
"Since when did you have aquaphobia??"

During the motorboat trip, Yamaguchi Alan and Hayashi Sakura kept on with their questioning game until now. Upon hearing that, Sakura looked up and tried to recall that one detail inside her head.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Sakura asked, "Wait, aquaphobia?"

"Yes, aquaphobia." Alan pursed his lips for a while and thought of a way to explain it in simpler terms. "It's a term for people who get extremely anxious to any  source of water such as a lake, ocean, or even a bathtub."

"Oh, so that's the term for fear of water. I thought it's hydrophobia, not aquaphobia."

Alan shakes his head immediately in disapproval. "No, they're not the same. Hydrophobia is an aversion to water that develops in humans during the later stages of rabies."

Sakura widens her eyes as she realizes the difference between these two terms which may sound alike in one's ears.

"Woah, I'm surprised you know about this."