(Perspective Mikoto Kiba)
Damn, how long does that fool plan to take?
Luis stayed to fight the zombies to allow us to escape what was only defined as a suicide mission.
I don't want to admit that I'm very worried about a person I just met, but I can't deny my growing anxiety as I remember Luis's tired expression as he fought to protect us.
My concern only grew when a sound similar to a beast fighting a drilling machine echoed from where Luis should be.
From a distance we could see an explosion that should have destroyed the entrance of the school, only someone like Sayo-san or Yuko-san could survive that, but even they would not escape unscathed.
I was not the only one who was worried, the group of students and teachers who were rescued by Luis were anxious, a woman who is not from this school fainted at the thought that Luis could have died. I had to convince a student named Saeko that we would only be a burden if we tried to help as the girl was about to run to try to help.
I also wanted to go help, but remembering how Luis had to go out of his way to protect me made me stop, I don't want to be a burden and cause the death of someone who is willing to risk his life to protect me.
As time was running out my heart filled with anxiety.
To avoid being consumed with worry, I focused on my hatred for the group of students who left on their own.
Luis was risking his life to protect them and those ingrates wanted to leave him at the first opportunity. Worst of all was the walking piece of shit pretending to be human.
Shido Koichi, son of the minister. Using his father's connections that son of a bitch has been doing whatever he pleases, threatening students into sleeping with him, putting false charges against the teachers who go against him and there are even records that he has killed various women due to his unbridled fetishes.
Shido Koichi is one of the most disgusting slags that pollute the world and not even an apocalypse could make him reconsider. When we got to the trucks, Shido Koichi's group came running for us to save them.
I wanted to shoot him when I saw him, but he no longer had any bullets. Arashi and Chikage thought the same as me since we know the actions of this idiot, unfortunately not everyone thought the same and a black-haired student offered them help.
He was not the only one, several students wanted to help him since they did not know the true face of that garbage.
Fortunately not all the students were ignorant of the nature of that rubbish as they were opposed to helping them however most of the students were civilized people who would help others so Shido Koichi and his group joined us.
Shido started a speech about the need for a leader who would lead the survivors to a better future, it was nonsense shit that managed to move most of the students by putting them on his side.
Shido Koichi was not content with fooling a bunch of idiots and tried to pressure us to follow him, his eyes did not leave the teachers and nurses at the school.
I was worried that Marikawa-san and Sakurada-san would follow him as they are known to be hollow heads but contrary to my beliefs the two of them strongly opposed following him while arguing that they should wait for Luis.
Shido Koichi wanted to act threatening by using the students to press numbers, but the growing killing intent of the student Saeko stopped him. I was surprised by Saeko's reaction, I was glad to have a reliable possible partner.
I was able to remember that the Busujima family is a prestigious warrior house dating back to the Edo period, all the members of that family are strict and dedicated people who would die before betraying their companions.
Black Label has some connections with the Busujima family since Yuko-san was a disciple of the previous patriarch of that family.
Not only did Saeko threaten Shido Koichi with her presence, a white-haired girl and a brown-haired girl seemed to want to kill Shido Koichi for proposing to abandon Luis.
My group joined those girls and in the end, Shido Koichi and his group left scared, but judging the look he had when he left I am sure that he wanted to cause us problems.
It is a pity to have run out of bullets, the next time I see him I must kill him.
This is how we stayed waiting, after an argument we decided that we would wait another hour before leaving as it was dangerous to stand still in an open area.
When there were 10 minutes left and my anxiety was on the verge of exploding we finally saw Luis approaching while he was carrying two students.
He didn't look hurt and he just looked tired, though I wonder why he's shirtless. At least I can see that he was not injured so he should be fine although looking at his body I can see all kinds of injuries that would only be seen in an experienced soldier or mercenary, besides that, he had very good muscles ... Focus Mikoto!
I'm more curious about Luis's identity, but at least I'm sure he's not a bad guy like the piece of shit who pretends to be a teacher.
"Luis-chan!" - Marikawa-san ran when she saw Luis.
She was not the only one, several of the women in the group went to hug him, apparently, he is quite popular with women ...
I'm not bothered!
Luis left the pair of students unconscious and got on the bus, he showed me a kind smile to which I made a face of disgust. - "Hmph!"
I do not know why I put this attitude to see him surrounded by women, it must be because it bothers me that he took so long to return, that must be it.
"I'm glad to see you're okay" - Contrary to my grumpy attitude, Luis patted me on the head and got into the bus.
He felt nice, I wanted to talk to him, I wanted to ask him if he knew what the previous explosion was, but when I entered I found him sleeping in a seat. I decided to leave the questions for later, he must be tired so he needs to sleep.
"Does anyone have a suggestion as to where we should go?" - I asked the group since I couldn't think where to go.
We could head to the hospital to meet up with the other Black Label members but I am concerned that the other students may not survive.
When the chaos started I was contacted by the hospital director, Fiona-san. She mentioned that the situation in the hospital was not entirely good as many patients turned violent and things were getting out of control so they would have to evacuate the hospital staff.
The Black Label agent is strong so they will be fine, the problem is that I have not been able to contact them again after that so I do not know if they are still in the hospital.
I can't think of a safe place to shelter so I wanted ideas.
They all seemed in the same condition as they no longer seemed to know a safe place to rest. We need to rest or we could put ourselves in danger if we keep fighting relentlessly.
"Ummmm I think Rika-chan's house would be a good place ~" - Marikawa-san spoke with a cheerful voice. - "It's a big place and it has a big fence for security!"
Marikawa-san spread her arms to try to show how big her place was, but she's only accentuating how big her chest is.
"Sounds good, let's go to that place" - Luis spoke in a tired voice while he kept his eyes closed.
He is still alert while he tries to rest, he is similar to us as professional assassins. I really want to know the identity of Luis.
In the end, we chose to go to the residence where Marikawa-san was staying, she stays at her best friend's house since she is close to school and her friend is always traveling for her work.
On the way, we found some infected but most of them seemed to be heading to another region of the city so we were able to advance.
At Luis's suggestion, we went through a couple of stores to empty them since we were short of supplies.
I insisted that Luis should rest while we loaded the supplies, but he was the one who made sure the tents were safe as well as being the first to fight the infected to protect the students in charge of loading the supplies.
Luis was clear that everyone had to cooperate to help the group so we divided into two groups, those who could fight were the defense while the rest put supplies on the bus.
After securing enough food we headed to Marikawa-san's house, the problem was that halfway we found a group of criminals who got in the way to avoid us.
Marikawa-san was the one who was driving and she stopped when she saw healthy people in the middle of the road, I insisted that she run them over since I can recognize trash when I see it, but Marikawa-san is too kind.
"Get out of the fucking vehicle!" - One of the criminals started screaming while he waved a pipe as a weapon.
"What happens?" - Luis asked when we felt that we stopped, he is very tired and he hardly seems to pay attention to the environment which worries me.
He was about to explain when the sudden sound of a knock on the door caught our attention. - "I said get out of the fucking car!"
Luis's expression turned bad, without saying a word he stood up and looked at Marikawa-san. She lowered her head as if she understood that she did something wrong.
Luis just sighed and patted him on the head. - "I don't know what happened, but don't stop in the future, those guys aren't good people and it would be terrible if they do something to you"
Marikawa-san nodded like a child being scolded. Luis opened the door of the bus and got out.
"Fucking idiot, who do you think you are?!" - The offender screamed angrily before being hit in the stomach.
The criminal could not say anything since he was lying on the ground spitting blood, that blow must have broken a couple of ribs leaving him half dead.
"Get out!" - Luis angrily yelled at the criminals.
Luis doesn't seem like a violent person, but he shows a determined attitude in times of need. I was worried that Luis was too soft for the way he was risking his life to save others, but it seems my worries were in vain, Luis has the right character to use force at the right times.
The criminals began to curse while waving their bats and clubs. Before they approached Luis to fight Saeko got off the bus and stood in front of Luis while he raised his wooden sword. - "Can I take care of them?"
I felt strange seeing Saeko's attitude. As far as the Busujima family is given, they are direct and determined, they would not ask the permission of others to brandish their weapons and they would always fight head-on. The fact that a Busujima asks permission to fight represents that he has recognized that person as his teacher.
"Take care of them" - Luis nodded.
Saeko ran towards the criminals, with a diagonal cut she hit the head of a criminal throwing him a couple of meters, she dodged a blow with a steel bat and stabbed into the chest of another criminal.
Each blow from Saeko was a hit to a vital point and from the force used it could be seen that she was trying to permanently incapacitate them. Those criminals can die if they don't get medical treatment, but now the hospital must be a mess, so goodbye.
After that brief incident, we finally reached Marikawa-san's house. The nurse was not exaggerating when saying that this place was safe, from the shape and fences in the building I can tell that the owner of the place is related to the police, the army, or has experience on the battlefield.
We got on the bus and got ready to unload the supplies. Luis, Saeko, Asashi, me, and a student named Takashi entered the house in search of zombies.
I don't like Takashi since he was one of the students who helped Shido Koichi's garbage but at least he reconsidered when he saw the attitude of that garbage.
The rest of the people who could fight stayed to protect the people on the bus.
In the house, we found a weapons warehouse and an armored vehicle that would be useful for survival. It was an excellent idea to come here.
With the help of Asashi, we collected the weapons to check that they worked and keep them in a safe place, I do not trust all the students who accompany us since some of them have questionable records.
When I showed the weapons to Luis, he asked me to take care of them.
Luis seems similar to us, a member of the underworld so showing this level of trust in someone he has just met makes me feel a little suspicious, but mainly makes me happy, after all, we have fought shoulder to shoulder in a situation life or death.
After checking the place and seeing that it was clean we finally unloaded the supplies while we divided the rooms to rest.
I was about to propose that we eat and talk to relax, but a scream filled me with fear. "Luis!" - Saeko was in a panic when Luis fell unconscious suddenly.
When I saw that Luis was being supported by the two school nurses, I felt scared, I was scared that he could be hurt, that something bad would happen to him, that he had died. Since my brother's death, this was the first time I felt fear.
"It's okay, he's just very tired, I'll take him to my room so he can rest" - Marikawa-san spoke after seeing Luis's condition.
The pair of nurses and Saeko took Luis away to let him rest.
Luis put great effort to protect us, he deserves a long break.
The rest of the group stayed in the room, the atmosphere was gloomy for everything we experienced and no one seemed in the mood to talk.
"This is bullshit! Let's eat!" - I let out a frustrated cry, I usually act like a polite lady but the real me comes out in stressful situations.
The rest of the group followed me and we began to eat. Marikawa-san and Tachibana-san, the pair of nurses came back and joined us while Saeko stayed to take care of Luis.
At some point, someone brought out alcoholic beverages, and then everything went blurry.
That silly Luis, why do women surround him so much?
He is a fool!
But he's a kinda cute fool ...
B-Baka it's not like I like him hmph!