Chapter 134: Life is Full of Surprises

(3rd person perspective)

With the advent of the apocalypse, the world changed completely, the order turned into chaos, darkness in people's hearts surfaced, and humans showed a new level of cruelty.

In these times of chaos, multiple factions emerged seeking power, authority, territory, and carnal pleasures, this led to constant conflict between different armed groups.

Despite the world becoming a jungle where only the strong survived, some governments managed to stay on their feet as they tried to rebuild a dying society.

Among these governments, the Asian giant remained standing. China was very effective in rebuilding a system of government-backed by heavily armed military.

The appearance of humans with supernatural abilities did not prevent the government from once again being the most powerful force in the country, so it was through effort and bullets that the Chinese government managed to build a large base of survivors in the country's capital.

Despite the fact that the country's greatest military power had been concentrated in the capital, the corruption and ambition of some people in power caused a clear division between people with resources .... and people with high status .........



Despite this, it was possible to build a strong base where thousands of soldiers… .. and humans with superhuman abilities gathered.

At this base, a young man with black hair and eyes was walking accompanied by three beautiful women.

A blonde beauty with distant attitude blue eyes. A joker-looking beauty with black hair and orange eyes. A brown-haired, gray-eyed beauty with a peaceful demeanor.

The three women were exceptionally beautiful so the man accompanying them earned many envious looks, but despite the evil intentions on the faces of many survivors, no one dared to do anything wrong in broad daylight for fear of the retaliation of the base guards.....................…

... ..

In another part of the base ...… a handsome young man with silver hair and red eyes walked nonchalantly as two beautiful blonde women followed him ....

Despite the lack of food that plagued the world since the beginning of the apocalypse, the man and the two women enjoyed some steamed bread as they walked through the business district where all kinds of weapons, food, and even people were being sold ...…


… ..

As the people at the survivor base minded their own business, something in the sky made most of the people in the place look up.

In the sky, a black spot was seen descending at great speed.

With the arrival of the apocalypse… .. it was not strange to see large mutant animals so the base had multiple turrets to eliminate the enemies that came from the sky.

A turret aimed at the black spot and began firing. At first, no one got anxious as this was an everyday occurrence, but when people saw that the bullets seemed to bounce off the black spot they all had a bad feeling.


The speed of the black spot was staggering and within seconds the people at the base understood that the situation was not good.

When the black spot was near the base, people with good eyes could better see what that thing was ...… ..

The black spot seemed to be a military fighter plane, the strange thing is that the plane was not only plummeting as if it were carrying out a suicide attack, the plane had a black substance that covered it which was absorbing the impacts of anti-aircraft weapons.

People with binoculars and those with an improved sense of sight could observe that the black substance had formed a humanoid figure that seemed to be standing on the plane and as if that strange creature wanted to fill the hearts of humanity with fear, the sound from thousands of laughs and static it sounded as if the world was consumed by the madness of tormented souls. … ..

… ..


Without being able to stop it, the aerial vehicle fell right over the main government building of the survivor base.

When the plane hit the building ... .. a big explosion could be seen as if a bomb had hit the place.

Within seconds panic flooded the survivor base.

As if a potent drug had infected the survivors, the common people began to scream.

Some people took advantage of the chaos and started looting resources and food, other people lost control of their impulses and started murdering and raping other survivors.

Within seconds chaos had flooded the base as the sound of laughter and static flooded the streets of the base.

"Big brother Mo we have to flee!" - A girl with black hair spoke to the boy with black hair ....

"No! If we run away that thing will cause a massacre! We have to stop it! " - The boy spoke nobly like a hero.

"Big brother is so fair ..." - The girl smiled and nodded.

In another part of the base ......… a similar scene occurred with the silver-haired man and his two blonde companions.

Thus both groups rushed to the main government building.

The people in both groups expected to see a nightmare scene, but what they saw left them stunned.

In the center of the rubble was a middle-aged man, the man was a high-level politician who managed to survive the apocalypse and was now the leader of the new government, but now that man was kneeling while his body trembled with absolute terror ... ...

In front of the man was a blond-haired boy who had a tired expression as he massaged his forehead as if he were going through a severe migraine .........….

Next to the boy was an adorable little girl with black hair dressed as a maid… ..

The blond boy frowned and then...….


… ..

[System Notification: User can't stand the pressure of the skill 'Reader's Perspective'. The skill will be deactivated]



(Luis perspective)

Holy fucking shit, this fucking skill is going to kill me ...

The massive amount of information I had to process was enough to cause thirty strokes to the smartest person, I could only bear it thanks to my Obsession statistic and black blood.

I kept massaging my forehead without paying attention to the idiot who was begging me to let him live.

"Listen idiot, I'm in a bad mood so in less than a minute give me a good reason not to kill you" - I kept massaging my forehead.

"Here" - Ortro offered me a bottle of water that she collected from the rubble.

I drank the water and although my body doesn't even need electrolytes to function anymore, I used my skill [Mythomania] to make myself believe that the sensation of cold water running down my throat could lessen my headache.

I couldn't get the whole migraine off, but at least it became tolerable.

"Who are you?!" - A black-haired girl drew a sword while she yelled at me, but I ignored her, I am busy calming my migraine.

Thanks to [Reader's Perspective] I understand the level of strength of both groups, the only striking thing is that the two men are protagonists while the women are main heroines.

The black-haired jerk has a psychic ability that allows him to control zombies and his personal strength is comparable to an Expert-level martial artist.

He may be a powerful man by normal standards, but even the brats in my group could sweep the ground with him thanks to their control over mutant beasts.

What caught my attention the most was the silver-haired boy.

His appearance reminds me of the conceited idiots that I have known throughout my life so it was not surprising, the problem was that there is something inside him that I cannot see.

I don't know how to explain it, but there is something in his soul that is bothering me.

"Answer to me!" - The girl seemed to be temperamental and she got angry when I ignored her.

"My friend doesn't want to talk to you" - Ortro took a step forward as if she was protecting me, which was strange since her appearance is more similar to a cute doll.

"Is this guy a lolicon?" - The black-haired boy muttered under his breath.

My mouth trembled, I'm not a fucking pedophile.

"That word makes my friend angry" - Ortro's voice began to sound like a radio with static while her eyes sank into her skull forming two dark abysses. - "Only my friend's wives can call him lolicon ..."

There is something wrong with that statement, but I felt more interested in Ortro's transformation and didn't correct her stupidity.

When Ortro chose this appearance as her actual form it seemed a shame to lose my terrifying nightmare dog as it could be an excellent tool to terrorize my enemies.

Now I can see that Ortro did not lose her scary side, in fact, seeing an adorable little girl turn into a nightmare monster causes a new sense of disgust and fear.

It's like combining a Japanese horror movie with one of Lovecraft's short stories, this brat is adorable.

The five women and the two men began to tremble. Despite the fact that they have strong minds and even have the protection of weft armor, Ortro's mental destruction abilities evolved when she received her new name.

The fact that these five people can remain conscious is already surprising, the politician who led this base has just hit his head on the ground until he commits suicide due to the mental destruction caused by the presence of Ortro. In fact, the common people in this base went crazy just hearing her laughter.

I put my hand on Ortro's head to calm her down, I want to talk to these idiots to see if I can increase the number of members in my squad of ex-protagonists, but if they refuse, well, I wonder if Ortro still enjoys eating humans.

"Nn" - Ortro closed her eyes happily as her little dog tail shook.

A brat with ears and a dog's tail who is also dressed as a maid, she is undoubtedly adorable, although I am worried that her self-control seems to have diminished, I will have to retrain her so that she learns not to attack each person who insults me or she will be a problem when I have to act like a weak idiot to fool my enemies.

I approached the intruders while my hand continued to stroke Ortro's head, her hair is so soft that this could become addictive ...

"You made me work on your hair for three days just to make it ridiculously soft?" - I looked at Ortro with irony.

"..." - Ortro looked away.

Well, this is not so bad.

I looked at the two groups of troublesome people.

The five women are quite beautiful, but I am not in the mood to increase my harem due to the issue of my unborn daughters…. Who am I kidding, something like that will never stop me.

For now, there is something more important than stealing a woman.

I approached the silver-haired man and Tsubaki appeared in my hand in the form of a ninja sword.

[System Notification: The protagonist 'Hao Lanren' has recognized the user as an enemy. The title 'False Antagonist' has negated the effects of the plot armor]

Even if this idiot's weft armor worked properly it wouldn't matter so I stabbed into his stomach.

"Big brother Hao!"

The two blonde girls screamed at the same time, but just one look from Ortro made them lower their heads in fear.

Similar to when I attacked the Progenitor Virus mushroom, the sword did not affect the physical body but instead focused on extracting the soul.

I did not cut the connection of the soul with the body since I do not know if that will have secondary effects on what I want to investigate.

When the soul was in my hand, I sighed heavily. The spherical soul was the same as other human souls, but unlike other humans, there was a small red sphere attached to the soul.

"Oh ..." - Tsubaki exclaimed in surprise. - "A system…"

"Navi, come here" - I called my stupid partner who is probably talking to my harem about how I escaped to steal women or something like that.

"Hey Listen! I knew you missed me! You are so tsundere hahahahaha! " - Navi appeared next to me.

I ignored his bullshit and showed him the soul.

"Oh ..." - Navi stopped laughing when he saw the soul.

"Exactly" - I sighed.

"Um, I don't even know what to say" - Navi looked at the soul everywhere with curiosity. - "There is something strange, this system seems weaker than yours ... Wait for me, I'll check this shit"

Navi touched the red sphere and then disappeared.

No more than two minutes passed when Navi texted me. - "Hey Listen! You're not going to believe this hahahahahahahaha! "

"Stop laughing and tell me what's wrong" - This idiot gives me more migraine than my new skill.

"Hey Listen! Here's someone who wants to talk to you! " - Navi said something that made me frown.

Is there someone in the system?

I hope it's not a second Navi or I'm going to want to kill myself ...

I looked at the group of women who were now on the ground while Ortro amused himself watching the suffering of these people.

As for the black-haired boy, for some reason, he was missing an arm.

Ortro seemed to sense my question so she pointed to the idiot. - "He said he would kill my friend"

That idiot sees that he cannot beat me and still dares to say stupid things, well, what was expected of a protagonist, sadly for him his plot armor does not work.

"Navi" - I contacted my idiot partner again. - "Tell the person or thing within the system to come out to talk"

I am not going to put my conscience in this thing, I am not so stupid as Navi as to enter an unknown place.

Navi appeared next to me. - "Ladies and gentlemen! Adults and brats of all ages! Let me introduce you to the one and only, the exceptional, the stupid big-breasted cow…! The Goddess of the System! "

At that moment the red sphere glowed and then a beautiful turquoise-haired woman appeared in front of me.

Everything about her appearance was perfect as if her appearance transcended the mortal realm, but her expression of discomfort made her look like an incompetent woman.

"My pleasure your majesty, I did not think that this small World without a true will could have a Guardian like you ..." - The woman began to speak while bowing. - "It was not my intention to offend you, I just wanted to get some Fate Energy…."

Thousands of questions arose in my mind with each word from the woman, but I kept a calm expression as if I understood what she was saying.

My expression of silent calm made the woman nervous which made it easier for me to obtain information.

When Ortro got her name I got information about the Higher Existence.

A Higher Existence is not an omnipotent being, but an entity that has surpassed the limits of mortality and the limitations of Destiny.

They are not omnipotent beings, but entities that do not die by conventional means, and most importantly, a Higher Existence is not restricted by the Laws of a World, they can even go against the Plot Armor of a Protagonist as long as that Protagonist does not be a Higher Existence.

To give an easy-to-understand explanation, a World is a country while a Higher Existence is the minister of another country.

Even if the minister commits minor crimes, the country will turn a blind eye and leave him alone, but if the minister crosses the line and does something detrimental to the country then the country will punish the foreign minister.

The most important thing about a higher entity is the ability to travel to other Worlds, of course, not all higher entities travel to other Worlds and there are even entities that make contracts with the Will of the World.

When a superior existence makes a contract with a World, it receives the title of 'Guardian' which represents that that entity not only protects the world but that the World supports the entity.

The most important thing about a Guardian is that it can place restrictions on foreign entities.

These restrictions can cause an entity with the power to devour continents to become as weak as a squirrel and thus foreign entities fear Guardians.

When my main base was established I was able to complete the mission 'There is always tomorrow'. At that time I did not give it importance since the reward was something that I could not use, the title [Guardian of the Nameless World].

This title only works within the apocalyptic world and according to the description it only allows me to put restrictions on foreign entities so until now I have not had the opportunity to use it since it did not even give me information about what a foreign entity is.

With the name of Ortro I better understood what a foreign entity is, as well as learned about what a Guardian is.

Apparently, I have the title of [Guardian] since I started this journey due to the fact that in my past life I was Ortro, a Guardian Beast that protected a high-level world and that according to mythology was the younger brother of the mythological dog Cerberus.

I do not know if reality and mythology are the same, but that does not matter for the moment, the point is that this woman is a foreign entity and my authority as Guardian of this world allows me to restrict her until making her as weak as a turtle lying on its back.

Now I'm curious, what would happen if Ortro eats the soul of a higher entity?

I already have a higher entity looking for me and a higher entity was the one that tried to turn me into a puppet so I need to fully understand this type of existence in order to protect myself ...

On the other hand, this is a great opportunity to add something unexpected to my harem.

Thinking this far, I smiled without being too kind or she might suspect that there is something strange as Guardians are instinctively hostile towards Foreign Entities, even now I feel the desire to murder this woman and devour her Core of Existence, but I am not an animal without self-control, at least I'm not when I'm sober.

"Okay, when I see your actions I can see that you weren't looking to do something harmful to my world" - I made a gesture with my hand for her to stop apologizing. - "To begin with, it would be better if you could introduce yourself"

Finishing my words I activated [Reader's Perspective].



(3rd person perspective)

The beautiful woman looked happily at the blond boy in front of her… ..

Even though she was a Higher Existence herself, her abilities were based on support and she had no combat strength so meeting a Guardian could only mean death.

The woman could sense that the Guardian was using some strange ability to study her ...…. but she did not get angry about this, the fact that the Guardian had not killed her was already very good for her.

The woman thought that the Guardian was using some ability to detect lies so she did not dare to lie.

"My name is Goddess of the System, nice to meet you" - The woman smiled respectfully as she hoped that the Guardian did not destroy her Core of Existence ...



Usually, the Guardians destroyed the Cores of Existence of the invaders to extract the Energy of Destiny.

In the woman's opinion, even if she had to sign a servant contract with the Guardian it was something much better than being eliminated without the possibility of reincarnation ... ..



(Luis perspective)

I resisted the urge to vomit and kept a calm expression, this ability is great but the pressure it puts on my mind and soul is an agony.

I didn't expect her to notice my ability, but luckily she thought it was a lie-detecting ability.

In the future, I must be more careful because if a Higher Existence knows that I can see the surface of their thoughts and personalities then I will be in trouble.

"So Goddess of the System ..." - I resisted the need to roll my eyes at such a ridiculous name. - "As you understand, I can not allow you to be in this world, but I can not let you go without consequences"

Goddess of the System nodded without showing denial, she is so submissive that I find it difficult to believe that she is a Higher Existence.

Maybe my plot armor helped me meet a Higher Existence easy to manipulate, but anyway I must be careful.

I don't know what tricks this woman can have and if I can deceive Higher Existences with [Mythomania] then it is possible that other entities have abilities similar to mine or even better abilities.

"If your majesty allows it, this humble goddess wishes to be the loyal servant of your majesty" - Goddess of the System made an elegant bow showing manners superior to any princess, but I know that she is only deeply afraid of me.

This is funny, if it weren't for my Guardian title, she could fight me to the point that we would both end up badly injured and she might even escape.

I did not feel bad about my own weakness, being weak is not a sin, sin is longing for strength and not being willing to strive for it.

This will help me fuel my obsession to seek more power.

Power is not everything, it is only a tool for a purpose, if I want freedom I must want power, only with power will I achieve true freedom.

[Rasen no Chikara (34%)> (35%)]

"That's an interesting idea" - I nodded calmly and extended my hand. - "My name is Luis Santos, in exchange for being my servant I will make sure that you have a comfortable life in this world"

I used [Mythomania] to hide my [Contract] ability at the same time I used [Anti-Rasen] so that the ability would not be seen until it was fully activated.

Even though it is dangerous to deceive a higher entity, even if she discovers my deceit, she cannot refuse as that would mean her death.

[Low-level contract:

The user will provide a comfortable life to the entity "Goddess of the System", in return, the entity "Goddess of the System" will be owned by the user.

Note: Being the property of the user, 'Goddess of the System' will renounce her free will]

The woman smiled and shook my hand.

[Contract established: The entity 'Goddess of the System' is now owned by the user. Contracts on the 'Goddess of the System' soul are now no longer valid]

[System Notification: Earned the title 'Stingy Jack (100%)']

[Stingy Jack: Aren't you too stupid despite being the devil?

As a professional scammer, the user's tricks and deceptions can bypass the restrictions of the Contracts as long as the necessary conditions are met]

The woman widened her eyes in surprise and then made a sad expression with teary eyes. - "You cheated on me…"

"It was either that or make you her lunch" - I pointed to Ortro who was chewing what looked like a human leg.

This brat ate the black-haired protagonist while I was busy blackmailing a goddess ...

Goddess of the System looked at Ortro and shuddered in fear at the sight of the little girl's empty eyes. - "How can you allow a Chaotic Beast to live in this world? Don't you care if humanity is destroyed? "

Oh, it seems like she has some very good information, running away from my pregnant wives was worth it, ahem, I mean, the greater good was worth it, yeah, that was it.