Chapter 36: Survival is the highest priority

Living things can go against their nature when they find themselves between a rock and a hard place.

Mice are cowardly in nature, but they can attack a cat when they know they cannot escape.

Humans for our part are tied to a system of moral values, each age and culture has its own beliefs as well as its own system of moral norms that determine what is good and evil.

But regardless of the society or time, there are beliefs that are held among a large majority of the population. An example of this is that people view the act of cannibalism as an eyesore even though it is common in nature.

Sharks devour each other since they are in their mother's womb to ensure the birth of the strongest, there are species of spiders that devour their mothers after birth, when a younger lion takes the position of alpha male it devours the young of the previous leader.

Cannibalism is an integral part of nature, but the civilized human being has marked this behavior as the most horrible thing in existence.

Did you rape a defenseless child? The cannibal is worse.

Did you beat your partner to death in an argument? The cannibal is worse.

Did you steal money from a hospital that was for the treatment of children with cancer? The cannibal is worse.

Even in situations of extreme famine, the act of eating an equal is seen as inhumane, since desperate situations call for desperate measures.

On October 13, 1972, a plane had an accident falling in the Andes mountains, the survivors endured the cold and fear, but hunger was not something they could face. To overcome the situation they resorted to the most monstrous act, they ate people.

They agreed that whoever died first would be consumed by the survivors to ensure that at least part of the group survived until rescue arrived.

In other words, survival is more important than any moral complex.

Where do i want to go with this?

Going ahead is doing anything to survive, so when I was able to ensure that no one was seeing me, I grabbed an infected person, ripped off his arm and enduring nausea, I ate him.

Among all my senses my smell has always been the best to the point that I am comparable to a dog. My survival instinct developed by almost dying countless times since I was a child combined with my sense of smell has allowed me to identify sick people, decomposing matter, harmful chemicals and with all this I can know if something is harmful to me without having to try it.

Added to this I have always had a strong stomach. Due to hunger I have had to eat leftovers from the garbage like some pieces of chicken on the verge of decomposing that could cause salmonella or food poisoning, but in my case they only caused me to burps.

Following my instincts I can know two things:

The infected are still alive but their minds are consumed by aggression and the desire to feed on humans.

Whatever is causing the infection cannot affect me, or if it does I will not totally lose my rationality or cause mortal damage.

Even if I develop a mutation it will be beneficial to my strength, in case I become a deformed monster I just have to have plastic surgery or something like that.

Even if the worst comes to pass and I turn into some kind of vampire that feeds on human blood, I will only have to look for a cure in other worlds. I'm not being optimistic, it's just that my pessimism reached the point of resignation where I can accept the shitty situation I'm in.

The fact that the infected can regain self-preservation instincts after being stimulated with Hamon makes me think that the Hamon is the key to creating more powerful beings or even a cure.

Anyway, I don't have much time to think about the consequences of my actions, I know what I'm doing is stupid and dangerous, but there are no benefits without risks.

Damn that sounds like what a compulsive gambler would say, I hope I didn't inherit my father's shitty mentality.

[New addition to the Race: Mutant]

[Unawakened bloodline has consumed the Mutant bloodline]

[Race: Unawakened Lineage (2%)> (2,001%)]

Well I admit, that was unexpected. Now I am more curious to know what that unawakened lineage represents, but at the same time, I do not want to discover it since it sounds problematic.

Well, this is going to be a fucking fight for attrition.

Now that I didn't worry about being infected I could be more determined.

I began to use Hamon to heal my internal wounds, I devoured the flesh of the infected to maintain the energy reserve, I covered my body with Ki while filling my hands with Rasen to use the Ryusui Gansai-ken with my hands as a weapon.

Making a whip motion with my right arm I pushed aside a Hunter who lunged at me. I took the head of an infected man and with a twist of the wrist broke his neck with a 90-degree turn.

Three Smokers threw their tongues against my chest. I planted my feet firmly on the ground while combining two defensive techniques. - "Ryusui-Jin, Ryusui-Seikuken!" My hands moved at high speed to deflect tongues as I grabbed an infected man by the leg and threw him at one of the Hunters.

Saying the name of the techniques out loud helps the flow of energy which strengthens the techniques and skills. It's stupid and I don't understand why it happens so I just have to accept it.

Hayato's Ryusui-Seikuken allowed me to use the smooth flow of Ki Sei to predict the opponent's movements while Ban's Ryusui-Jin creates an area around me where I can intercept each attack as long as the attack does not exceed my reaction speed.

Both techniques combined allow me to create a defensive space where I can counterattack. It is useful against numerous enemies but lacks offensive power.

Every time an infected one approached I would throw him away using his bodies as projectiles against other infected. Every time I started to get tired I ripped off some limbs from the infected to feed myself while using Ki to speed up the digestion of the meat and replenish my strength.

The Hamon was healing my muscle tissue as my muscles were starting to tear from the overexertion.

This won't do, my continued use of Hamon kept attracting the infected.

Navi informed me that Shizuka had already met with Mikoto. After an argument, Saeko and the others finally agreed to follow Mikoto to escape. Now several students were in the direction of the buses so almost all the infected in the school came in my direction.

If I don't finish this then I will die as I am close to my limits.

I decided to use the most destructive technique in my arsenal, it is the most powerful set of movements in Karate, but it has the defect of sacrificing most of the defense in exchange for destructive power and if they are not done correctly you will not only be exposed, even your body it can be broken by pressure.

"Dance of Four Gods!" - I took a stance of striking with the right fist at the height of the abdomen while my left arm was raised to the level of my jaw. - "1st Stance: Basaltic Fist!"

I landed a direct blow forward that knocked off several infected by the pressure of the wind.

"2nd Stance: Phoenix Kick!" - Putting my arms together against my torso I kicked against the ground to redirect the wind current of my first attack.

The infected were lifted by the pressure of the air that came from the ground in the form of a shock wave.

"3rd Stance: White Tiger's Dance!" - I raised my right fist to hit the head of an infected, then I gave a low kick to the leg of a Hunter, I threw an uppercut to the chin of another infected followed by an ax kick to a Jockey.

I threw several blows in succession to direct the wind current according to my movements, the wind current began to surround me with each attack as I used Ki to strengthen the airflow to generate a whirlwind around me.

With the air flowing from my legs to my arms, I spread my arms forcefully while concentrating the flow of air and Ki on my palms in a pushing stance.

The fourth movement is the Blue Dragon's Storm where the air becomes a raging storm that destroys everything in its path, but that was not enough, it needed more power.

Before releasing the blow, I infused Rasen into my attack while the Ki and the wind circulated in a spiral fashion. This was my first custom move where I used Rasen for my martial arts.

"4th Stance: Blue Dragon's Drill!" - With the piercing sound of a drill and a furious dragon roar, a wind drill was thrown from my hands.

The infected who were hit by my attack was crushed into bloodstains. Not a single complete limb remained while the bones were pulverized, only the most resistant Hunters were able to keep some pieces of their bodies, although no infected survived.

Shit, that was heavier than I thought, my body is dying from that last attack. If it weren't for the reinforcement of Ki and the Hamon stimulating my cells to recover then making that attack would have killed me because of the pressure on my body.

I have to be more careful when using Rasen, the raw power of the Rasen is too much for my current level.

This noise would attract many infected, but now I need a place to rest. I just need a 10-minute nap and I can go with my future lovers.

The group didn't stray far as several of the women and even Takashi insisted on waiting an hour for me. Having the protagonist on your side is quite useful.

Most of the students insisted on leaving so under the direction of an idiot with the face of a rapist they took two of the buses and left. The subject seemed to want to force the women I was interested in, but in the end, he fled after Mikoto, Saeko and Rei pointed their weapons at him.

That nasty guy seems like the type of manipulative person who uses the authority of his family to abuse others. Unlike me who manipulates people with my own strength and resources, this kind of person acts out of his uncontrolled desires and is unable to take no for an answer which makes him illogical and impulsive so he will cause problems later.

He has the characteristics of a villain and from the expressions of Rei and Mikoto, they must know the kind of trash that is what should make him an enemy of the protagonist who is Takashi.

I can use that jerk with a superiority complex, but it will be for later. For now, I must find a safe place to rest, then I will return to Saeko and the others.

I have to reward them for the good job dealing with the jerk as the way he looked at women that interest me like Shizuka and Nao made me decide that his ending will be miserable.

I put aside my possessive thoughts similar to a yandere and looked at a warehouse. It has no windows and the door seems sturdy, if I hide there for a while then I can recover.

I ate some remains of the infected so I have to finish digesting them, using Ki to speed up digestion prevents me from taking advantage of all the nutrients so I need to rest.

The warehouse had no windows, but there was a skylight, I climbed on top of the warehouse and went through the skylight. Before going down I broke the walls of the skylight to close it and strengthened it with Ki so that no unexpected surprises arise.

I felt two presences inside the warehouse, but from the brain activity, they showed they must be uninfected people.

"Who are you?! What was that noise from earlier ?! Why did you go down the skylight ?! " - A cute girl with short red hair yelled in surprise when she saw me.

Next to the girl was a boy with light brown hair. I don't care because these two were here and I didn't have time to explain the situation to them since my conscience was beginning to give way due to fatigue so I did the most civilized thing.

[Activated Skill: Intimidation (20%)]

Both people trembled and then passed out, the girl had even peed, but I didn't care. I needed to rest and I am not willing to lower my guard at any time.

I leaned against a wall and fell unconscious as I tried not to think about the disgusting taste that was still in my mouth, I'll need a bottle of vodka after this.