In Progress

{A/N: Hi guys, what's up? If this was ever published and you've come to read this, that means that we lost our damn internet connection (again!) while I was in the process of writing my new update this afternoon and still doesn't have a new phone in possession either so I was forced again to use my last resort, which is to borrow my mom's smartphone this time and logged in to my account to inform you this. (She wouldn't allow me to use her phone for more than 5 minutes, for crying out loud!) Apparent;y. it appears that it still hasn't returned yet until now {11:18 pm GMT +8)

I also have a crappy laptop that I am trying my best to bear with which has one of the lowest memory storage out there (since this was bought secondhand either) and therefore can't connect to wifi and can't download Microsoft word. I'm also afraid to reformat my laptop on my own since clearly, it is the only writing tool I have right now.