After I came close to accidentally killing the government woman, she led us into a spacious limousine where we could talk.
When we were in the car, Sakaki opened the small refrigerator in the car and took out a beer as if the car was his.
Since the woman seemed used to this, I took some soft drinks from the refrigerator and distributed them to the women who accompanied me.
Tsubaki was in my Core of Existence so I couldn't give her a soda, but she's not affected by this kind of thing. I love her as she is not a suffocating woman eager for attention.
"I'm sorry about before, it's just that sometimes I lose control a bit" - The woman sincerely apologized to Shigure. - "By the way, my name is Jennifer Gray, FBI agent"
Shigure just nodded without much interest, she did not seem to mind that the woman had pointed a gun at her, but I do care so I will look for an opportunity to teach her a lesson in good manners.
Jennifer looked at Sakaki who was drinking beer carelessly. - "Why did you bring these people? You even brought two little girls..."
Jennifer looked worriedly at Shiro and Kaede who were playing a racing video game.
Sakaki shrugged. - "They are strong and trustworthy"
Before we left, I had Shiro, Kaede, and Sayo do a show of force so that the dojo masters would not underestimate them.
They didn't show all their skills, but the basics they demonstrated were enough to make the dojo experts shocked.
Sayo has a physical strength on par with Apachai, she has a regenerative ability that allows her to regenerate a limb in a month of rest and she can use my Rasen Arts thanks to the fact that my heart is in her chest gave her access to the Rasen.
Kaede has a small regenerative capacity that can only heal skin wounds without leaving scars, her body has the physical strength of a normal adult who goes to the gym every day, but her vectors are her greatest strength since with them she can overcome Sayo in brute strength as well as being able to use acupuncture with them.
As for Shiro, she is difficult to classify. Her brute strength is below Kaede, but when she uses her blood as a projectile she can destroy a building, the most important thing is that her power can take all kinds of strange shapes and effects ranging from becoming a sticky trap, sharp blades, and even explosive balloons.
The most important thing is her regenerative capacity, if her heart is crushed or her head is cut she will go into hibernation without dying, she only needs someone to reattach her head since her heart is will rebuild over time. The only way to kill her is by destroying her head completely or by drying all of her blood.
Despite all this, it is hard to believe that a little girl has the strength to kill thousands of armed soldiers so the government woman frowned, but in the end, she sighed and did not complain.
The confidence that she has in Sakaki is worrying considering that she works for the government and Sakaki is an irresponsible alcoholic… That sounds hypocritical when I say it.
"So be it then" - Jennifer took out an electronic tablet and began to show us various images.
"We have found information that in a few days the Disciples Duel tournament will begin, one of the most important events in the martial arts community, however, this specific tournament will be sponsored by a millionaire tycoon wanted by various intelligence agencies, in addition to the tournament will be full of people from the criminal world "- Jennifer showed pictures of a strange muscular man wearing strange glasses.
"This man is Fortuna, one of the most wanted people for various crimes of corruption, fraud, murder, and arms trafficking, there are even suspicions that he is one of the main collaborators of the terrorist group The Liberators" - Jennifer showed intense hatred when talking about Fortuna.
Judging from his body language she has a personal grudge against Fortuna, maybe he killed someone in her family or something.
"Are you going to trick her into adding her to your harem?" - Tsubaki asked curiously from my Core of Existence.
I don't know, I'm still upset because she used a gun to aim at Shigure, plus she has a crush on Sakaki and it would be cruel to steal from a friend's crush ... Who am I kidding, that wouldn't stop me, but I still have to take one decision.
Whatever, I'll see what happens.
Jennifer began to explain her plan to infiltrate the private island where the tournament will be.
I ignored her because her plan was stupid, if they use a squad of soldiers to try to attack an island full of martial artists and gangsters they will only cause the death of the soldiers.
I concentrated on looking at the electronic tablet to check the information. Before Yellow Queen had notified me of this event, but I did not pay attention to it since I was busy manipulating information to increase the influence of my Madness in the world, but now that I see the information there is a list of participants that the FBI managed to get.
I smiled wryly.
"Hey Sakaki, look at this" - I pointed to the list of participants.
"The old man is playing again" - Sakaki sneered wryly.
On the list was a team called 'Shinpaku Alliance' made up of Kenichi and his cheerful group of friends.
Kaname had told me that her friends had invited her to a tournament, but she refused as she was more interested in seeing the apocalyptic world.
The most striking thing was not Kenichi's team, but a guy named Garyu X who was supposedly 20 years old.
I sighed at Hayato's antics, he just put on a mask and entered the tournament… I'm speechless.
Well, knowing that Diego is the organizer of the tournament, I am not surprised that Hayato could enter, after all Diego only cares about putting on a good show.
Since Diego wants to put on a show, I'll give him a hand.
I sent a mental message to Navi first. - "Contact the girls, I want Kaname, Saeko, Rei, Kisara, Izumi, Renka and Miu to prepare to travel"
Hayato is going to hit me, but instead of running from problems, it's better to face them head-on even if it breaks my face.
Thinking up to here I used a sound technique that allowed me to use a low frequency of sound to speak to a person without other people nearby being able to hear me.
"Register two teams on the tournament roster, one team under my name and the other team will consist of Miu, Renka, Kaname, Kisara, Izumi, and Saeko. The name of the girls must remain hidden until the tournament starts and it only leaves my name visible, also you make a false identity for Saeko "- I whispered towards Yellow Queen who nodded softly.
Now the question is who should I become the protagonist of this Story. My main choice is Izumi as she is not talented and meets various factors of a female protagonist.
The tournament roster on the electronic tablet was updated so I showed a shocked expression as if this was unexpected. - "Why am I on the tournament list?"
"What?!" - Jennifer screamed in amazement and took the electronic tablet from me to look at the list. - "Are you Luis?"
I smiled wryly, took off my glasses, and wiped the subtle makeup from my face with a handkerchief. - "I can't remove my hair dye here, but yes, It's me"
Jennifer looked at me for a long time and then she looked at Sakaki strangely. - "Why is one of Yami's most wanted people here?"
"In a way, he is my disciple" - Sakaki shrugged.
He taught me the basics of karate so he is my teacher to some extent.
Jennifer sighed and massaged her forehead. In a matter of minutes, she showed her professionalism and was able to accept the situation. - "Okay, I will have to ask you to enter the tournament, it can be a dangerous mission so I will organize an escort squad"
I shook my head. - "It is not necessary, taking many people will be an obstacle, it is better if I move on my own"
Jennifer frowned, but Sakaki intervened. - "The boy is strong, he can take care of himself"
Jennifer raised an eyebrow. - "How strong is he?"
"Super Master" - Shigure spoke for the first time, her voice was full of pride.
Jennifer's eyes widened, looking at me like I was an unidentified animal. - "Shio, you trained a monster"
I'm certainly a monster, but saying so is rude.
"Good" - Jennifer nodded satisfied. - "With your strength, you should be safe, when the tournament is in its final stage I will mobilize an elite squad to arrest the criminals on the island"
When she said that she showed a subtle desire to kill that was probably directed at Fortuna, the organizer of the event.
Work and personal affairs aren't supposed to mix but what does it matter, I'm not her boss.
I plan to bring Sayo and the two girls with me as a backup in case a problem arises. Tsubaki is my weapon so he will also accompany me so I have to prepare some security measures to prevent them from having an accident.
There is also Kaname's group and the others. I'll have the Yellow Queen organize a flight so they can go to the tournament safely.
Just in case I will contact Shiguma to prepare androids 2B and Chise with various emergency batteries to be their escorts.
Of the group of androids left by the creator of Monika, I have only activated 5: Chise, 2B, and the bodies of Monika and her two sisters.
The problem with androids is that they have free will so most of them have personality problems and I have not had time to talk quietly with them to convince them to follow me so they remain in hibernation.
2B and Chise are the most obedient androids and I was even able to add them to my harem as they had no objection to following me as their new master. My system does not seem to care if the woman is not human or a living organism, as long as she is a woman it is acceptable.
That should be enough for now, although considering that Yami should have already seen my name on the participant list, it is possible that one or two experts will decide to go to the tournament.
Although going to the tournament is dangerous, Hayato will be in the tournament which will be helpful, in addition to the fact that the people in Yami value the prestige of martial arts very much so they will not intervene for the duration of the tournament. I only have to escape as soon as the tournament is over.
While I was making plans in my head, I felt Shigure hold my arm making me sigh.
"You can't come" - I ignored Shigure's look of an abandoned puppy, even if I love this woman those looks are useless with me.
"Will she go with you?" - Shigure didn't point to anyone specifically, but I knew she was referring to Tsubaki.
I nodded, it is obvious that I will not leave Tsubaki.
"I'm going with you" - Shigure was stubborn.
"No" - I was firm.
Oh god, Shigure is pouting, she's too cute.
"Let her come with us" - Sayo smiled wryly. - "She can help me take care of the little girls"
It is true that Sayo cannot take care of Kaede and Shiro alone as the two girls can cause a disaster if they are not under observation.
The list of participants also included the teachers of the disciples so if Shigure accompanies me as my teacher there should be no problem, but I am worried that it will attract the people of Yami who know her blacksmithing skills which would be a problem.
"I will not be an obstacle" - Shigure looked at me full of determination.
To others it may sound as if Shigure really wants to accompany me because she loves me, but to me her words had another meaning.
Shigure is choosing to follow me not only to the tournament but also on the path of my ideals, assassinating enemies.
I smiled happily at Shigure's new resolution. - "You will never be an obstacle. Fine, you can come"
Shigure smiled, ignored the other people in the car, and pulled her face close to kiss me. - "I will always be with you"
My first wife is too cute.
Now, I'm curious to know what kind of face Diego will make when he sees my name at his event.
Knowing him, right now he is laughing like crazy annoying the other Yami members, Diego is Yami's Navi.