Just A Quick Peck

Sakura was sure that Mori Ken can pretty well fight them fair and square despite the fact that their leader at that time was threatening him by putting a knife in her throat.

But he could just overlook that matter and he could just come back to her when everything has already been taken care of.

And yet, despite knowing his capabilities of fighting, Ken still chooses to set all of that aside and let those jerks do as they please with him to the extent of nearly killing him with her as the main reason behind that.

Because of that, Sakura can\t help to blame herself all over again until it naturally haunts her dream every single night when she is still at the hospital laying down.

On the other hand, Ken's face was torn between confusion and a tiny hint of amusement. Confusion because he didn't exactly know what's running inside Sakura's mind right now that made her ask that from him out of nowhere.