceed me in strength so it is better to be cautious. It would be troublesome if a mutant with Hayato's strength suddenly appears.
As I ran I saw a beautiful woman with curly dull blonde hair and dull blue eyes. She was dressed in a white blouse and a long blue skirt, she looked attractive and would be more beautiful if she wasn't crying like a child while a zombie was about to bite her.
She is what I am looking for, if I show a strong and determined attitude while I am willing to face danger to protect an unprotected person then I will be seen as an ideal leader so taking this woman with me will be a great help to build trust.
I rushed to use the pipe to break the head of the infected. Showing a heroic expression I used a tone of voice similar to the protagonist of an action movie. - "Come with me if you want to live!" - I don't remember where I heard that phrase.
The woman was still caught in an anxiety attack, she just reflexively moved and shook my hand. I had to carry her on my back to rush to high school.
Her loose clothing hides her breasts so when I carry her on my back I can say that she is well endowed, although she looks like a teenager I can say that she is a mature woman.
Since her makeup is light she should be the type of woman who does not show years as she gets older.
I took advantage of the fact that the woman was still in shock to use my superhuman physical abilities, I did not stop and we arrived at school in 10 minutes.
Arriving at the entrance of the school, I saw how an infected man bit a man on the arm. The man collapsed as several teachers came over to help him.
I was thinking of letting them get infected to make the place fall into chaos, but seeing a beautiful mature woman with big breasts I felt it was a waste of my to let her die.
"Stay away from the man bit!" - Acting as an impulsive protagonist I began to scream for them to flee which in turn attracted other infected so that they could invade the school.
The woman was the only one who reacted to my words. Taking advantage of her attention I ran and used the pipe to kill the infected at the entrance.
"What are you doing?!" - The woman screamed in horror as she thought I killed a man, she seems the kind of emotional woman so I can win her over if she saved her life.
Here we go with the hero shit saving the princess, how troublesome.
"Quick get away from that man!" - I didn't explain the situation and just yelled like an idiot to give the man time to turn into a zombie to attack the other teachers.
Everyone was panicky and disorderly, I felt a look from the roof of the school. With my eyesight improved by Ki's training, I could see a black-haired boy who was scared by the situation.
Since he seems the only person looking at this situation then there is a probability that he is one of the protagonists of this world and this scene will help him to react before the other students, in addition to being able to see from that distance is not normal. I'll have to look it up to check.
The blonde woman on my back finally came out of shock and started screaming to get away from the injured man.
The injured man finally turned and bit the nearest master scaring the others.
"Open the gate, let us in to help them!" - I screamed while watching the show, this reminds me of a documentary of lionesses hunting.
The big-breasted woman was so scared that she obeyed me without thinking and opened the gate which would allow other infected to enter.
Just as the gate opened, an infected teacher jumped at the woman.
"Kyaaaa!" - The woman screamed like a child. Kya? Seriously? You're like 30 years old for the love of God.
I hit the infected with the pipe throwing him away so he wouldn't die, I need this infected thing to start making disasters at school.
"Come with me if you want to live!" - I think this will become my characteristic phrase in this world.
The two mature women followed me like little stray animals seeking shelter. The suspension bridge effect is convenient in this world, at this rate I will be able to make a harem with ease.
We ran into the school while the two women did not notice that the infected were approaching the entrance which would cause a disaster.
First I caused a civil war and now I'm condemning innocent students, my low morale went to hell too fast.
Once inside, we close the main door, which would be useless since it is made of glass and the infected seem to feel no pain so they can use 100% of human strength without limiters.
I didn't give them time to rest and I took them to the roof. It's class time so the students are in their classrooms so we can't find anyone.
The roof is a good place to rest. I can see the situation of the whole school from here to make plans.
The black-haired boy is a candidate to be the main character, I need to look for him as his plot armor will be useful to me.
There is so much to do that I am getting mentally tired.
I told the two women to stay put while I went downstairs to warn the students, I have 5 to 7 minutes before everyone knows about the disaster.
The blonde woman I rescued first is called Midori Aoyama, apparently, she is a novelist.
The mature teacher is named Kyoko Hayashi. They make a good duo of mature women that I will love to try when things calm down.
I left them the pipe, warned them to close the door, and only open the door when I arrived.
I am sure they will ignore me and someone will enter which will put them in danger, Navi will stay with them to send me a message when that happens.
Navi can send me messages and walk away from me up to a kilometer so it is useful as an alarm.
Leaving a couple of women that I will later console, I went to see the students to find good candidates for my harem.
Did I mention that I'm scum?
As I calmly walked through the hallways so as not to alert the students in their classrooms, I arrived at the infirmary. The resources will be important and although I would like to take the equipment from the biology room to study the virus I can only bring the essentials, I really need the space ring.
The priorities in disaster situations are medicine, food, and water. Medicine is first in this particular situation as food can be collected by looting houses and shops, water can be obtained after boiling rainwater and in shops which makes medicine, a precious resource as an apocalypse means no more industry pharmaceutical.
I have yet to see if the virus can affect animals as if so I will have to look for alternative sources of food or I could experiment with Rasen to clean the meat of any virus in order to consume it.
I could resort to cannibalism if necessary, but that would be frowned upon so it will only be a desperate measure.
Once in the infirmary, I had the urge to kneel down and thank evolution for the wonder before me. While Lin Ruoxi has been the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, the nurse in this place completely fits my preferences.
She's a beautiful face, hazel eyes, shiny blonde hair, and a body that embodies the sin of lust. Those are the most amazing pair of breasts I've ever seen, the fact that that pair of mountains can hold its own makes me wonder if I'm in an apocalyptic world or a world of magic.
I'm good at seeing through implants and costumes so I can tell those pairs are natural, I even used a Ki pulse with Hamon to scan her body just to make sure they were natural.
Next to the beautiful blonde with large breasts was a beautiful woman with white hair and an expressionless face. I don't like women with an icy temperament, but she seems like she's not a conceited woman, she just doesn't know how to express her feelings.
I will give her the benefit of the doubt as she is beautiful.
Maybe the shit about having to conquer this world isn't so bad if I can have women like this.
"Excuse me, ladies, I need you to save all the medical equipment you can, a disaster is about to happen and we must go" - I spoke with a direct voice that did not accept no for an answer.
I've already decided to use a blunt attitude, but that doesn't mean I must be a complete idiot so I can still maintain my manners.
The blonde looked at me confused as she lowered her head adorably. Oh god, I want to pat her head and take her as my pet.
The white-haired woman had an expressionless face, I can only read her micro-expressions and she is just as confused.
"What happens? Is anyone hurt? " - The blonde spoke with a voice just as confused as her expression.
Although I can say that she is a natural airhead, it also seems to exaggerate her goofy woman act. Perhaps she is a defense mechanism to prevent idiots from approaching her because of her attractive body.
I have time so I patiently began to explain the situation, I want to make these two women see me as someone trustworthy so when hell explodes they will have no alternative but to entrust their lives in my hands which will eventually make it easier for me to add them to my harem.
The big-breasted blonde was named Shizuka Marikawa while the expressionless beauty is Chizuru Tachibana.
As she tried to explain to the two nurses that there was an infectious virus outbreak that was making people violent, the school's communicator rang.
"Attention all teachers and students! Serious incidents are happening inside the school right now! Students stay with your teachers and obey all their instructions! We repeat right now-! GAAAAHH! Stop someone helps me! Help someone save me! Is going to kill me! GWAAAHHHH! " - The communicator was cut off.
How annoying, if you are going to die, do it in silence.
It seems I had a 3-minute miscalculation. I don't like this, things shouldn't happen so fast unless there is an unknown variable that I missed.
There are two probabilities, this is the effect of the plot armor or there is a more dangerous being than the zombies I saw on the way.
Mutations were a possibility, but I find it hard to believe they happen immediately. If there are mutations then this virus is more problematic than I thought and can only be explained as a biological weapon of the human invention which is not surprising.
I began to analyze the information to find what caused the disaster to come forward. Shizuka and Chizuru finally listened to me so they packed everything they could into a couple of nurse bags.
I broke a table leg to use as a piercing weapon, the nurses carrying the bags while I cleared the path towards the roof while I looked for students with potential.
"I already have everything!" - Shizuka spoke in a cheerful tone like a girl who expects praise.
I patted him like a puppy and we started to move. I think Shizuka could be my new way of calming down, I have missed playing with Honoka and Shigure's mouse so this blonde pet is a pleasant surprise.
Chizuru was just looking at me blankly so she patted her too. Her expressionlessness reminds me of Shigure so I find her cute.
I definitely need a pet.