The collection group consisted of 10 people from Souichiro, 3 people from Shido who are surely only here to steal the mission credit, 4 spies from an organization called Syringe who work for Umbrella as assassins, and 5 women who used to be policemen and they were the only survivors brave enough to come on this mission.
I learned about the spies thanks to the surveillance of Navi who have been monitoring the suspicious people and in an oversight, they communicated with someone through secret transmitters. As for the purpose of these people, I am not sure, but they were ordered to observe me.
I used acupuncture to question them, but they didn't know anything useful, they just told them to watch me so I erased their memories and let them continue their work so as not to alert their leaders.
In these three days, I tried to help Yuriko with her idea of training the survivors of the base, but only these 5 women accepted the training.
The survivors are afraid that if I train them they will be sent to fight the infected while Souichiro became obsessed with increasing his authority so he ordered his minions not to train with me as that would increase my influence.
My authority at the base is little, but it is growing. With the help of my wives, the suspension bridge syndrome, my experience seducing women, and 4 wonderful weft armors, there are already several female survivors interested in me.
In fact, this mission happened because a beautiful black-haired girl begged us to rescue her friends and since I have a reputation as a womanizer she promised that she would enter my harem in return.
As for how everyone considers me a pervert womanizer, the fucking Souichiro started to turn into a jealous jerk and is starting to try to discredit me even though Shido should be his real concern.
If I still had a trace of sympathy for Souichiro due to the way I'm stealing his wife, that sympathy died.
Fortunately, Souichiro became more irrational and wasted the media war. While he makes statements that I am a pervert, some of his men have been under a lot of stress and have tried to threaten the female survivors to sleep with them which has been taken advantage of by Shido to put those men on the side of him.
This has damaged Souichiro's image since the subordinates' actions damage the leader's image, on the other hand, my group has defended the female survivors so my image has improved and even if I am seen as a pervert, I am a womanizer who protects those who are loyal to him.
Returning to the important thing, we had to leave the cars and travel on foot since the road was completely blocked and not only with cars, someone demolished some buildings and blocked the road to prevent the infected from entering the school.
I have worked on construction sites and I recognize that this was the work of a professional in demolition or calculation since the debris fell perfectly to prevent the passage of infected mutants like the Charger and Tank, only a Hunter could climb this.
"Be careful climbing, I will advance first to check, stay alert" - I made a sign to a beautiful woman to wait.
This woman used to be the police captain and the other 4 women follow her like ducklings following her mother.
Her name is Makina Kiwako Flügel and she is amazing in more ways than one.
Not only did she demonstrate an innate talent with the sword comparable to Saeko and Yuko, but her marksmanship also is even better than Mikoto, her ability to learn and discipline is among the best I have seen, she has an incredible body and most importantly, she is an innate commander.
Kiwako has the talent to command troops while she obeys her superiors. I became interested in this woman and after interacting with her I realized that she is simple but direct-minded.
You can ask her measurements and she will answer without giving it importance, but if you try to touch her she could cut off your hand without doubting.
She used to hold a senior position in the special forces, but she ended up as a police officer after attempting to stab the crotch of a politician who tried to blackmail her.
Kiwako is strict and does not allow corruption in a government structure so she is suitable in a position as a high command in charge of national defense since she will keep corrupt and rebellious officials at bay as long as I do not become a totally dictator degenerate.
If I can get her to work alongside Yuriko I won't have to worry about political administration issues as I hate paperwork.
Since Kiwako is extremely direct I asked her what I needed to win her over and she was clear.
"Authority to bring order to this disaster, strength to back up that authority and if you try to use your authority to do what you want I will castrate you myself"
I found it amusing and made a bet with her, if I can establish a secure base with a functional government in 6 months she is willing to enter my harem and help me rebuild the government.
Kiwako suspects that Souichiro knows who is responsible for the infection and works alongside them so she currently only trusts me and my group.
I already have a science department (Black Label), a competent administrator (Yuriko), and a reliable general (Kiwako).
Now I need more people skilled in human resource management and my government will form on its own while I focus on conquering women and strengthening myself.
The 5 women and I passed the rubble barricade without problems, although they still did not awaken the Ki I gave them a little boost with Hamon and Madness so their bodies are already stronger than most of Souichiro's henchmen.
We began to walk and when we saw the main entrance I saw that there was something strange, in front of the entrance of the school there was a large container.
There was something strange about the container, I tried to use the Ki radar to study it, but the container's cover looked like a vibration-isolating alloy so I couldn't see its contents.
"Back off" - I made a sign for them to move away, but one of the idiots who work for Shido didn't listen to me.
"You're not my boss, you idiot!" - The idiot approached the container.
"Kiwako behind me" - I held Tsubaki who was in the form of a ninja sword and got into combat position, the container is giving me a bad feeling.
Kiwako pulled out a pistol and drew her sword, the other 4 women also got ready.
Souichiro's men went on alert as Syringe's spies turned and tried to escape.
"It is a trap!" - Immediately I took out a pistol and fired at the spies' columns, incapacitating them, I was very superficial in getting information from them due to lack of time, so now I'm going to empty even the memories of their childhoods.
"What happen?!" - The idiot near the container screamed when he saw me shoot, but he could not react when the container opened, separating its walls, crushing the idiot who did not hear me.
"I need a vacation ..." - I sighed wearily.
The container was fully open showing its interior.
3 gray-skinned men were standing with stoic expressions, all staring at me while surrounded by 20 strange humanoid-looking quadruped creatures.
They appeared to have no skin as the muscle tissue was visible, their hands were huge sharp claws, the most striking thing was that the tops of their heads had their brains exposed while their mouths were full of sharp teeth and a long tongue stuck out and twisted like a snake.
"You hide" - Was all I said to my group before bending down to generate the most momentum I could muster in my legs.
Using all my strength I leapt in the direction of the school while passing over the monsters. The gray-skinned men stared at me and ignored the rest of my group.
"Target found" - One of the men spoke and started running in my direction followed by his 22 companions.
Before I fell, I did a Ki base on the soles of my feet and kicked away to gain momentum to getaway.
This is a fucking problem, I don't know the abilities of the skinless creatures and the three gray-skinned men entered their fighting forms as soon as the container was opened.
Is it the doing of my stalker?
It doesn't appear to be, my stalker seems to want to see me strengthen myself and these creatures are emitting a crazed bloodlust.
Whatever, even though I'm alone in this fight, I just have to avoid being surrounded.
In midair, I kicked again, but this time to get back to the ground, using the Ki platform kick trick takes a lot of energy and I have to be careful or I'll be hungry again and those monsters don't look edible.
"Tsubaki shuriken" - Reaching the ground I put Rasen on Tsubaki to spin her, I didn't put too much energy since if Tsubaki gets too dizzy she can faint and revert to her human form, we have tried it a couple of times.
"Rasen Arts: Spin!" - I threw the shuriken against the skinless creatures since the gray-skinned men could resist it.
5 of the creatures were mutilated but the rest moved to dodge.
I called Tsubaki to my inventory and back to my hand.
"Tsubaki sword" - Tsubaki transformed into a ninja sword and I ran towards a creature without skin, first I must clear the weak.
I approached one of the creatures, the creature opened its mouth and her tongue shot out like a frog.
Covering my hand with Ki to avoid any possible poison, I held the tongue and pulled it in my direction to decapitate the creature in a cut.
Madness came out of my back showing his real shape, extended its front claws, and caught a skinless creature that leaped onto my back.
Madness opened its dog-like jaws and with one bite tore the head off the skinless creature.
I'm an idiot, Madness is an extension of me so if he eats it is as if I feed myself.
"Focus on eating the skinless creatures" - I gave an order to Madness.
Madness separated from my back, although separating will weaken me a bit, it is better if he focuses on replenishing supplies and clearing the creatures while I face the gray-skinned men.
"Hey Listen! A tide of zombies and mutants are heading in this direction! " - Navi appeared next to me.
Change of plans, I must prepare for a full-scale fight.
"Madness take the corpse and let's go back" - Madness swallowed the bodies of the two creatures and we walked away as the gray-skinned men jumped and tried to crush the place where we were.
"How are Kiwako and the others?" - Madness and I left the place, I need to use the school buildings to my advantage.
"Hey Listen! The men with you are scaling the rubble to get back to the cars, but they will die from the approaching mutants! "
"The spies are bleeding to death and will die in 3 minutes!"
"The woman with the big breasts and her followers tried to ask for support from the base, but the communications were interfered with! "
"A drone appeared and guided the women to safety! It seems like there really are survivors here and is a tech-savvy! " - Navi finished his report while I was fleeing to a building that should be a school gym.
In the place I felt the presence of hundreds of normal infected that Madness could consume.
"Navi, go with Saeko and tell her to send Kaede and Sayo as reinforcements, the rest of our group must prepare to evacuate through the safe route that I marked in case of emergency" - I entered the building. - "Madness, eat all you can"
Madness smiled terrifyingly and threw himself at the infected students to eat them.
I turned around and took advantage of the energy surge to break a wall, grabbed the pieces of rubble, covered them in Ki to harden them, and then used Rasen to spin them.
In my Rasen Arts the Spin technique rotates objects and weapons, the turning force causes the object to gain a constant acceleration and when released it becomes a powerful projectile that will continue to rotate until the projectile is destroyed by excess energy kinetic or I override the Spin.
Hundreds of rubble began to swirl, I backed away from the door as the floor shook as the gray-skinned men rushed forward.
"Hey Listen! Don't die, there are still many women you must steal! " - Navi disappeared to fulfill the task of a messenger.
Madness ate more than half of the infected students, the rest will be left for supply if I ran out of power.
I can use Hamon to replenish my energy, but it is too slow a process, I can only let Madness keep eating for nutrients.
The door was knocked down by 3 skinless creatures.
Tch, the one who controls them learned from his mistakes. He was hoping to attack the gray-skinned men as they should be faster but the skinless creatures are being used as decoys, how troublesome.
"Rasen Arts: Spin!" - I could not continue to contain the debris or they would explode from the excess energy so I released them against the creatures turning them into bloodstains that covered the floor and walls.
"Tsubaki smoke bomb" - A smokescreen filled the gym, Madness returned to my body and I took advantage of the moment to use my Stealth ability to hide.
This will be exhausting.