
As the night sky turned even darker, people from all over the place either wearing their business suits, school uniforms or casual attires started to hurry faster than before since each of them had their own endeavors to do at their destination before this day officially ends.

Mori Ken watched these people passing to and fro with a bored expression plastered on his face while he was leaning in close to the car windows. Mr. Imai, who is currently occupying the backseat, quirked a brow at his young master.

"Remind me again, young master, of why we are here at the front of a maid cafe when you should already be resting in your room at this hour?" Mr. Imai said as composed as he could.

The butler then followed his line of vision when Ken shifted his attention in front of him. It was then when Mr. Imai knew the answer to his question earlier as the maid that his master was eyeing these past couple of days entered the scene wearing her usual maid's uniform tonight.