(Mia Winters perspective)
I held my forehead wearily as I watched my husband climb into a strange vehicle that was the combination of a bulldozer and a military car.
"Ethan, we need to escape" - I tried to convince my husband, but he didn't stop.
"Mia, no matter where we run, these people will not stop looking for us, we have to fight or this hell will never end" - Ethan shook his head as he started the strange vehicle. - "I'll take care of everything, just stay here and take care of our daughter"
I clenched my fists in frustration, this was all my fault for not telling Ethan the whole truth before we got involved in Umbrella's experiments, but it's also his fault for being so stubborn, we should just run away and wait for Chris to get in touch with us to leave this country.
I watched as Ethan drove the strange vehicle out of the building, while he struggled I'll take care of the jars where my daughter is.
I don't know what kind of feeling I should get from seeing my newborn daughter cut up and stored in various jars.
Although my heart certainly hurts knowing that my baby is suffering this tragic fate because of me, the research I did before meeting Ethan allows me to know that even if we manage to bring my daughter back to life through the Progenitor Virus, she will no longer be my daughter, in her place, she will be something else, something inhuman.
Ethan does not understand, he does not understand that our daughter has already died and I do not dare to tell him the truth, in fact, I have a theory that something is happening with Ethan's body since it is not normal for him to remain unharmed despite all the dangers he has experienced.
I shook my head, it's not good if I start thinking about this kind of thing or my curiosity towards the unknown will get out of control and it was that very curiosity that caused all this trouble.
I packed the jars in a backpack and prepared to escape through the secret passage, but then the ground shook as a deafening sound of machinery and raging beasts tripped me.
The sound outside the factory was so violent that my curiosity was piqued causing my body to move without my control.
I carefully peeked through a window and what I saw was an army of nightmares.
There was a small army of humanoid monsters with steel implants similar to the monster created by Dr. Frankenstein. Some of the monsters had chainsaws instead of hands, others had pipes sticking out of their backs which let out humor like locomotives.
It was a body horror show that was only increased by the fact that alongside those hundreds of monsters of steel and flesh, was another army of werewolves.
From what I heard, Miranda's troops are made up mainly of lycanthropes so now that those werewolves are on our side, you could say that we have the advantage of numbers, although somehow that does not comfort me.
Humans are human and monsters are monsters, that's the idea I formed through years studying biological weapons.
I am human so I feel uncomfortable between monsters, but we have no alternative since Ethan and Heisenberg share the same goal, to assassinate Miranda.
At first, they both almost had a fight to the death as Heisenberg wanted to use my deceased daughter as a weapon against Miranda, something that angered Ethan but strangely I found to be a logical strategy.
I managed to convince Ethan to collaborate with Heisenberg and although we put aside reviving my daughter to turn her into a weapon, we prepared an army to attack Miranda from behind taking advantage of the fact that Chris's soldiers are attacking from the front.
Now that I see the army of monsters, I feel a little calmer since in front of that army my husband is driving the strange vehicle that Chris prepared, and the most striking thing, next to him is a giant steel monster.
Through the window, I saw how the group of monsters advanced, but then I saw something strange in the distance.
I took some binoculars to get a better look and saw a teenager approaching the army of monsters, the boy had brown blonde hair and dull blue eyes. Even though he was handsome, he didn't seem to have anything special so seeing him face monsters could only be described as suicide.
I looked at the situation as my curiosity grew, maybe it was instinct, but I could feel that I was about to see something fascinating.
The group of monsters stopped in front of the boy. They were too far away so I couldn't hear if they were talking, but it must have been somewhat hostile as the steel giant raised what looked like his right arm and then struck at the blond boy.
Even though the giant's fist must have caused an explosion when it hit the ground, something strange happened.
The fist was on the ground, but the explosion effect did not occur, it was as if something had absorbed the force of the impact.
I didn't have time to guess what happened as the giant's arm started shaking and suddenly exploded.
Not only had the steel and scrap fragments separated from the giant's body, but the monster's entire arm also turned to dust which was absurd.
Even if some parts of that steel were scrap, most of the steel was of good quality, and even if the giant were shot by an armored tank, the steel would not be destroyed in this way.
The giant seemed to be losing his balance, but before he could rebuild his arm, a scene occurred that almost stopped my heart.
Infinite darkness, sharp teeth, blue eyes, a long red tongue, the strange sound of a laugh that seemed to resonate throughout the world….
If despair, chaos, fear, and violence ceased to be abstract concepts and could materialize in a physical form, the result would be the creature before my eyes.
The body of the creature was the same size as the steel giant, the appearance of that creature was similar to a husky dog, but instead of the cuteness caused by dogs, this creature only conveyed fear, despair, and a strange need to watch it as if its very presence caused an instinctive need to look into its eyes.
The creature opened its huge jaws which opened in a grotesque way causing the lower jaw to open up to the level of its belly.
When the creature's jaws were large enough to devour a bus, the creature bit into the steel giant, tearing off the giant's right half.
The creature chewed on the steel and then spat it at the now-insignificant monster army.
The growing terror in my heart made me want to look away from the scene, but my body did not listen to me, my eyes could not move away from the blue eyes of the terrifying creature, no matter how scared I felt, my need to continue observing clouded my judgment.
As I stared at the creature, I noticed that the ground surrounding the monsters had been covered in a black, tar-like liquid.
Not only did the tar stick to the monster's feet preventing them from attacking the giant dog, but the tar also looked like a living entity as he was climbing up the monsters' legs to cover their bodies.
The lycanthropes struggled to try to free themselves from the black liquid, but the more they struggled the more desperate they became as the liquid began to enter their mouths and ears.
Even though the lycanthropes did not have human facial expressions, the despair they felt was so deep that I even felt sorry for them.
On the other hand, the steel monsters that had their faces covered with steel prostheses, the black liquid formed what looked like sharp teeth which stabbed the soft flesh of the monsters so that later the black liquid could enter their bodies through those wounds.
When the black liquid completely covered a monster, its body would turn into a black cocoon which would begin to shrink until it finally disappeared. Only monsters with steel prostheses left some of their corpses, the steel parts.
I looked at the feet of the giant dog and saw that the black liquid seemed to be part of his body, I finally understood, that monster was devouring everything in its path.
I quickly looked towards Ethan and saw that the heavy vehicle was smashed on the ground, Ethan's limbs were covered with the black liquid and in front of him was the blond teenager who seemed to be questioning him.
Ethan looked furious as he screamed and tried to break free from the black liquid, but he was unable to fight.
Now that I see the boy well I realized something terrifying, the horrible dog-shaped creature was connected to the boy's back, it was as if that monster and the boy were one person which filled my heart with terror.
That a human can control such a monster surpasses all bioweapons research I have ever known, and even Miranda with the Progenitor Virus is negligible compared to the terror that the dog-shaped creature's eyes provoke in me.
Despite all the fear I felt in my heart, my curiosity was screaming.
I know it's crazy, but when I saw the giant dog's eyes I felt my curiosity take over.
I want to know what that thing is, I want to know how that boy can control that monster, I want to know how this new organism works ... It's crazy, but I want to meet that boy ...
I kept looking through the binoculars and saw that the blond boy just smiled wryly as he shook his head, he seemed to be saying something to Ethan, but he suddenly stopped talking and then turned in my direction.
I hurriedly looked away and threw the binoculars to the ground, my legs losing strength causing me to fall to the ground.
My breathing was erratic and my heart was in a panic, it was for a moment, but I saw it, that boy seemed to have made a wry smile when he saw me.
It's impossible for him to see me from this distance, it must have been just a coincidence, because if he really saw me ...
I didn't want to end that line of thought, I didn't know if it was fear or expectation, but I'm sure something is wrong with me.
I can not get out of my head the image of the eyes of the monster in the form of a dog, his eyes were as terrifying as looking into the depths of the abyss of the unknown, but that same abyss was fueling my curiosity.
The worst thing was that the monster's eyes and the boy's eyes were so similar that now I can't tell them apart ...
I want to see those eyes closely ...
"What are you doing? Do you want a cookie?" - A cute childish voice was heard next to me.
I looked at the person who appeared next to me and found two little girls, one with pink hair and one with white hair.
The pink-haired little girl looked at me coldly as if I was more insignificant than an insect, but the white-haired little girl extended a hand to me while holding a cookie.
I did not know how to react so I just looked at the cookie without daring to accept or reject it.
"Don't you want a cookie? But they are delicious, Onii-chan makes the best cookies " - The white-haired little girl tilted her head in confusion.
"She doesn't understand the greatness of my lord, so you don't need to share your cookies with her."
A voice that I did not want to hear was heard near.
I looked at the main entrance of the room and saw that Miranda was approaching accompanied by several women.
"But she's cute, Shiro has been told that Onii-chan wants pretty women so Shiro should offer cookies even if Shiro doesn't want to waste Onii-chan's cookies" - The white-haired little girl pointed at me.
"I see" - Miranda nodded as if that made sense, then she approached me. - "Rejoice, if you swear allegiance to my lord and give me the container for my daughter, in return, I will allow you to be a servant of my lord"
"Did you go crazy?" - I looked speechlessly at the irrational woman.
"Maybe I did, I don't know and I don't care" - Miranda was indifferent to my contemptuous look. - "If my lord wants something I will give it to him, your life only has value if you give yourself to my lord, and if you refuse, well, it will be better for me"
This is strange, the Miranda I met was a temperamental and obsessive woman who acted without caring about the feelings of others, this Miranda is different, now she seems calmer as if everything she wanted had been fulfilled giving her inner peace.
"What do you mean, I must surrender to your lord?" - I asked feeling uncomfortable with how calm I am.
Maybe it's because I've already accepted that it's all over, after seeing what the blond boy can do, the very idea of escaping became a stupid and pointless joke.
"Just as you heard ~" - A beautiful girl with Japanese features and brown hair smiled as she approached with a big smile. - "My husband appreciates talent and you have an outstanding record in the biological weapons department, so we will give you a little chance, give us the vials and give up the idea of being with your husband again, in return, you will have a wonderful future where you can witness the mysteries of evolution, secrets beyond anything you can imagine ~ "
"What if I refuse?" - I asked even though I know the answer.
"How would my husband say..." - The brown-haired girl smiled as if she found everything amusing. - "You will be dog food ~"
"..." - I did not know how to answer.
I love Ethan, but if my guess is true, my husband died when he rescued me from the farm of that psycho family and the current Ethan is just a shell that moves thanks to the Progenitor Virus.
I love my daughter but my daughter was killed when she was cut into various parts and now I am just carrying the corpse of what used to be my daughter, and even if she revives, she will no longer be my daughter.
I love my family, but I have already lost my family, I have nothing, I can only do what I always do when I am scared, take refuge in science and ignore everything else ...
I took off my backpack and handed it to Miranda. When that woman held the backpack, I considered for a moment the option of hitting her and running away, but that idea immediately disappeared and I dropped the backpack.
My daughter died, what is in that backpack is only Miranda's twisted fantasy, a sick fantasy of recovering something that she can never have because even if she succeeds in rebuilding her daughter's genetic material, the result will not be her daughter, but 'something' that looks like her daughter.
Perhaps my greatest consolation is knowing that Miranda will never achieve her purpose, her daughter will not come back to life, my daughter won't either.
"You made the right decision" - The girl with brown hair approached and extended her hand to me. - "My name is Monika, nice to meet you"
Monika, that name is familiar to me ...
"Fufufu, you must know me, I am Umbrella's main artificial intelligence" - Monika smiled nonchalantly.
… I'm not even surprised.
I ignored Monika's mocking smile and looked out the window.
The combat scene had ended, there were no monsters or people left, there was not even a single blood stain, only scrap pieces and abandoned steel prostheses remained, anything that could be considered organic material had been eaten up by the black liquid.
A monster, a catastrophe, an aberration, that blond haired boy was all that and much more, he is the most powerful organic organism in the world.
Perhaps only Queen Diclonius could rival that boy, although that does not matter considering that the existence of Queen Diclonius is more like a legend since there is not enough information to create a queen.
"Can you really leave your husband?" - Monika asked me with a kind smile. - "You see, my husband is loving and understanding, but he is also a bit jealous so things will get troublesome if you can't let go of the past ~"
"I will never stop loving Ethan ..." - I sighed seeing how the blond haired boy approached this place. - "But Ethan died a long time ago, what remains is just a shell that looks like Ethan, acts like Ethan, but is not Ethan ..."
"I see" - Monika nodded. - "It is not the answer I wanted, but it is acceptable"
I looked at Miranda who was looking at the jars that contained the cut parts of a baby and shook my head, the obsession of that woman gives me a little pity, but at the same time I envy the way she has not renounced her twisted hope.
"Fufufu, I have an idea" - Monika smiled at me and then spoke in a low voice making sure that only I could hear her. - "The 'thing' that will be born from this experiment will not be your daughter nor will it be Miranda's daughter, and since my beloved husband has more important things to do instead of taking care of a 'thing' that is not of his blood, I think it would be a good idea if you and Miranda taking care of the 'thing' that comes out of this experiment "
"Do you want me to do my best to help the woman who caused my daughter's death?" - I asked feeling angry, although I was able to regulate my emotions, my life inside illegal laboratories helped me regulate my emotions.
"That's right ~" - Monika didn't seem to care about my feelings, she nodded with a smile. - "Besides, if you do a good job it is not impossible that in the future you will get your daughter back ~"
I frowned. - "The Progenitor Virus cannot revive people, it only keeps a record of memories in a shell that imitates the appearance of deceased persons"
Monika's smile grew. - "You may not understand now, but you will understand in time ~"
Monika's words stimulated something inside me, it was not just the hope of getting my daughter back, it was something more, something that obsessed me and made me able to work alongside my greatest enemy without the slightest resentment… Curiosity.
"I need more information ..." - My curiosity was about to go crazy ....
"Well, I'll tell you something simple" - Monika was shamelessly manipulating me, but just as a mouse cannot avoid getting into a mousetrap, I couldn't help but enter her trap. - "My beloved husband managed to prove the existence of something that the science of our world has never been able to prove ..."
Curiosity was consuming me like a rope that tightens my neck, I need to know what that 'something' is….
Monika held the suspense for a few seconds and then smiled. - "My husband has verified the existence of something impossible for modern science, he can extract souls and interact with them"
..................….. Interesting...….