Chapter 138: The next step of the journey is decided

I smiled wryly as I looked at the scene in front of me.

"You are a bastard!" - Alice yelled furiously as she hit Leon.

Alice's clones stared blankly at the scene while eating popcorn.

"Another, please" - A clone approached with an empty popcorn bucket.

I opened the display case of the popcorn machine and filled the bucket so that she could continue eating.

"Thank you" - Alice's clone nodded and returned to her seat to continue watching the show.

"Are you sure we shouldn't stop her?" – A woman with long brown hair asked with discomfort. – "At this rate, she is really going to kill him"

A short-haired woman shrugged as she ate popcorn. – "That idiot asked for it by acting like an idiot"

"To think that Leon would turn into this" – Chris sighed regretfully. – "Jealousy is a terrifying thing"

"He was planning to kill you too so don't pity him" – Ada frowned.

Chris sighed and stopped talking.

To understand what happens, here is a summary:

Leon became an idiot blinded by jealousy and hatred, which is to some extent my fault, or well, it's the fault of my plot armor made up of multiple plot armors, whatever.

When Chris contacted his friends to explain that he was fine and that it was all an act to deceive the traitors in my army, his closest friends believed him since in their opinion Chris would choose to die rather than betray his friends, although he The fact that Ada was now my wife was a reality that Leon had to accept, but stupidity is a disease that spreads when it is not nipped in the bud.

While I was busy rebuilding Ortro, he was spreading rumors that I brainwashed Chris (which is true), blackmailed Ada into being my lover (which is half true), and then raped the two clones of Alice, which is a complete and disgusting lie.

Leon, Chris, and Alice are the mainstays of this group so, after Chris's disappearance, Leon took control of the group while Alice was blinded by rage.

Although Alice seems willing to sacrifice her clones if need be, the very thought of her image being defiled by a sexual degenerate made her mad.

Stupidity is dangerous as it is contagious.

Despite that, some people in the group disagreed with Leon and thought that Chris was right in wanting him to join my government to bring back the peace.

Leon suppressed those people and in a matter of one day, he locked up all the people who opposed him including Chris's younger sister and one of her friends.

Alice didn't know about this as she was busy training her psychic abilities in order to face me, but that was useless as even though her power is comparable to Kaede's vectors, she only knows how to use her power to perform violent blows which are easy to disperse.

If she used her telekinesis to crush the nervous system or heart of her enemies then she would be much more dangerous, but well, I'll help her train later.

After I caused the mass suicide of Leon's most loyal soldiers, it was easy to get information from the survivors.

There are still about a hundred thousand survivors in this base of which thirty thousand can fight, but they had no interest in carrying out a suicide attack and just wanted a better life so they didn't fight against me which was disappointing for Ortro, she wanted to have an 'All the heads you can eat' buffet.

I promised her that if in the future we have to destroy a world she could eat all the heads she wants so she is now willing us to travel to other worlds.

As a special note, when Ortro eats a head she is not only eating the physical body, but she is devouring the mind so even if the person doesn't die after losing their head, the person will become an empty shell that cannot move since it lacks a mind.

After we freed the prisoners, I didn't even have to question Leon.

When the idiot managed to get his strength back, he started yelling all sorts of obscenities and insults while explaining his 'plan' to assassinate us since Chirs was a fucking traitor while Ada was a bitch, etc etc etc etc.

I wanted to rip out this asshole's spine for daring to insult my pretty wife, but it wasn't necessary as a furious bio-weapon started hitting him.

The effects of the plot armor are terrifying, Leon was such an idiot that he even admitted that he lied about the fact that I raped Alice's clones while he was making fun of how Alice was an idiotic bitch for believing such a lie.

System Goddess explained to me that it would be better for me to get used to these situations since if I keep stealing the wives of the protagonists, this will be something everyday.

Instead of being a good thing, this will be a problem as idiots will come from all over the world to kill me even if I've never seen them and all because I keep adding women to my harem.

Life is troublesome.

Leaving my future problems to my future self, I continued to watch the scene where Alice beat Leon half to death.

Every time Leon seemed to draw her last breath, she would stop and look at me so I would heal Leon so she could hit him again.

On a final note, Alice and her 200 clones are now part of my harem.


Because I am a protagonist with a system, as simple as that.

After I defeated Alice, my title [King of Monsters] and skill [Monster Girl Tamer] recognized Alice's submission by making her my subordinate.

Like a domino effect where everything falls into place conveniently, my title [Harem King] and skill [Lucky Pervert] made the subordination effect make Alice develop an instinctive attraction towards me.

It's not love, but a reproductive instinct and admiration so for now she is part of my harem as a maid.

Surprisingly, this does not bother her since, according to her own words: "My love life has been shit, this cannot be worse"

I don't mind her comparing me to her past romances since now I have a tough woman with telekinesis as my maid.

The most striking thing is that Alice works as the 'queen bee' of her clones so when she became my maid, her clones were also registered in my harem.

The striking thing is that they were registered as 'Alice clones (200)'. They are so lacking in individuality that it's funny.

Although this brought a new problem.

My system is about to update...

System Goddess managed to prevent the system from being updated, but according to her, I need to go back to my homeworld to gain recognition from the Will of the World as a 'Returner' and so Beast VII won't be able to find me even if the system is updated.

System users are not the only entities that can leave the world, apparently, the returnees are people who leave Gaia due to invocations or reincarnations in other worlds.

Some returnees never return to Gaia while others long to return to their homes. To prevent these returnees from causing trouble by returning to Gaia due to the skills and knowledge they can gain from other worlds, the Will of the World forces them to sign a contract similar to the contract of a 'Traveller' entity.

This does not mean that a returnee is a Guardian, it is more like a small business associate.

If an agreement is made it is possible for the returnee to do business with the Will of the World to gain profit, or the returnee may live a normal life while promising to keep the supernatural world a secret.

It's confusing bullshit, but to understand the situation of a returnee you can look at it as a returnee being a person who travels to another country and then buys products natives of that country cheaply.

The returnee can sell these rare products back to his country (Gaia) and thus generate income, and if a beneficial deal is made for Gaia, the returnee can obtain a Visa to go in and out of Gaia constantly to provide a constant supply of resources.

Due to the constant flow of resources that Gaia receives, it is considered one of the most prosperous worlds in the multiverse, so there are many entities that want to take control of the world, but as long as it does not affect me, it is not my problem.

Even though I took control of two worlds, I have no interest in ruling Gaia as it sounds like a troublesome thing, I prefer a quiet life in my homeworld while I dedicate myself to conquering smaller worlds and let my wives be in charge of the government.

Shit, now I have a feeling I'm going to get into some troublesome shit going back to my homeworld...

[System Notification: The energy 'Reader's Madness' has generated a new skill. The ability 'Paranoia (10%)' has been obtained]

[Paranoia: Fuck Murphy's Laws!

Intuition is the most important sense, but by losing control of this sense, fear of the improbable future is born.

By using a large amount of energy, the user's intuition can predict the approach of harmful situations for the user.

Warning: The less energy used, the less accurate the prediction will be.

Warning: The voluntary or involuntary interference of Higher Entities can interfere with the prediction.

Warning: Entities with abilities related to clairvoyance will sense when the user uses this ability.

Warning: Excessive use of this ability generates fear of the future and distrust of probable events to come.

Warning: Using this skill generates mind destruction]

[System Notification: The title 'King of Lunatics' and the energy 'Reader's Madness' have prevented the mental destruction of the skill 'Paranoia']

"Oh, you just got a new ability" – System Goddess spoke with surprise. – "Although it is another ability that I cannot analyze… This hurts my pride…"

"Are there different versions of the deadly sins?" – I asked blankly.

"Capitals sins? Are you interested in demonic arts?" – System Goddess seemed confused. – "I don't suggest you go down that path, the sin-based power system is powerful in most worlds, but they are full of easy-to-exploit weaknesses if you know how to counter them, plus your skill 'Contract' is the best demonic technique you could get so you better develop that skill"

"Forget it, it doesn't matter..." - I sighed.

I don't want to create 'capital disorders' or shit like that, it sounds like something written by some uncreative idiot trying to be original.

I dropped the matter and filled another clone's popcorn bucket.

The short-haired woman also approached me.

"How come this tastes so good when you make it?" – The woman looked at me curiously. – "Is it magic or something?"

"Honestly... I have no idea" - I smiled wryly.

System Goddess explained to me that the system does not show all my information, but she is sure that my high innate talent as a womanizer gave me a secondary talent in actions that help me seduce women such as sex and cooking.

I have always been good at cooking and there was even a time when I considered opening a fast-food stand, but my own shitty attitude was a hindrance as I have no patience with idiotic people.

The point is that it seems that my innate talent evolved to the point where even a higher entity like System Goddess said that if my culinary talents were known in her homeworld, the arrogant young masters would fight to kidnap me and thus make me a slave in charge of making food.

Ever since I met System Goddess I started to develop a phobia towards cultivation worlds…

"Well, if you don't want to say it, that's fine" - The woman shrugged and then smiled. – "Considering your skills in the kitchen I can understand why there are so many women with you, now I wonder what your night skills are…"

"Ahem!" – Ada interrupted the strange conversation. – "Jill, at least try to be discreet"

The woman named Jill Valentine shrugged and returned to her seat after winking at me.

I'm not handsome to the point of being called an Adonis, but the ease with which I'm getting women is getting ridiculous.

I sent a message to System Goddess. – "Did I develop some charm passive skill or something?"

"In addition to your plot armor focused on getting women you are also technically a higher entity" – System Goddess replied with amusement. – "You can think that your existence is similar to an earthly God, mortals will be attracted by your presence, especially women since their souls will feel an instinctive desire to generate the son of God, that is why normally the Guardians make a contract to limit the number of their descendants or a world will turn into chaos if thousands of what you could call demigods appear"

… I sighed, I need to learn how to warp time, or I won't be able to give all my women proper attention.



I paled. – "S-System Goddess..."

"Eh? What's the matter? Your voice sounds strange" – System Goddess does not know my problems.

I took a deep breath. – "What happens when a superior entity that is also a system user has children?"

"Children?" – System Goddess thought for a moment. – "Well, there are many possibilities and it all depends on the world where the entity is and luck, if the laws of the world are not restrictive then there is an 80% probability that the children of the entity are entities without memories or talent of their past lives, a 17% chance of their children being reincarnated with their talents intact, and a 3% chance of their children being reincarnated with memories, talents, and abilities intact"

[System Notification: 'Paranoia' skill senses trouble coming]


I want to die.

It's decided, I need to go back to my homeworld to fix the problems that I have pending, I can't let the problems accumulate.

"Are we going to run away?" – Ortro asked me curiously.

"It's not running away, it's solving a problem before it happens" - I answered with 'calm' and 'honesty'.

I sent a message to System Goddess. – "How long until you fix my system?"

"Not much" – System Goddess answered proudly. – "Thanks to the enormous reserve of energy that Ortro has, I will be able to finish the repairs in a week"

Filled with resolve and determination to vanquish my enemies, I sent a message to System Goddess. – "Excellent, then in a week we will go to Gaia"



I ignored the sound of confusion from System Goddess and Tsubaki's reproachful voice.

I must return home and fix my life, that is what a responsible man does to ensure a good future for his daughters.

"Hey Listen! You cowardly bitch!"

I do this for the sake of my future daughters, I am a responsible father.



Author's Note:

I know I rushed things and there are a lot of girls that didn't show up enough or there are even some waifus that weren't even mentioned.

I'll do additional non-plot-related chapters later that are just focused on harem interactions, but that's for later.

Anyway, I hope you continue to enjoy this novel.

A hug <3