On The Way To The Hospital

Hayashi Sakura felt refreshed in an instant the moment she finally finished taking a quick shower.

She examined herself in the mirror first and tried to decide whether or not her cream-white top matches her denim squarepants and white sneakers perfectly.

"Wait a minute," Sakura pauses and talks to herself after realizing something. "Why the hell am I even being cautious with what I wear today? I'm going to a hospital, not a fancy restaurant for heaven's sake!"

Sakura taps her red-stained cheeks several times before she reminds herself to stay calm in front of Mori Ken later she gets to meet him again.

"Yosh! It's time for me to go back to the hospital."

Smiling to herself, Sakura walks straight to the door with a bag of fruit containers from the fruits that she got from Alan earlier.