An Alternative Solution

At Mori Corporation's Headquarters…

The click-clack of the leather shoes fills the hallways as a man in his gray business suit and red tie is now walking towards the president's office to deliver some news to his superior. 

He knows the company president would surely flip the minute he finds out what kind of news he is about to bring, but then it is his strictest orders to monitor his son's actions every now and then. Who is he to defy that?

By the time he arrived in front of the president's office, the man knocked twice before someone from the other side of the door shouted "Come in" in his usual sharp, yet cold voice devoid of any emotions.

The man breathed in and out for a split second before he decided to twist the doorknob and opened the door. Once he was able to open the door wide enough for him to enter, he turned on his heels once more as he walked inside the office with the tablet in hand.