Before the arrival of the rest of the group, I decided to do a last review of the area. Although the school is almost clean of infected, I have not yet checked the small facilities outside the main buildings.
When I went to a warehouse where they kept articles for the sports class I stopped and sent a message to Navi.
"Navi correct me if I'm wrong, but this world has a zombie theme so it must have things related to zombies" - My voice sounded annoyed.
"Hey Listen! Right mate, this is a zombie world! " - Navi was the usual cheerful idiot.
"So explains why there are things not related to zombies" - I felt headache from frustration.
From the first day in this world I suspected that something was wrong, the appearance of mutants in such a short time, the missions of world domination where there are other competitors, the fact that there are beings that can rival or perhaps surpass the Master in martial arts.
So many things happening at once, plus the bad feeling that has been growing inside me.
"Hey Listen! I have no idea what you're talking about! " - It bothers me that Navi sounds so proud even when he's useless. - "But I have also noticed that this world is strange!"
If even an idiot like Navi can tell it is because something is wrong.
"I have a theory! When you updated the travel ticket the system looked for a world that could represent a threat to your life so it determined that you are a difficult cockroach to kill so we are in a potentially deadly world but not completely insurmountable! " - Navi showed me a sign of intelligence that he did not expect.
The medium-high difficulty represents a world where my life will be in danger, but it is not impossible to overcome. If I think about it, if I chose to abandon the survivors and not steal the plot armor it would be easy for me to survive on my own, I could not fulfill the missions, but I could strengthen myself without having to take care of others survivors.
But even if that is so, the difficulty of this world is too absurd due to mutants unless the system takes into account my absurd growth speed or considers that I have enormous potential ...
I spoke to Navi again. - "Do you think Rasen influenced the choice of the system?"
Rasen is the power to make the impossible possible, even if I have not mastered it is a power with unlimited potential.
"That is an excellent theory! My partner will grow up and take over the women of the multiverse muahahahahaha! " - Navi got excited.
After laughing for a while, Navi asked me a question. - "Hey partner! Why do you ask me that? Did you find anything interesting? "
"I think so" - I answered with doubt.
I really don't know what I found. The warehouse in front of me awakens my instinct for danger, in that place there is something that can threaten my life to a certain extent and is slightly hostile, but most importantly, it is something inhuman.
Humans have a particular smell. With my lineage and Master level improvement, my senses heightened. I have some theories about my lineage, but I'll check later.
Those infected, even mutants like Smoker, give off a human scent proving that they were once normal humans.
The infection has a slightly sour odor and even mutant animals emit this odor.
In the warehouse in front of me, there is a being that does not give off a human smell or a smell of infection, in the same place there is a smell of simple food that should have been taken from the lunches of dead children. I also smell a dog that should be alive, the unknown creature does not seem totally hostile towards life forms.
I didn't dare to use my Ki sensor since I don't know if the creature in there can detect it, mutant animals are more sensitive to Ki scanning so I have to be careful.
"Navi, come" - I gave the order and with a sound like a bubble exploding, Navi appeared next to me.
"Hey Listen! I knew you missed me! " - My fist hit Navi reflexively.
A day without hitting Navi feels like a wasted day.
I had left Navi with Shizuka and the others to let me know if there was a problem. The situation now is more important since the security of this future base depends on this, in addition to the fact that I wanted to hit Navi for allying with my Madness to annoy me.
Although it makes me uncomfortable to leave my harem unsupervised at least I know that with Saeko in charge there will be no major losses if a problem arises.
I have not added all the women I slept with in my official harem as I do not know if something unexpected will arise and it is possible that some of them will betray me or die by accident, so as not to break my own oath to protect my harem I prefer not to take risks.
"Navi, go to the warehouse and show me what's inside" - Navi is useful for this kind of thing, and if he dies by any chance then it will be less of a problem.
"Hey Listen! Don't get excited, I can't be killed muahahahaha! Accept your destiny! " - Navi went to the warehouse while he laughed like a madman.
I want to hit him again.
Navi can fly through walls like they don't exist so when he entered the warehouse he showed me what was inside and made me question if I was cursed by some pedophile deity.
It was a girl, a damn girl.
"Hey Listen! As expected of the King of the Harem! Always looking for targets even if they are lolis! " - Shitty Navi!
Hugging her knees was a girl with short pink hair, her face was adorable and her expression of sadness made people feel the need to protect her.
The strange thing was her head, sticking out of her hair were a pair of horns that were similar to ears. If it weren't because I know that this girl is not human then she would believe that her horns were an accessory.
Next to the girl was a small dog, the puppy seems to have sensed my presence so he began to bark happily towards the entrance of the warehouse as if he wanted the girl to open the door.
"What happens? Do you want to go for a walk?" - The girl looked at the dog and began to stroke it.
"Woof woof" - The dog seemed happy, he bit the corner of the girl's shirt and began to pull her towards the entrance of the warehouse.
The girl seemed insecure but still, she followed the dog, that's when I noticed what was bothering me.
When I share the vision with Navi I can use part of my enhanced perception so I could see the air distort behind the girl, it was a subtle movement that could be mistaken for a gentle breeze, but the way the air moved was unnatural.
It was shaped like long arms that extended from the girl's back. Those things were what gave me a sense of danger.
I don't know how strong it is, if the arms have a mind of their own or if the girl will see me as an enemy, but seeing that her actions correspond to a normal girl who is scared, maybe I can use this moment of weakness to put her on my side. If I want to dominate this world I will need strong people.
When the girl was opening the door I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the performance. Why do I sound like a hijacker?
Just in case I put a Ki cover over my body in case the girl turns hostile. If she is dangerous I will have to kill her before she can become a problem.
When she opened the door saw me and her face became nervous as her little hands moved to cover her horns.
Her transparent arms began to shake, but they did not attack nor did I feel hostility from the girl, just fear.
"Hi, are you okay?" - I showed a kind smile as I crouched down to be at a similar height to the little girl and not intimidate her, besides that in this position I can use my right leg to push myself forward and kill her if necessary.
"..." - The girl did not answer, she seemed too scared to speak.
I have met girls who have been bullying victims and this girl has a similar expression so they must have teased her because of her horns, children can be cruel to people who are different.
"My name is Luis, I know, it is not a Japanese name, but we cannot choose what is assigned to us at birth, we can only accept it" - I waited for the little girl to respond.
The little dog next to her ran happily towards me, the air moved as if the arms wanted to stop the puppy, but they did not attack or stop the dog.
It seems that the arms are an additional limb of the girl that operate semi-automatically. I need to check the range, strength, and reflexes of those arms, but since the sense of danger lessened when I covered myself with Ki then she should have a brute strength similar to mine.
"It's your pet? It is cute, the dogs are loyal and affectionate so they are a warm company "- I began to pet the dog that seemed to be going through the best moment of his life, how adorable.
The girl looked at her dog, then looked at me and looked at her dog again, she seemed to be in an internal conflict as to whether it was better to approach or return to the warehouse.
I carried the dog and approached the girl, her arms seemed alert to my movements, but they did not attack me, or rather they did not want to hurt the dog.
The girl does not have the slightest killing intent but those arms give a sense of real danger.
Double personality? Instinct? It is interesting.
When I was near the girl I gave her the dog. - "You have to take good care of him, he is a cute dog"
"Nn" - The girl nodded nervously.
"Are you hungry?" - The girl nodded to my question.
"Here you go" - I gave him a cereal bar that I carried in my pocket, my calorie intake increased with my strength so I always have to bring food, I don't want to eat an infected person again.
The girl was holding the puppy so I opened the wrapper and placed it in front of the girl. - "Here you have"
The girl looked nervously, but in the end, she opened her small mouth and took a bite. I have a feeling this scene can be misinterpreted.
"Thank you" - The girl finished the cereal bar and spoke in a low voice.
"Are you still hungry?" - I took out another cereal bar.
"I-I'm fine ..." - The girl was interrupted by the sound of her own stomach.
Although she had the smell of food in the warehouse, it should be the leftovers of a lunch that the girl had when the infection began.
Lasting for several days with little food, this girl is hardy, or perhaps it is a characteristic of her species.
"I have to meet with my group, why don't you join me?" I smiled kindly as he convinced me that I am not a kidnapper.
The girl looked at me for a while until she finally asked a question in a low voice. - "You do not hate me?"
The girl had an anxious expression as if she was afraid of the answer, I gave her a doubtful look. - "Why should I hate you?"
The girl's eyes began to water. - "The other children say that I am a monster ..."
You are, but small.
"They say that everyone hates me, that it would be better if I died, that no one will love me because I am a monster ..." - The girl began to cry while the dog in her arms began to lick her cheek to try to cheer her up.
I walked over and put my hand on her head as ducked me down. - "What's wrong with being a monster? People say that I am one and I see it as a compliment "
The girl stared at me while my hand stroked her head, feeling the strange horn of her I asked. - "Are they horns?"
The girl nodded.
"How adorable, they look like ears, I'm sure you're cute when you smile" - I ignored Navi that she was having a fit of laughter next to me.
The girl blinked in confusion. - "I am cute?"
"Of course, when you grow up you will become a really beautiful woman, the other children only bother you because they are jealous" - Seeing her features this girl has the potential to become beautiful in the future, a good investment in the long term.
The little girl stared at me and then I felt like I was in trouble. - "If I become beautiful, would you stay with me? Would you be with a monster like me? "
"Hey Listen! Take it now! "
Damn pair of idiots!
"I'm a monster so I can't let a partner stay alone" - I decided to ignore the strange look the girl gave me, a damn look that reminds me of a girl with similar hair color.
"Kaede, my name is Kaede" - The girl smiled for the first time, the arms behind her drew back and disappeared while the feeling of danger also disappeared.
Did I just tame a monster child?
When I said that I wanted a pet I did not mean this.
Ah, whatever.
"So come on Kaede, do you know what happened at school?" - I tried to get up, but Kaede clung to my shirt with a gesture that said 'carry me'.
I don't want to be a magnet for brats, I prefer their mothers.
I resigned myself and carried the adorable monster while he returned to the underground floor.
"Some children wanted to hurt my dog, I took it and hid in the warehouse, then I heard screams and was scared so I did not dare to go out" - Kaede spoke sadly so I patted her.
If I can find the group that was harassing her and gets rid of them, I will be able to win the complete loyalty of this little monster.
Kaede stayed in the warehouse for almost a week without going out. The dog is a mutant creature that should have a certain intelligence so perhaps he took it upon himself to bring it food.
The warehouse did not smell of waste so maybe her species does not produce waste, I want to study Kaede but first I have to make sure she behaves well, the look she is giving me is worrying and it would be problematic to have a possessive girl with the strength of a Master.
First Rin and now Kaede. Why do I always meet troublesome people?
Not even Madness is sure, how troublesome.