Most students of Hirosaki University went to the school gym after classes which surprised Yamaguchi Alan. Being the airheaded as he usually is, he doesn't have a single idea what is going on around him.
Earlier in their first-period class, their college professor had already entered their classroom and went through announcing about the signing event, while Alan, on the other hand, was comfortably sleeping on his seat in the very last row on the right corner. Some of his classmates tried to wake him up but ended up wasting their energy on him and eventually gave up.
It was actually the result of forcing himself to get up so early in the morning just to ride the train with Sakura. One time, he thought about asking Sakura to go to school with him, but eventually found out she had already left ahead. And since Alan's body is not used to waking up early in the morning, he can't help but feel tired earlier. But Alan is determined to make waking up early in the morning a habit of his starting now.
The curiosity begins to overwhelm him. Finally, Alan finds himself standing before the gym's entrance where a large banner that says: CLUB SIGNING EVENT is currently placed. It finally clarifies for him why so many people have gathered in this area.
The club recruiters quickly spotted Alan's radiant presence and came rushing down to him that somehow overwhelmed him. He really has no idea that his presence is like a magnet that can pull others towards him in a flash.
"Alan-sama! Join our sports club! With your great body build, you can excel in any sports!" says one representative from the sports club.
"Er…" Alan wants to say the truth but doesn't know exactly how. He may look athletic on the outside but he is really not that into sports. Swimming is the only thing that he knows that he could consider as a sports activity, but he himself is not a professional swimmer either.
"No! Join our theatre club instead! With your good looks, you can excel in the field of acting someday!" One representative from the theatre club cries out, in hopes that she could somehow catch the multi-billionaire's attention.
Alan turned to her and only gave her an apologetic look. He is really bad at lying and convincing others, much more in acting…
"Join our music club instead! As the heir to a multi-billion company, you must be taught a lot of instruments!" says one representative from the music club. Alan was indeed taught how to play instruments in his childhood years such as piano and violin, but he is too shy to perform in front of an audience…
While different club recruiters are still flocking around him and trying to convince Alan to join their clubs, he happens to look on his right and his once gloomy and stressed demeanor has soon brightened up once again upon seeing Sakura walking inside the school gym with two other people besides her.
"Excuse me for a moment…" Alan says to the recruiters who didn't seem to hear what he just said and continued convincing him to join their respective clubs.
Alan backs away slowly and zooms in Sakura's direction as fast as he can so that the recruiters can no longer follow him. In a flash, Alan's figure disappears in front of the recruiters' gaze.
He was still panting and catching his breath as he approached the girl surrounded by her friends.
"Oh, hi Alan…" Sakura seemed confused at first when she saw Alan stopping in front of them abruptly and catching his breath for a while. "What seems to be the rush?"
While Alan was still panting with exhaustion when Sakura's question was directed at him, Ito Yui, who is still standing in the middle of the new recruits, looked so awestruck upon seeing the multi-billionaire's presence before her eyes.
Yui then faces Sakura with eyes literally dazzling before the girl asked out of curiosity, "Do you know each other, Hayashi-san?"
Sakura, on the other hand, appeared so puzzled with their book club leader's elated reaction. "Yes, Ito-san. What seems to be the matter?"
Upon hearing her response, Yui felt as if she just hit the jackpot in the lottery. As she heard earlier from the mouth of her mortal enemy, Kaneko Hana, all clubs who can't have at least ten members would immediately be shut down by the end of this signing event... and she couldn't just let it happen.
While her book club is in real danger of being terminated, Yui could somehow use Yamaguchi Alan's fame and dazzling presence to encourage other freshman students to join them! She could already envision her club being filled with so many freshmen by the end of the club signing event.
As Alan has finally recovered from that temporary exhaustion he experienced, he finally straightens up and looks at Sakura with a wide smile on his face.
"Yo, Hayashi-san! Have you already chosen what club you are participating for?"
Sakura timidly smiles back and casually says, "Yeah, I have. I signed up for the book club."
Alan's mouth almost gaped upon the mention of the club's name. He didn't expect that such a club existed!
"Sounds cool! Mind if I join in too?"
To Yui's great excitement, she was the one to respond on Sakura's behalf. "You are more than welcome to join our club!"
Alan seemed pleased with the warm welcome of the book club president and politely bows his head in front of her to show his sincere gratitude.
"Thank you for accepting me."
Yui was still in a daze for Alan's sudden membership into their small club when an appealing yet husky voice behind them caught these people off guard.
"Mind if I join you as well"?"
All heads turned in the speaker's direction and were immediately surprised to see Mori Ken's intimidating yet dashing figure standing before their very eyes. He seems to be a bit frowning (especially in Sakura's direction) as his right hand was buried in the pocket of his jeans.
"Ah! Mori-san!" Alan called out to his friend in pure delight of seeing him without sensing the little tension that his presence is giving off right now.
Meanwhile, Ito Yui finds it almost impossible to express how happy she is after seeing both the hottest men in their university are now joining their humble abode.