Facing Mr. Mori

The staircase to where they are now was facing the doorway, so Mr. Mori was able to spot his son almost instantly. He stood by the doorway in his bulky form that was once muscular and well-toned and loudly called his son's attention.

"Mori Ken! Where do you think you're going?"

Mori Ken literally froze from his place the moment he heard that sharp, unearthly cold voice of his father that doesn't reflect any emotions in it at all. Even after all these years, he still finds himself being afraid of his father or with his presence alone.

Lifting his head up, Mori Ken still made sure to still avoid any unnecessary eye contact with his father's gray icy-cold eyes as the latter walked his way towards his son in his black business suit. As it turned out, Mr. Mori went straight from the office just to have a one-on-one talk with his son.

But wait, what is this?