After calculating the number of enemies that were targeting me, I sighed in disappointment at the thought that I will have to kill so many useful pawns, what a waste.
Soichiro looked at me with boundless hatred. - "Don't act like you're innocent! You are just a damn monster, the most likely thing is that you are one of those creatures that managed to evolve to acquire intelligence and now you have this base as its objective"
That was creative, instead of being a yakuza boss or politician, he should have been a screenwriter.
Soichiro's words detonated something in the survivors, everyone who had been influenced by Shido started screaming while waving their weapons like a bunch of apes.
"It's true! They must be monsters! "
"Eliminate them or they will try to kill us! They are disgusting aberrations trying to deceive us! "
"Even those girls are monsters, all of them must be eliminated!"
I ignored those idiots and kept observing every detail of the situation, there is something that bothers me.
Even if Soichiro lost his rationality to rage, he is not a stupid man, he should already know the extent of my strength so he would not organize this stupidity if he did not have the assurance that he could defeat me.
Although he has the numbers advantage and a hostage that shouldn't be enough to give him the confidence to kill me, there is something I'm not seeing.
Since I can't get information from what I see I'll see if I can provoke Soichiro to get information.
"Soichiro is fine if you hate me and want to kill me! But why are you involving Saya in this?! She is your daughter! What does Yuriko think of your actions?!" - I spoke with a fair voice full of indignation which made Soichiro clench his teeth with fury.
"Daughter?! She is just a bloody traitor, she and her mother are just a couple of sluts who have been seduced by an abomination like you! " - Soichiro's hand that was holding the weapon was shaking and it seemed that at any moment he could shoot.
It was a good moment since Yuriko had come closer and she could hear Soichiro's scream.
"Did you go crazy?!" - Yuriko tried to get closer to Soichiro but one of Soichiro's subordinates hit her in the stomach making her fall.
"Shut up bitch! It's obvious that you let that idiot fuck you since that's only what you're good for! " - Soichiro yelled like a maniac as he pointed the gun at Yuriko, but Navi was still attached to the barrel of the gun so even if he fired Yuriko would be safe.
"Now you and your fucking lover are going to die like the pieces of trash that you are!" - Soichiro shouted almost like a madman, next to him Shido had a lustful expression as he looked at the pair of mother and daughter.
That idiot must think about taking the two women after killing me, he's so stupid it's funny
From the door where Yuriko had come out, I could see Mikoto and Yuko hiding. They have experience dealing with criminal organizations so instead of rushing to help Yuriko and Saya they prefer to wait for a distraction.
Mikoto nodded when our eyes met so she waited for my signal.
Soichiro waved his hand and a woman dressed in a lab coat approached, in her right hand was a small black egg while her left hand held the hand of a black-haired boy.
I could perceive a subtle sound similar to children's lullaby music coming from the egg, I looked at Shiro who had started looking at her hands in confusion.
"I can't play" - Shiro tilted her head in confusion.
I see, the egg is the MGS system made to remove Shiro's powers.
"Little girl, do you remember me?" - The woman spoke in a soft, maternal voice, but I could see a subtle trace of disgust and guilt when she looked at Shiro.
"Who are you? ... Oh Shiro remember! You are Ganta's mom! Oh, there is Ganta too! Ganta look Shiro has friends! " - Shiro got excited and tried to run towards the woman, but she was stopped by Kaede.
"No Shiro, they are not friends" - Kaede could barely contain her desire to murder the people in front of her.
"No friends? But Ganta is a friend with Shiro "- Shiro looked confused.
Kaede's expression went blank and she released Shiro.
Ah, it will be difficult to fix the relationship between these two brats after this.
Shiro ran towards the woman when she was released and she started jumping like an excited bunny.
"You see it? You're just a monster, those who follow you are out of fear and not out of real affection"- Soichiro smiled disdainfully.
I had to hold back my laughter, Shiro may be a psychopathic and dangerous girl, but she is far from being an idiot.
Shiro is smarter than Kaede and I'm sure she can outsmart Rin, it's just that she doesn't like to think and prefers to act impulsively.
Shiro is crazy not because she is an idiot, but because she is a smart girl who became an idiot on her own initiative.
When Shiro saw the scientist and the child her first emotion was not happiness but hatred, if she had had her powers then she would have attacked them as soon as they appeared, but when Shiro realized that the black egg was the machine that limited her powers returned to her foolish and carefree demeanor.
The most interesting thing about Shiro is that she is not lying, she is not pretending to be someone else, she also does not have a double personality problem, it is better to say that Shiro is bipolar.
As a defense mechanism Shiro learned to turn negative emotions into fun and rainbows, that's why she is dangerous, for Shiro playing and killing are the same, both are fun, and right now Shiro wants to play with her old friend.
I used a technique that I learned from Hayato to speak to a person without others listening to me by controlling the frequency of my voice. - "When I give the signal, Sayo go for the survivors and Kaede take care of the people with pistols, just attack from the front and then look for where to take cover, remember to prioritize the defense of the attack"
They both made a small sound of approval without changing their expressions.
I wanted to get this over with soon, but I felt three people targeting me from the ceiling, snipers.
Before I could not locate the Umbrella snipers as they were too far away but now that they are less than 100 meters I can clearly feel them.
I see, Soichiro received reinforcements from Umbrella while I was leaving, I'm glad Saeko evacuated the survivors who are loyal to me.
"Ganta Ganta look Shiro has more friends!" - Shiro waved her little hands as she pointed at us.
The child looked at Shiro in confusion. - "Who are you?"
"Shiro is Shiro!" - Shiro exclaimed happily.
It was interesting to see how her extreme fury turned to joy as soon as it appeared, if it weren't for my title King of the Lunatics that allows me to see the madness of people then I would have thought that Shiro was genuinely happy to see that child.
"Good girl, now you can play together like before" - The doctor smiled affectionately, but she seemed to want to take Shiro away from the boy who should be her son.
"Shiro wants to play!" Shiro smiled happily, then looked at the egg in the woman's hand. - "What's that?"
"It is a very special music box" - The woman smiled.
"Can Shiro hold it?" - Shiro asked with bright eyes.
The woman hesitated for a while, but after considering Shiro as a foolish girl who is easy to manipulate she handed her the egg. - "Be careful when holding it, if you break it you will not be able to with Ganta"
Shiro happily nodded and held the egg carefully.
"Shiro is careful" - Shiro smiled adorably and then her smile became similar to Madness. - "Shiro is a good girl"
Although Shiro's powers to manipulate blood were blocked by the egg, Shiro's physical strength was superior to the average adult so in one swift movement she slammed her own head against the artifact stopping the music.
"FUN!" - Shiro screamed as her body was surrounded by red threads that spun at high speed, then those threads expanded as they spun, mutilating the people around her like slices of ham.
Only the woman in the lab coat and the black-haired boy were unharmed.
"Aaaaaaaahhh monster!" - The boy hugged his mother while he screamed in horror when he saw the blood and flesh raining around her.
"Shiro is not a monster! Shiro is a good girl hahahahahaha! " - Shiro began to float while the blood surrounded her creating a small red robe that covered her. - "Shiro is a superhero!"
"Now" - I made a small gesture and then lunged forward as one of the snipers aimed at Shiro's head.
"Shiro get down!" - With my shout Shiro obeyed me, but she did not move in time and a bullet hit her shoulder mutilating her flesh making her bone visible.
"Hahahahaha fun fun fun!" - Shiro looked at the roof of the mansion, raised her small hand creating hundreds of small drops of blood that began to attack the roof of the mansion like a machine gun.
"Kill them kill them all! SHOOT! " - Soichiro furious as he raised the weapon against Saya, but before he could shoot Yuko rushed with her ability Acceleration and with a sword movement she cut Soichiro's hand.
Soichiro might have gone crazy, but he was an experienced fighter so he didn't stay still, when he lost his hand he immediately backed away as his guards pointed their weapons at Yuko.
My momentum was directed towards Saya and Yuriko's position so before the guards fired I reached their position with my fist covered in Rasen.
"Giga Drill Break!" - With a blow two guards were turned into blood mists, three other guards were pushed by the momentum of my blow making them fall to the ground.
Mikoto seized the moment and with three precise shots killed the three guards.
"Take them to the evacuation site, I have a feeling that things are about to get really troublesome" - I looked at Shiro who was still bombarding the snipers on the roof, but at this rate, she would pass out from the loss of blood.
I did not wait for them to respond, I gathered the Rasen in my fist, the rotating energy passed from my fist to my arm, down to my torso, and finally reached my right leg.
When my leg was engulfed in a large amount of highly destructive spinning energy I launched an upward kick aimed at the ceiling. - "Rasen Arts: Pile Tornado!"
The rotating energy turned into a violent upward tornado that destroyed the ceiling, hitting the snipers.
Although the Pile Tornado is not as powerful as the Giga Drill Break, it is more useful for destroying large structures and eliminating groups of enemies.
"We have to hurry, my bad feeling continues to grow" - I did not have time to comfort Yuriko and Saya, something very bad is approaching and that makes me uncomfortable.
"Wait silly! You are not invincible, you need to rest!" - Mikoto rushed to stop me seeing that he was about to direct me to attack the remaining survivors.
"Mikoto there is no time for dramas, you must leave immediately, the infected that were blocking the way to our base is gone so return with the rest of our group, contact Kiwako to send a rescue group to their location, and mobilize our principals to come "- I looked in the distance, I couldn't see anything in that direction, but the bad feeling grew with every second.
"Don't screw me with that hero shit! You are not going to fight alone! " Mikoto clung to my arm.
"Mikoto, I'm serious, I need you to bring reinforcements while Sayo, Kaede, Shiro, Tsubaki and I delay whatever is coming" - I looked at Mikoto seriously, I was tempted to knock her unconscious and make Yuko take care.
"..." - Mikoto gritted her teeth and finally let go of me. - "Don't do something stupid"
With those words Mikoto left while she was helping Saya and Yuriko.
"Wouldn't it be better if you come with us?" - Yuko asked me worried.
"Whatever is coming is looking for me, if I go to the base it will only be dangerous for our group, our group's abilities are too destructive so it is better to fight here where we should not hold back" - I looked at Kaede, Shiro and Sayo They eliminated the survivors, even those who surrendered and dropped their weapons were completely mutilated without mercy.
Whether they were men, women, the elderly, or children, they were crushed, cut, pierced, and killed like animals in slaughterhouses.
Even Sayo was furious and she would smash the heads of every person who stood in front of her. She is very overprotective so she goes crazy when someone from our strange family is threatened, she even wore her berserker mask.
"Are you sure or is it just a guess?" - Yuko asked me again.
"Call it survival instinct" - I shrugged, my self-preservation instinct has always been so sensitive that it seems supernatural what has saved me for my entire stupid life.
"I understand" - Yuko nodded. - "I will help Mikoto evacuate the survivors and then I will come to help"
"Thank you" - I smiled.
"Don't worry, in return I would like a date" - Yuko also smiled.
"It's a deal" - Well, she's already my wife so a date isn't bad.
"By the way, those responsible for this disaster fled" - Yuko smiled bitterly.
"Not exactly" - I smiled when I saw that Enami approached us while she held a gift for me.
I'm glad Sayo and Yuriko left or it would shock them.
"Master, I have done my job" - Enami bowed.
Even though I considered Enami a disposable pawn I still strengthened her to be useful so it was easy for her to drag Shido up her leg with one hand as her other hand-carried the jackpot.
"This ... You know, if it's not because you're my husband now, I wouldn't hesitate to see you as a monster" - Yuko smiled wryly.
That felt like a compliment so I smiled fondly.
Enami knelt in front of me and reached out to place her offering at my feet.
"Looking at him like that, he looks a bit pathetic" - I scoffed a bit when I saw Soichiro's expression, even when he was a decapitated head he still shows extreme hatred, it's funny.
"Then I'll go supervise the evacuation" - Yuko sighed and left.
"Enami, where is your partner?" - I was curious about the little girl who used to bully Kaede.
"She insisted that we should betray the master and follow this pathetic man's excuse" - Enami smirked as she kicked Soichiro's head. - "So I gave her the same ending"
"Good work, now go to Yuko and remember, don't mention a word of this" - I nodded in approval.
"Your words are my orders Master" - Enami nodded with a smile and went to catch up with Yuko.
I'm glad I didn't use mind control with my lovers or they would be puppets without will like Enami, that would be boring.
Well whatever, I better go with the girls who after eliminating the infected began to play with the doctor and her son.
If that child survives it will be a surprise, I think maybe if I have to educate those two brats.