A Day Before The Trip

Not long after Sakura had settled down in her seat, she felt her phone vibrate once more and she was immediately reminded to reply to Sushi Roll's message earlier.

However, she was rather surprised to receive another message coming from their official club group chat that Yui, their club president, had sent.

Sakura began reading Yui's message. "Meeting later at the clubroom after classes. Topic of discussion: Club Outing."

Oh, right. Sakura almost forgot regarding the club outing with all the bizarre things that happened to her recently. Imagine how she couldn't stop thinking about it last week, and then she would forget about it the next week. In some way, her memory is now slowly failing to function.

And speaking of which… She unfortunately forgot to reply to Sushi Roll's message once again and hurriedly returned her phone to her side pocket when Nakano Yuna and Tanaka Ryo approached both her and Mori Ken.