I moved to one of the main buildings and entered through the window, this school is huge, there are several buildings full of infected students so Madness had a lot to eat.
Madness ate the infected in the room replenishing my energy, the upgraded Giga Drill Break consumes an absurd amount of energy so I need a constant supply of nutrients.
"Tsubaki double scythe" - I went to a wall and cut a piece to make a concrete stake.
I looked out the broken window and saw one of the skinless creatures rushing in my direction.
I covered the stake with Ki and Rasen to spin it and throw it at the creature's head. - "Rasen Arts: Spin"
The stake was about to pierce the creature's head, but an armor-piercing shot destroyed the stake before impacting.
The time between aiming and shooting is too short, I've only seen reflections like that on someone like Mildred so the snipers broke human limits somehow.
There are two options, Umbrella started training martial artists who can use Ki or they made their own version of Gamma Serum and developed a skill similar to Mikoto's Bullet Time.
Without asking for Navi's opinion I held it and covered it with Rasen, to prevent the blue light from attracting much attention I hardly used Rasen and used pure Ki.
"Rasen Arts: Navi Shot" - With force I threw Navi at the head of the creature killing it instantly.
This time there was no shot to deflect the attack.
Snipers cannot see Ki so the first option is ruled out, still, this is problematic.
"Navi go with Sayo and tell him not to approach the snipers and better come see me, it is possible that the snipers are protected and that would be dangerous" - I gave the order to the flying idiot who was laughing and I ran to another room as the Two gray-skinned men tore a huge chunk of concrete from the floor and threw it against the room where I was standing.
As I moved down the hallway trying to set up an ambush for the gray-skinned men about to enter, a message from Navi made me sigh. - "Hey Listen! They are on their way and the white-haired girl is so excited! As expected of the Lolimancer! "
I didn't have time to hit Navi as I found what he was looking for, the science room.
I took a deep breath to hold my breath and walked into the living room, then cut the gas pipes to fill the room with gas.
The skinless creatures look like tracking dogs so I have about 2 minutes for the creatures to break through the door.
When the room was almost full of gas 2 skinless creatures entered the laboratory, although I do not think that a gas explosion can kill the gray-skinned men, but it is enough for the creatures.
I jumped out the window and when my body was breaking the glass I hit the two scythes against each other to make a spark that ignited the gas.
I took advantage of the momentum of the explosion to move away from the building, in the air I raised the scythes to cover my face and used Rasen on my own body to turn. - "Rasen Arts: Spin"
I was able to deflect a sniper bullet that was aimed at my head, but it was a pellet bullet so some shrapnel fragments hit my arms.
"Are you OK?" - Tsubaki yelled with concern, but I didn't have time to answer him.
I fell to the ground and ignored the pain as the wall broke down as the two gray-skinned men rushed forward.
I leaped to the left to avoid the onslaught, then threw one of the scythes at the leg of a gray-skinned man and propelled myself in his direction.
I covered the other scythe with Ki and cut the tendon of the gray man's foot, although he will be able to regenerate in less than a minute this was enough to make him fall.
"Tsubaki sword" - Tsubaki became the short sword.
The gray-skinned man fell on his face so I rushed to the back of his neck, but the second gray-skinned man took a sharp turn and kicked in my direction.
"Aiki!" - With my arm covered in Ki I redirected the kick so that the gray-skinned man crushed the neck of his partner.
It wasn't enough to kill the gray-skinned man on the ground, but this would incapacitate him for several minutes while he regenerated the back of his neck.
I had to back off as three shots were aimed at my location preventing me from finishing off one of the gray-skinned men.
Snipers are a real nuisance.
When I walked away I stopped for a moment to smile wryly when I heard a motorcycle approaching, fortunately, the snipers are focused on killing me so they did not attack my reinforcements.
"Fun!" - A childish scream rang out as a red whip grabbed the gray man's neck.
The man held the whip and pulled on it causing a white-haired little girl to be pulled at high speed as it was attached to the whip that was sticking out of her shoulder.
"Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" - The little girl screamed happily as the man was about to hit her.
"Tsubaki shuriken" - Tsubaki turned into a shuriken and I threw it at the hand of the gray-skinned man deflecting her fist that brushed the girl's face making a deep cut on her cheek.
"Hahahaha fun fun!" - The little girl didn't seem to care that she almost died. - "Cut cut cut!"
A thorn of blood came out of his palm targeting the gray-skinned eye and managed to pierce it due to the suddenness of the attack.
I took the moment to focus Rasen on my fist and ran at the gray-skinned man while dodging a shot.
"Giga Drill Break!" - My fist hit the back of the leather man's knee causing him to lose his balance.
An invisible hand reached out and took advantage of this to pierce the other eye of the gray-skinned man.
"Giga Drill Break!" - Sayo arrived on a motorcycle, taking advantage of the acceleration of the vehicle, she hit the gray-skinned man in the stomach, throwing him 10 meters away.
I jumped to catch the falling white-haired little girl as she giggled.
When I landed with the little girl in my arms she couldn't stop laughing as she waved her little arms, it's like a squirrel full of caffeine.
"Hahahahahaha fun fun fun fun let's do it again hahahaha!" - The girl stopped laughing and she looked at me for a few seconds before showing a big smile and hugging me. - "Friend friend friend friend friend friend friend!"
The girl moved like a squirrel climbing a tree and climbed onto my shoulders. - "Come on let's go fun fun!"
Oh god, I barely know her and I'm already tired.
I ignored the migraine and took a step to the right to avoid a shot aimed at the girl, but even though the bullet was not about to hit the little girl, the bullet hit a barrier made up of small purple hexagons.
The bullet was able to get through the barrier, but it reduced most of the force of the shot, I think that barrier is almost as strong as my black blood, interesting.
"Bad person?" - The girl looked in the direction of the shot, then raised a finger pointing in that direction.
Her finger opened, letting out a bubble of blood that took the shape of a bullet.
"Pium pium!" - The girl screamed happily as the bullet of blood shot out.
In the air three shots hit the bullet of blood making a small explosion in the air, but I can tell, the girl found a sniper.
Determined, I'll keep her.
"Hahahahaha it goes boom!" - The girl pointed to the explosion as she waved her hands.
I ignored her antics and ran to the gray-skinned man on the ground as I wielded Tsubaki.
"Giga Drill Break!" - I focused the spiral power on the pint of the blade and stabbed the nape of the gray-skinned man, then moved the blade to insert it into his skull without having to pierce the bone and released the spiral energy inside the skull. - "Rasen Arts: Spin"
The spiral energy spun inside the skull, separating the capsule from the rest of the nerve endings, killing the gray-skinned man.
There are 5 skinless creatures left and a gray-skinned man while my wounds are superficial and are already regenerating with Hamon and black blood, an acceptable battle.
"Sayo, Kaede, follow me!" - I yelled at the two girls who came to greet me and I guided them towards a building, it will be a problem if they shoot them.
When we entered another building we stopped for a moment, I felt that there were cameras and microphones listening, but at this point it no longer makes sense to hide my actions with so many enemies surrounding us.
I stopped to get the shrapnel out of my arms and Kaede took the moment to hug me, she didn't say anything and she just stood still hugging me while she let out a few tears.
"She was worried since we found out this was a setup" - Sayo smiled warmly as she came over to kiss my cheek.
"I'm glad you arrived safely, for now the situation is bad, you should not fight outside since you do not have a perception of danger like mine and an oversight will cost you your life" - I spoke seriously while stroking the head by Kaede.
Tsubaki took her human form and pulled the albino girl off my shoulders to hug her.
"Friend?" - The little girl looked confused and Tsubaki smiled.
"Yes, I'll be your friend" - Tsubaki's words made the little girl smile.
"She's a bit loud, but she's cute" - Sayo smiled too, then she looked at me seriously. - "If you are going to put your hands on it at least hope it grows"
"Do you think I'm a degenerate? Don't answer me "- I sighed when I saw Sayo and Tsubaki's ironic smile.
"If Onii-chan wants I could ..." - I covered Kaede's mouth so she wouldn't say something dangerous, this brat was already corrupted by Rin.
"Listen, we have a little time to prepare, Umbrella already lost many resources facing me alone so with you by my side they would only waste their resources, most likely they will wait for the arrival of the tide of mutants to eliminate us" - I looked through a window at the gray-skinned man and the 5 skinless creatures that instead of chasing us were moving away.
"Friend friend friend friend!" - The albino little girl escaped from Tsubaki's arms and clung to my leg. - "Are you the dog's friend?"
I patted the little girl's head and smiled kindly. - "Yes, now I am also your friend"
The little girl's expression lit up. - "FRIEND!"
The girl began to rub her head on my leg like a puppy, indeed she is noisy but adorable.
Kaede pouted and grabbed onto my other leg.
"..." - I sighed internally.
"How cute, I can't wait for us to have children ~ Although I worry that if we have a daughter she will end up in this strange harem of yours ..." - Sayo looked at me with a complicated expression.
"Sayo, no, that won't happen, no, just no" - I massaged my head.
Because of Navi, I am having a horrible headache due to the incest issue.
If I want to get the maximum marriage reward, one of the requirements is to have a blood relative in my harem.
I dislike the idea so much that I no longer even care about the possibility of dying in the wave of mutants.
"The situation is not looking good, we were able to come as Kaede and Shiro cleared the way with their abilities, but more and more mutants are approaching" - Sayo sighed describing how they arrived.
We cannot request reinforcements since they will only die from the tide of infected so we will have to fix the situation on our own, the least dangerous option is to go in one direction and face the infected to escape the fence before they all accumulate here.
I only have one question. - "Shiro?"
"I am Shiro! Shiro is my name! Shiro is a cute name! I like the name Shiro! I'm Shiro so I like my name! " - The albino little girl fidgeted happily as she continued to hug my leg.
"It was Kaede's idea, she said Shiro's skin and hair were cute so Shiro would be a good name" - Sayo smiled fondly as she looked at Kaede, this woman is awakening a motherly side.
"Well it's fine is a nice name" - I smiled a little, this nonsense is a bit relaxing.
"Let's find Kiwako and the others, then we'll get out of here" - I decided that this was dangerous, even if there are other survivors they are not worth the risk.
"Wait!" - An unknown female voice came from a loudspeaker normally used for school announcements.
I was already wondering when I would speak. Since we entered this building, I did not know if she was from Umbrella or from the survivors of this place who were watching us so I needed to check.
Navi mentioned that Kiwako and the women with her found the survivors of this school, since they had not contacted us, I wanted to check who was observing me.
"Captain, we found survivors, I request instructions" - Kiwako's voice came from the same speaker.
"How far are they from my location?" - I decided to check before making a decision.
"In the building next door in an underground warehouse, there are at least 30 survivors, there is an access to the sewers near here, but for the number of survivors it will take us about an hour to evacuate them all" - Kiwako reported.
That is why I like that woman, she is clear and precise, if I ask her to come with me and abandon the survivors, she will not hesitate to listen to me since the situation is critical.
Well, I will see that escape route, if necessary I will flee with my group and take a couple of survivors while the rest become bait.
"Let's go there" - I gestured to my group to accompany me.
Shiro refused to let go of me and climbed onto my back putting her head on my left shoulder, Kaede did the same with my right shoulder and now I have two little monsters on my back.
"You look like a loving father ~" - Sayo bit back her laughter.
I am beginning to consider a vasectomy.